Oh, I love this topic! I wanted to respond to this earlier, but I didn't get the chance. We were on our way out to see Mr. Magorium. That was my Black Friday contribution.
This topic is something that I often think about. I am a self-admitted packrat. I would buy one thing and end up with a huge collection, and then I couldn't enjoy the one thing I'd bought and really wanted. When I moved, one of the things I wanted to do was get rid of clutter. Things that didn't fit. Things I didn't use. Things I had too many of. I wanted to organize and simplify, because I was drowning in stuff.
I still have a lot of stuff, I'll admit, but I have gotten rid of so much stuff since I moved. I Threw away tons of papers. I threw away cards. I threw away things that were broken, things that I just couldn't use and were of no value. I threw away school papers, art projects, etc, because I just didn't have room for them. I wanted a new uncluttered look. I donated boxes of books to the library because I didn't have space for them. I'm still getting rid of things. I'd bring things from my parents' house and take them to the donation place or the resale store. I put things on Ebay.
When I lived with them, I was never allowed to get rid of anything. My mother wouldn't let me sell or donate any clothing, even if it didn't fit. I might lose weight and be able to wear it. It didn't matter if it was totally out of style. If I'd weed out collections, she stick it in a box in case I changed my mind. I still have a lot the toys from when I was kid. And I don't really want them. She even made me keep packaging for M's things. Boxes. When I moved I threw away a lot of that stuff because there was no room for it.
Being able to finally get rid of some of this junk is such a relief.
I also noticed that I soothed a lot of my depression by spending money, buying myself treats. I have bought a lot of things, but they've been things for home, things I needed, not useless things like clothes, jewelry, books, etc. Not clutter. I bought curtains, things to hang on my living room wall, some pretty candle holders for the table. And kitchen stuff, because when I moved I didn't have a decent skillet or utensils.
My mother claimed she "helped me as much as she could with my move." Unfortunately, I still ended up with very few things that I could actually use.
I'm still working on living a simpler life. I haven't quite succeeded yet, but I don't miss spending a lot of money on new outfits or shoes or books or anything like that. I'd much rather see that money in the bank than on a credit card.