There I go. I will put make up. I will dress nicely. I will sing and teach my students to dance salsa. We will enjoy. After that we have conference night. I will tell the parents how much I appreciate your children and ask them for help to memorize the voacbulary. After that I am going to salsa dancing, from school.
On Sunday in church I will talk to Mr. V my ex boss. He is powerful in the church and he is Latin. The president of the school board is my Sunday school class and is a good friend of Mr. V. I will talk to him too. Also I will talk to a lady who is Latin. She is very influencial in the church too. After that, there is nothing but wait in the Lord. Look for another job and pray. I will definitely look for next year. Now all positions are closed. Everebody has their personal at the beginning of the year. Now nothing. ON April they start advertising openngs again. I will inervew on summer ofr a different job. I will do that for sure if I survive this. God will not abandone me. Also I have my odcumentation here. I just have to go and print this thread.
Also, yesterday, nobody talked to me ar school. That man has isolated me. The custodios talked to me. They said they are my friends.
My hallway, nobody talks to me. They turn their head other way when I walk by. I say good morning and they do not answer back. It is OK.
I will sing with my students and they will hear me singing.