Have you seen the other doctor yet, Bonesie? I was wondering if they'd given you any more information yet? xx
I saw the specialist last week where they did some blood work and I go back on December 5th for follow up.
I hope they come back with useful information, Bonesie, I find waiting for things so hard, I think more in the winter because it just seems harder when the weather isn't great? I don't know why. I think of you in the mornings when our neighbour's cheeky cats come out

I don't have a front garden as such, there's a small paved section next to the doorstep that runs along the pavement but it isn't fence in or anything, but across from that is a lovely tree where I put the bird feeders out. There's a wall that runs behind that and the cats have taken to hiding behind the wall in the morning until I put the bird food out and then they kind of stroll along as if they think they won't be spotted if they do it slowly. Lol. They come over for a stroke and then go and hide back behind the wall until I go back in and then they take up their positions underneath the tree while they hope one of the birds will land nearby (they never do because I put the feeders up high where they can't get to them easily). One of them's super fast but the other one is quite clumsy and every time he tries to catch a bird he falls over himself lol xx