Author Topic: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?  (Read 1304025 times)


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8115 on: May 05, 2018, 10:41:10 AM »
Bonesie, we've had nothing but rain!  Spring just sort of vanished - there's blossom all over the roads where the rain has lashed it out of the trees :)  A memo was going around on Facebook from a conservation group about helping the bees - because it was warm and then got cold a lot of them sort of go into a coma and need sugar water to get them going again.  Sure enough, the next day there was one on the floor of the landing, alive but just lying there, so we mixed some honey and water together and dipped a cotton bud into it and then slid that under him.  He had a little feed and it was like his batteries recharged; he started to buzz and his wings started flapping and off he went outside to find some proper nectar :)  Hopefully he's still going :)  How's the weather like with you now, has it perked up at all?

Love Tup xx

I'm glad that bee is okay.  It's finally starting to warm up around here.

Also, while I was perusing reddit, I spotted this and it felt so painfully familiar:

A Narcissist's Prayer

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did... You deserved it.

URGH!  Makes me want to go back in time and slap a BEEYOTCH or three!

Argh, yes, I think a slap or two (or three!) is justified in some situations, the prayer is very apt!  And crazy making, funnily enough I was thinking today about how there are some people you can't discuss a situation with because they won't hear anything except for their own version of events - which is different to yours.  We do all take different perspectives on the same situations at times, I think that's human nature but yes, my mum is the queen of living in a world of her own making and rewriting everything that happened :)  I remember once when we were kids listening to her tell someone these stories of family picnics and outings and all these wonderful adventures that happened and I was thinking, who's she talking about?  And it was us!  Lol.  Only happened in her mind :)  I'm glad the weather is warming up a bit, it's lovely here at the moment and I'm enjoying sitting outside with my cuppa :) xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8116 on: May 05, 2018, 11:56:15 AM »
Bonesie, we've had nothing but rain!  Spring just sort of vanished - there's blossom all over the roads where the rain has lashed it out of the trees :)  A memo was going around on Facebook from a conservation group about helping the bees - because it was warm and then got cold a lot of them sort of go into a coma and need sugar water to get them going again.  Sure enough, the next day there was one on the floor of the landing, alive but just lying there, so we mixed some honey and water together and dipped a cotton bud into it and then slid that under him.  He had a little feed and it was like his batteries recharged; he started to buzz and his wings started flapping and off he went outside to find some proper nectar :)  Hopefully he's still going :)  How's the weather like with you now, has it perked up at all?

Love Tup xx

I'm glad that bee is okay.  It's finally starting to warm up around here.

Also, while I was perusing reddit, I spotted this and it felt so painfully familiar:

A Narcissist's Prayer

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did... You deserved it.

URGH!  Makes me want to go back in time and slap a BEEYOTCH or three!

Argh, yes, I think a slap or two (or three!) is justified in some situations, the prayer is very apt!  And crazy making, funnily enough I was thinking today about how there are some people you can't discuss a situation with because they won't hear anything except for their own version of events - which is different to yours.  We do all take different perspectives on the same situations at times, I think that's human nature but yes, my mum is the queen of living in a world of her own making and rewriting everything that happened :)  I remember once when we were kids listening to her tell someone these stories of family picnics and outings and all these wonderful adventures that happened and I was thinking, who's she talking about?  And it was us!  Lol.  Only happened in her mind :)  I'm glad the weather is warming up a bit, it's lovely here at the moment and I'm enjoying sitting outside with my cuppa :) xx

I know the feeling!

We've had a bit of a heat wave here with the air quality in Code Orange, which can be hazardous for asthma.  Not fun.  I had to be out in it as I had to go see the eye doctor the other day and ended up with having laser surgery on my left eye. 

It's a drag getting old.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8117 on: May 07, 2018, 05:36:59 PM »
I feel like I need to SCREAM somewhere....I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!!!!   :evil:

One of my cousins contacted me regarding my doing genealogical research on her behalf.  I sent her a contract outlining all the terms, fees, etc., including the fact that a retainer is required to be sent with the contract.  (She knows this is my home-based business.)

