Hi Bonesie, how are you doing? The weather is kind of weird here; very sunny but so cold; the days are getting longer and the crocuses are coming up but they've forecast snow and we've still at least a couple of months of winter to get through yet
How is it in your part of the world? xx
Hi, Tupp.
It's been cold here too and sometimes it has rained like crazy.
I can't wait for Spring!
I'm tired of the cold and how it's affecting my health.
Bluergh, I know what you mean! I love spring
The birds are waking up here, there's a lot of singing in hedgerows and I've seen magpies gathering sticks for their nests. The crocuses are coming up and there are catkins appearing on the trees. Yesterday was beautiful and sunny here, today it's freezing! Yes, come on spring, we want it to hurry up!! xx
Yeah! I'm tired of being cooped up!
Also, I might be giving away my identity....I thought I would share the following snark from Valentine's Day. Normally, Valentine's Day depresses me but this opportunity got me GIGGLING!:
"Darn! I just missed an opportunity to have some Snarky Fun! A few days ago, I got a Friend Request from an individual who was mutual friends with another Trekkie. I thought, "Okay, cool!" Then, this morning, I see that this "New Friend" had sent me a private message suggesting sex! (WTF?!?!?) I was all set to reply with the following: "I know it's Valentine's Day, however, I am an Asexual Alien from the Planet Whatever who's over 200 years old and needs frequent feedings and diaper changes. I would suggest you check with other Federation Worlds to see if you can find a better looking dude with chiseled washboard abs. I ain't it!" Unfortunately, the Facebook Folks had already jettisoned the idiot out the nearest airlock before I could send off my snark! I think I've been hanging out with David Gerrold so much that his influence is taking over the world! LOL!!!!"
Yeah THAT was FUN and gave me a much-needed laugh! Even David Gerrold got in on the FUN which also helped to cheer me up!
Bring on the CHOCOLATE!!!!!!