My relax is going to salsa class. I feel different during salsa class. I have no money at all, I just barely make it every month. Zero. The only money left I have is for salsa class. I cannot even go to the movies or a restaurant. Never. Just pay my rent, car and food, plus doctors and hospital of my surgery that the insurane did not pay, a lot of money. Plus a loan I got for summer since my school does not pay for summer, they pay very little, and I could not work during summer due to an infection of the surgery. You might remember about that.
So, no moeny, no vacation until Thanks Giving. I will stay in bed all day during those days.
I cannot smoke or drink, or go to night clubs because it is prohibited in my school, "Christian school", hallowin is a sin from satan, etc.
I have tu survive the year. Hopefully I will find another school during summer. I dont know.
Dr. U keeps harrassing me. He has nothing to do.
I gave a look to the councellor son. He is disruptive too, but less than Guillermo. I gave him a look that he was smiling and I saw the smile disapear. He has to knoe that I am not afraid of his mother.
So I have the grand daughter of Mr. V, a lovely adorable child, the son of the librarian, the son of the councelor, the son of the secreatry, the daughter of the scholarship specialist, they are all family and friends and they have been together forever. Whenever they want they tell the children to give me a hard time. But thnaks to Mr V, it is better now.
I love him with all my heart.
But still, I have to put up with Mrs. Social Studies teacher, who gives me looks that give me chills, and the principal of the elementary school and the princiapl of the k school, who give me chills with the looks they give me. I know they do not like me. Probably because of the attention that Mr. V has given me, nad because The elementary principal when I complained against the head of school Dr U she said that I should live it up to the Lord but I did not and hse is very mad at me because she knows she cannot control me. She wants people who che can control completely. But she does not understand that I could not tolerate the ethnic and racial comments of Dr. U and that other teachers were following his example, offending me and my contrymen. I had to do something about it. I rocked the boat.
God will help me to survive. if Mr. V asks me to stay next year I will. But if not, i will find another school with God's help since I have three months vacation, no payment, I will look for a job for summer and another for the regular school year. I would like to teach elementary only.
Teaching elementar and high school is very difficult, extremely difficult because the lessons are totally different from first grade to 12th. I have to work extremely hard and they pay extremely little.
But despite the uglyness that I am treated with, i feel better today that I controled my class very well, and Guillermo behaved well today and all the class behaved well today, and that the cauncellor son had a smile disappear with the look I gave him. Ater all, my bosses are teaching me how to look at someone that is upseting you.
Also, after al finish with this job I will never go to a church again. In the rest of my like. I am tired of hypochristians. Very disappointed. very sad and very lonely.
Yesterday a nice friend in salsa class asked me if I had a wig and I said yes, then she said are your boobs real, and I said do you want to try them, and she said ok ok. I was aggressive. I need to be more aggressive. She will never say anything bad from now on. Hu!!!!