I thought she had read that contract COMPLETELY from top to bottom BEFORE signing it and mailing it back to me with the retainer.

What does she say to me a few moments ago?  QUOTE:  "I ASSUMED that (retainer price) was the TOTAL PRICE and don't copies only cost a dime apiece?!?!



F**K!!!!  F**K!!!  F**K!!!!   DAMMIT!!!!

I HATE IT WHEN IDIOTS AND A$$HOLES DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F**KING BLOODY H3LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2018, 05:23:05 AM by BonesMS »
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8118 on: May 10, 2018, 10:30:24 AM »
Ah, Bones, there is nothing more frustrating than people not reading what's in front of them, especially when you've put it all out there so clearly!  And when people say things like "well copies only cost x" - it's your time and expertise that counts not sticking something in a photocopier!  Some people are just cheeky.

I'm sorry about your eye; I am so squeemish when it comes to eye balls that the thought of any kind of surgery makes my toes curl!  I hope it wasn't too painful; is that the kind they do to correct sight or is it more to do with cataracts?  I hope whatever it was for it has helped and not held you back too much since xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8119 on: May 10, 2018, 11:19:12 AM »
Ah, Bones, there is nothing more frustrating than people not reading what's in front of them, especially when you've put it all out there so clearly!  And when people say things like "well copies only cost x" - it's your time and expertise that counts not sticking something in a photocopier!  Some people are just cheeky.

I'm sorry about your eye; I am so squeemish when it comes to eye balls that the thought of any kind of surgery makes my toes curl!  I hope it wasn't too painful; is that the kind they do to correct sight or is it more to do with cataracts?  I hope whatever it was for it has helped and not held you back too much since xx

Thanks, Tupp!

I get so aggravated when I put in a lot of work into a contract to make sure all the "i's" are dotted, all the "t's" are crossed, with everything clearly spelled out to ensure a meeting of the minds only to have the client not bother to read any of it along with comments starting with:  "But I assumed....blah, blah, blah!"  I HATE THAT CRAP!!!!  I've encountered some idiots who tried to insist they shouldn't be held accountable to a contract they SIGNED simply because they didn't bother to read it BEFORE SIGNING IT!!!  I recall watching Judge Judy, on television, ripping a defendant a new A$$HOLE when they tried that defense!  It was NOT pretty!  The defendant was ordered to PAY for the work that was done according to the terms of the contract that they signed!

The eye surgery involved using a laser because the doctor discovered that my retina had torn and bled.  That was kinda-sorta an emergency to prevent my retina from detaching completely.  Not fun either way and I had no choice.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8120 on: May 12, 2018, 03:18:51 AM »
Ah, Bones, there is nothing more frustrating than people not reading what's in front of them, especially when you've put it all out there so clearly!  And when people say things like "well copies only cost x" - it's your time and expertise that counts not sticking something in a photocopier!  Some people are just cheeky.

I'm sorry about your eye; I am so squeemish when it comes to eye balls that the thought of any kind of surgery makes my toes curl!  I hope it wasn't too painful; is that the kind they do to correct sight or is it more to do with cataracts?  I hope whatever it was for it has helped and not held you back too much since xx

Thanks, Tupp!

I get so aggravated when I put in a lot of work into a contract to make sure all the "i's" are dotted, all the "t's" are crossed, with everything clearly spelled out to ensure a meeting of the minds only to have the client not bother to read any of it along with comments starting with:  "But I assumed....blah, blah, blah!"  I HATE THAT CRAP!!!!  I've encountered some idiots who tried to insist they shouldn't be held accountable to a contract they SIGNED simply because they didn't bother to read it BEFORE SIGNING IT!!!  I recall watching Judge Judy, on television, ripping a defendant a new A$$HOLE when they tried that defense!  It was NOT pretty!  The defendant was ordered to PAY for the work that was done according to the terms of the contract that they signed!

