Just wanted to vent my annoyance somewhere.
One of my neighbors invited me to her condo unit for Christmas Day. At the time she invited me, she made a comment about the fact that I have no family. (Excuse me? Are you inviting me because you feel sorry for me? If so, save it!) I asked her if I could come later as some friends, one who is bed-ridden, also asked to see me. The shut-ins can't drive over to visit me because they are Shut-Ins...hello? The neighbor who invited me got huffy while telling me that, yes, I could come by later after visiting the friends who are shut-ins on Christmas Day. I take care of my visit, come home, and find the neighbor's condo unit all dark and no answer at the door.
I saw her a few days ago and she gave me a sulky face.
If you are inviting me because you enjoy my company, that's great. If the only reason you are inviting me is because you feel sorry for me and want to look good to your other "Christian" friends, then don't bother!