the boundaries there were laid down! This brought up a memory from years ago:
I remember when my godson was born, he essentially had two mommas....Momma Bear, my BFF who was the actual mother and me, Momma Tigress. I was snowed in with the family when my godson was born and heard some stuff that made my hair stand on end! (Case in point, my BFF and her then-husband are both Deaf and I was the interpreter when godson was born in the middle of the Big Blizzard.) While I was snowed in with the family, which included the paternal grandparents and paternal great-grandmother, all hearing, the new baby's great-grandmother kept trying to slip laxatives into every meal I had! (She was fixated on other people's bodily functions. Why? I don't know.) I would simply tell her "No!" as I either picked the laxatives out of the food or I would simply dump it all in the garbage and fix myself something that I knew wasn't tampered with. Did that stop her? Not a chance! She. Just. Kept. Trying.
One day, as I was walking through the house while waiting for my car to get dug out of a snowbank, I overheard the paternal grandmother and paternal great-grandmother planning on slipping laxatives into my newborn godson, (who wasn't even a day old yet!) MOMMA TIGRESS GOT UNLEASHED! I told them both of them that if they touched that newborn infant with laxatives, I was going to knock both of them through a wall! They replied that the baby wasn't going to the bathroom enough! (WTH?!?!?) I told them my threat was serious! I went downstairs to where my BFF and her then-husband were. They were in their bedroom and she was nursing. I told them about what those two dingbats upstairs were planning on doing to the baby and my BFF was LIVID!!! Her then-husband attempted to minimize this mess by stating that it was "only talk" and they would NEVER do anything like that. My BFF looked at him and said: "Oh yeah? Then you tell me why your brother will no longer allow your mother and grandmother to be alone with your nephew!" That's when he had to admit that his mother and grandmother had slipped laxatives into THAT BABY!!! (WTH?!?!? times TWO!!!)
After my BFF finished nursing, she looked really tired and I asked her how could I help. She told me she really needed to take a nap because she had been getting up during the night, several times, to nurse but was afraid of what those two dingbats would do behind her back. Her then-husband was basically useless in the Protection Department. (He did more STUPID stuff later on after I was able to go home. She told me about that mess after I got home.) I asked her if I could be godson's body-guard while she napped and she liked that idea. So I took my godson with me out to the lounger in the other room and had some cuddle time with him on my chest while my BFF took a nap. Her then-husband decided to make himself scarce. (I think he was intimidated by two strong women.) While I was cuddling with him, the two dingbats started to come downstairs and stopped when they saw me glaring at them. I only quietly said: "DON'T even THINK about it!" They turned around and went right back upstairs.