The eye surgery involved using a laser because the doctor discovered that my retina had torn and bled.  That was kinda-sorta an emergency to prevent my retina from detaching completely.  Not fun either way and I had no choice.

Ooh, Bones, the eye surgery sounds very unpleasant, I hope it all heals up okay, I don't even like having an eye test for new glasses so the thought of surgery is not a happy one.  I hope it's all okay now, difficult when we have to have unpleasant procedures but, like you say, the alternative is even less pleasant so sometimes we just have no choice in the matter.

Yes, people not reading or just expecting you to do everything for them, it frustrates me so much.  I have it all the time with my son; I send in reams of paperwork, reports, observations, etc etc and you can tell from the responses we get back that no-one's read any of it; it's easier for them to sit there and have me spoon feed them the information each time.  No regard for how it feels for my son to listen to a long list of negatives every time we see someone (and of course, as we're asking for help, we have to focus on the negatives as that's what we need the help with!).  The last time the education panel asked for a meeting I refused; I said I had nothing more to say, I'd sent in all the information we had along with my own thoughts and observations and my son's own requests and so I had no more information to give.  It's very frustrating when people think their time is more important than yours and so think nothing of you putting all that work in but don't see why they should spend half an hour reading it!  Bones, I think you would make a good Judge Judy!!  Lol xx xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8121 on: May 12, 2018, 03:52:53 AM »
Ah, Bones, there is nothing more frustrating than people not reading what's in front of them, especially when you've put it all out there so clearly!  And when people say things like "well copies only cost x" - it's your time and expertise that counts not sticking something in a photocopier!  Some people are just cheeky.

I'm sorry about your eye; I am so squeemish when it comes to eye balls that the thought of any kind of surgery makes my toes curl!  I hope it wasn't too painful; is that the kind they do to correct sight or is it more to do with cataracts?  I hope whatever it was for it has helped and not held you back too much since xx

Thanks, Tupp!

I get so aggravated when I put in a lot of work into a contract to make sure all the "i's" are dotted, all the "t's" are crossed, with everything clearly spelled out to ensure a meeting of the minds only to have the client not bother to read any of it along with comments starting with:  "But I assumed....blah, blah, blah!"  I HATE THAT CRAP!!!!  I've encountered some idiots who tried to insist they shouldn't be held accountable to a contract they SIGNED simply because they didn't bother to read it BEFORE SIGNING IT!!!  I recall watching Judge Judy, on television, ripping a defendant a new A$$HOLE when they tried that defense!  It was NOT pretty!  The defendant was ordered to PAY for the work that was done according to the terms of the contract that they signed!

The eye surgery involved using a laser because the doctor discovered that my retina had torn and bled.  That was kinda-sorta an emergency to prevent my retina from detaching completely.  Not fun either way and I had no choice.

Ooh, Bones, the eye surgery sounds very unpleasant, I hope it all heals up okay, I don't even like having an eye test for new glasses so the thought of surgery is not a happy one.  I hope it's all okay now, difficult when we have to have unpleasant procedures but, like you say, the alternative is even less pleasant so sometimes we just have no choice in the matter.

Yes, people not reading or just expecting you to do everything for them, it frustrates me so much.  I have it all the time with my son; I send in reams of paperwork, reports, observations, etc etc and you can tell from the responses we get back that no-one's read any of it; it's easier for them to sit there and have me spoon feed them the information each time.  No regard for how it feels for my son to listen to a long list of negatives every time we see someone (and of course, as we're asking for help, we have to focus on the negatives as that's what we need the help with!).  The last time the education panel asked for a meeting I refused; I said I had nothing more to say, I'd sent in all the information we had along with my own thoughts and observations and my son's own requests and so I had no more information to give.  It's very frustrating when people think their time is more important than yours and so think nothing of you putting all that work in but don't see why they should spend half an hour reading it!  Bones, I think you would make a good Judge Judy!!  Lol xx xx

Thanks, Tupp.

I'm trying to take things one day at a time.  I had a follow up appointment this past Thursday and have to go back in two weeks for another follow up.

LOL about Judge Judy!
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8122 on: May 26, 2018, 01:41:35 AM »
Hey, Bonesie, how are you doing?  Have you had your check ups for your eye yet?  Hope everything is healing up well and not causing you any problems :)  Has the weather improved yet?  It's so changeable here at the minute, during the week we walked into the cinema in scorching heat and we came out three hours later to cold rain and damp mist.  People were standing at the station shivering in their shorts.  It's so easy to get caught out.  Has rained for three days straight now and two new cats have appeared in the neighbourhood - one all black like a witch's cat and one that looks like Sylvester (I tort I taw a Putty Tat, that one ;) ).  Look v cute, I will attempt to befriend them and find out who they live with :) xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8123 on: May 26, 2018, 07:08:16 AM »
Hey, Bonesie, how are you doing?  Have you had your check ups for your eye yet?  Hope everything is healing up well and not causing you any problems :)  Has the weather improved yet?  It's so changeable here at the minute, during the week we walked into the cinema in scorching heat and we came out three hours later to cold rain and damp mist.  People were standing at the station shivering in their shorts.  It's so easy to get caught out.  Has rained for three days straight now and two new cats have appeared in the neighbourhood - one all black like a witch's cat and one that looks like Sylvester (I tort I taw a Putty Tat, that one ;) ).  Look v cute, I will attempt to befriend them and find out who they live with :) xx

Hi, Tupp.

So far, the eye doctor tells me that my retina is healing.  He wants to check it again around the middle of June.

The weather here is just as crazy....raining one minute, hot the next, then back to rain.  UGH!

Those kitties sound CUTE!!!!!!!!   :)
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8124 on: June 12, 2018, 03:09:51 PM »
Ah, Bones, there is nothing more frustrating than people not reading what's in front of them, especially when you've put it all out there so clearly!  And when people say things like "well copies only cost x" - it's your time and expertise that counts not sticking something in a photocopier!  Some people are just cheeky.

I'm sorry about your eye; I am so squeemish when it comes to eye balls that the thought of any kind of surgery makes my toes curl!  I hope it wasn't too painful; is that the kind they do to correct sight or is it more to do with cataracts?  I hope whatever it was for it has helped and not held you back too much since xx

Thanks, Tupp!

I get so aggravated when I put in a lot of work into a contract to make sure all the "i's" are dotted, all the "t's" are crossed, with everything clearly spelled out to ensure a meeting of the minds only to have the client not bother to read any of it along with comments starting with:  "But I assumed....blah, blah, blah!"  I HATE THAT CRAP!!!!  I've encountered some idiots who tried to insist they shouldn't be held accountable to a contract they SIGNED simply because they didn't bother to read it BEFORE SIGNING IT!!!  I recall watching Judge Judy, on television, ripping a defendant a new A$$HOLE when they tried that defense!  It was NOT pretty!  The defendant was ordered to PAY for the work that was done according to the terms of the contract that they signed!

The eye surgery involved using a laser because the doctor discovered that my retina had torn and bled.  That was kinda-sorta an emergency to prevent my retina from detaching completely.  Not fun either way and I had no choice.

And the !@#$#@% AGGRAVATION is BACK AGAIN because the client DIDN'T BOTHER TO READ THE CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!

The contract CLEARLY states that the retainer I charge covers the first hour of researching.  After the first hour, then the rate switches over to $21.00 an hour while researching.  The client's request turned out to have an unexpected complication which added on to my research time to get it resolved.  I send the client my invoice for services rendered, charging her for THREE HOURS of researching PLUS the cost of copying over 100 pages, and she responds:  "Why can't you just subtract your retainer from what you sent me?"

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8125 on: June 15, 2018, 02:25:16 AM »
Ah, Bones, there is nothing more frustrating than people not reading what's in front of them, especially when you've put it all out there so clearly!  And when people say things like "well copies only cost x" - it's your time and expertise that counts not sticking something in a photocopier!  Some people are just cheeky.

I'm sorry about your eye; I am so squeemish when it comes to eye balls that the thought of any kind of surgery makes my toes curl!  I hope it wasn't too painful; is that the kind they do to correct sight or is it more to do with cataracts?  I hope whatever it was for it has helped and not held you back too much since xx

Thanks, Tupp!

I get so aggravated when I put in a lot of work into a contract to make sure all the "i's" are dotted, all the "t's" are crossed, with everything clearly spelled out to ensure a meeting of the minds only to have the client not bother to read any of it along with comments starting with:  "But I assumed....blah, blah, blah!"  I HATE THAT CRAP!!!!  I've encountered some idiots who tried to insist they shouldn't be held accountable to a contract they SIGNED simply because they didn't bother to read it BEFORE SIGNING IT!!!  I recall watching Judge Judy, on television, ripping a defendant a new A$$HOLE when they tried that defense!  It was NOT pretty!  The defendant was ordered to PAY for the work that was done according to the terms of the contract that they signed!

The eye surgery involved using a laser because the doctor discovered that my retina had torn and bled.  That was kinda-sorta an emergency to prevent my retina from detaching completely.  Not fun either way and I had no choice.

And the !@#$#@% AGGRAVATION is BACK AGAIN because the client DIDN'T BOTHER TO READ THE CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!

The contract CLEARLY states that the retainer I charge covers the first hour of researching.  After the first hour, then the rate switches over to $21.00 an hour while researching.  The client's request turned out to have an unexpected complication which added on to my research time to get it resolved.  I send the client my invoice for services rendered, charging her for THREE HOURS of researching PLUS the cost of copying over 100 pages, and she responds:  "Why can't you just subtract your retainer from what you sent me?"


Oh, Bones, what is wrong with people?!  And a hundred pages of information, that's a huge amount of work that you've put in for her!  I don't get what some people are like; I'd be embarrassed to ask for what is effectively a discount?  Surely the fact they're not doing the work themselves shows the value of it, or they'd just do it without getting anyone involved.  These people are not good for blood pressure!  Is your retina still healing up okay?

The weather is still crazy here as well.  Yesterday morning it was so windy and chilly out I had to go and put a jumper on.  We went out in the afternoon and it got so hot we were both stripped down to vest tops and sweaty :)  It felt like we'd moved to a different country over the lunch hour, very weird.

Those kitties were so cute but I haven't seen them again so I don't know if they were just visiting or perhaps had wandered a bit further from home than usual.  Our downstairs neighbours have separated and the lady moved out, leaving their six cats with the man, as they didn't think it was fair to split them up.  I was working near the window last night and I heard her come to visit them and bless her, she was crying because she misses them so much.  They're lovely cats and I agree with them, it's not fair to split the pack as they've all been together for so long (over ten years, I think).  But it was sad to hear her upset, I'm sure the cats miss her as well.  One of them is funny, he sits on the shed roof looking out over the neighbouring garden and when he sees another cat in it he puts his paw up as if he's waving at them :) xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8126 on: June 15, 2018, 07:31:56 AM »
Ah, Bones, there is nothing more frustrating than people not reading what's in front of them, especially when you've put it all out there so clearly!  And when people say things like "well copies only cost x" - it's your time and expertise that counts not sticking something in a photocopier!  Some people are just cheeky.

I'm sorry about your eye; I am so squeemish when it comes to eye balls that the thought of any kind of surgery makes my toes curl!  I hope it wasn't too painful; is that the kind they do to correct sight or is it more to do with cataracts?  I hope whatever it was for it has helped and not held you back too much since xx

Thanks, Tupp!

I get so aggravated when I put in a lot of work into a contract to make sure all the "i's" are dotted, all the "t's" are crossed, with everything clearly spelled out to ensure a meeting of the minds only to have the client not bother to read any of it along with comments starting with:  "But I assumed....blah, blah, blah!"  I HATE THAT CRAP!!!!  I've encountered some idiots who tried to insist they shouldn't be held accountable to a contract they SIGNED simply because they didn't bother to read it BEFORE SIGNING IT!!!  I recall watching Judge Judy, on television, ripping a defendant a new A$$HOLE when they tried that defense!  It was NOT pretty!  The defendant was ordered to PAY for the work that was done according to the terms of the contract that they signed!

The eye surgery involved using a laser because the doctor discovered that my retina had torn and bled.  That was kinda-sorta an emergency to prevent my retina from detaching completely.  Not fun either way and I had no choice.

And the !@#$#@% AGGRAVATION is BACK AGAIN because the client DIDN'T BOTHER TO READ THE CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!

The contract CLEARLY states that the retainer I charge covers the first hour of researching.  After the first hour, then the rate switches over to $21.00 an hour while researching.  The client's request turned out to have an unexpected complication which added on to my research time to get it resolved.  I send the client my invoice for services rendered, charging her for THREE HOURS of researching PLUS the cost of copying over 100 pages, and she responds:  "Why can't you just subtract your retainer from what you sent me?"


Oh, Bones, what is wrong with people?!  And a hundred pages of information, that's a huge amount of work that you've put in for her!  I don't get what some people are like; I'd be embarrassed to ask for what is effectively a discount?  Surely the fact they're not doing the work themselves shows the value of it, or they'd just do it without getting anyone involved.  These people are not good for blood pressure!  Is your retina still healing up okay?

The weather is still crazy here as well.  Yesterday morning it was so windy and chilly out I had to go and put a jumper on.  We went out in the afternoon and it got so hot we were both stripped down to vest tops and sweaty :)  It felt like we'd moved to a different country over the lunch hour, very weird.

Those kitties were so cute but I haven't seen them again so I don't know if they were just visiting or perhaps had wandered a bit further from home than usual.  Our downstairs neighbours have separated and the lady moved out, leaving their six cats with the man, as they didn't think it was fair to split them up.  I was working near the window last night and I heard her come to visit them and bless her, she was crying because she misses them so much.  They're lovely cats and I agree with them, it's not fair to split the pack as they've all been together for so long (over ten years, I think).  But it was sad to hear her upset, I'm sure the cats miss her as well.  One of them is funny, he sits on the shed roof looking out over the neighbouring garden and when he sees another cat in it he puts his paw up as if he's waving at them :) xx

Thanks, Tupp!  I've lost count of the number of idiots I've encountered who seem to think that "Freelance = Free Work" and try to finagle all kinds of creative ways to not pay.  It's AGGRAVATING!!!!  I have another follow up appointment with the eye doctor next week to see how the surgical site is healing.  The weather here is kinda crazy sometimes so I never know how to, cold, hot, cold....UGH!

A cat that waves to visitors.....that is CUTE and FUNNY!!!!  LOL!!!
Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8127 on: June 16, 2018, 04:54:52 AM »
I think a lot of people are just on the make these days.  Part of the problem (here in the UK, anyway) is a lot of big companies will haggle, reduce prices, give out freebies and so on, just to shut people up quickly.  It's created a lot of blaggers.  But obviously for small businesses or independent freelancers every penny is your livelihood and I don't think people realise they're actually paying for your time, experience, knowledge and so on, not some big faceless warehouse that's owned by a large corporate.  I'm glad you stood your ground and I hope your eye appointment goes well.

The waving cat is so cute!  I've tried to video him doing it but I've not been quick enough to catch it.  He's so funny.  I was talking to a lady in the park yesterday and she was telling me that their cat walks to school with the kids in the morning and then finds his own way home again, apparently he's a bit of a local celebrity!  Ours brought in a mouse last night and I found it this morning with its head chewed off; there are some aspects of cats that aren't quite so lovely!  Lol xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8128 on: June 16, 2018, 05:17:36 AM »
I think a lot of people are just on the make these days.  Part of the problem (here in the UK, anyway) is a lot of big companies will haggle, reduce prices, give out freebies and so on, just to shut people up quickly.  It's created a lot of blaggers.  But obviously for small businesses or independent freelancers every penny is your livelihood and I don't think people realise they're actually paying for your time, experience, knowledge and so on, not some big faceless warehouse that's owned by a large corporate.  I'm glad you stood your ground and I hope your eye appointment goes well.

The waving cat is so cute!  I've tried to video him doing it but I've not been quick enough to catch it.  He's so funny.  I was talking to a lady in the park yesterday and she was telling me that their cat walks to school with the kids in the morning and then finds his own way home again, apparently he's a bit of a local celebrity!  Ours brought in a mouse last night and I found it this morning with its head chewed off; there are some aspects of cats that aren't quite so lovely!  Lol xx

Thanks, Tupp!

I had one idiot literally scream at me:  "Your fees are too high!" and tried to act as if I'm greedy.  I responded with what expenses those fees cover, (1) the commute to the National Archives, (2) copying the documents the idiot wanted, (3) snail-mailing said documents that are usually LEGAL-SIZE 8.5 inches by 14 inches, (4) cost of Internet access, (5) post office box rental as where I live has rules against running a business using your home address, (6) computer and printer costs, (7) electricity to be able to use the computer, printer and Internet.... by this point, the idiot is apologizing profusely and promises he won't bother me again.  SMDH!

Regarding the cat leaving his catch where you found it...I've heard of cats doing that as a way of showing their love and affection to their humans.  Unpleasant, yes.  At the same time, Cat Gotta Cat.  (I often wonder about cat psychology and what goes on inside their furry little heads.)  They can be cute and funny and other times they can be just EW!!!!
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8129 on: June 16, 2018, 05:39:33 AM »
Ah, Bones, there is nothing more frustrating than people not reading what's in front of them, especially when you've put it all out there so clearly!  And when people say things like "well copies only cost x" - it's your time and expertise that counts not sticking something in a photocopier!  Some people are just cheeky.

I'm sorry about your eye; I am so squeemish when it comes to eye balls that the thought of any kind of surgery makes my toes curl!  I hope it wasn't too painful; is that the kind they do to correct sight or is it more to do with cataracts?  I hope whatever it was for it has helped and not held you back too much since xx

Thanks, Tupp!

I get so aggravated when I put in a lot of work into a contract to make sure all the "i's" are dotted, all the "t's" are crossed, with everything clearly spelled out to ensure a meeting of the minds only to have the client not bother to read any of it along with comments starting with:  "But I assumed....blah, blah, blah!"  I HATE THAT CRAP!!!!  I've encountered some idiots who tried to insist they shouldn't be held accountable to a contract they SIGNED simply because they didn't bother to read it BEFORE SIGNING IT!!!  I recall watching Judge Judy, on television, ripping a defendant a new A$$HOLE when they tried that defense!  It was NOT pretty!  The defendant was ordered to PAY for the work that was done according to the terms of the contract that they signed!

The eye surgery involved using a laser because the doctor discovered that my retina had torn and bled.  That was kinda-sorta an emergency to prevent my retina from detaching completely.  Not fun either way and I had no choice.

And the !@#$#@% AGGRAVATION is BACK AGAIN because the client DIDN'T BOTHER TO READ THE CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!

The contract CLEARLY states that the retainer I charge covers the first hour of researching.  After the first hour, then the rate switches over to $21.00 an hour while researching.  The client's request turned out to have an unexpected complication which added on to my research time to get it resolved.  I send the client my invoice for services rendered, charging her for THREE HOURS of researching PLUS the cost of copying over 100 pages, and she responds:  "Why can't you just subtract your retainer from what you sent me?"


To add to this....

The National Archives charges different fees for their copies depending on what and where it is located in the building.

For example, if the documents are stored on the second floor of the building, (which has high security), they charge 25 cents per page on their copy machines; if the documents are on microfilm, they charge 40 cents per page.  If the client wants several pages of both microfilm copies AND copies of the documents on the second floor.....yeah, that adds up quickly!!!!  That doesn't include the cost of using their computers and printers to print out copies of documents off of their website so the combined costs is $1.00 per page.
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