Author Topic: Got Comedy Central  (Read 6390 times)


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Got Comedy Central
« on: December 25, 2007, 11:27:21 AM »
Fun for the whole family on Christmas day! 

We have sleet, a fire, cold ass cold wheather and we're now watching comedy central after telling funny stories for an hour.
Merry Christmas: )


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 07:10:13 PM »

You have a talent and joie de vivre that extends from the simple pleasures to the elegant and posh. Thank you for sharing your warm and luxurious holiday- it is a true delight to read your posts, and to see the great love and care you exude to everyone in your milleu. Next year when I have things straightened out, I will try to run with the inspiration you provide here. Merry Christmas  to you and all of your family and friends!!!!




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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2007, 09:02:07 AM »
Funny is the best medicine!  My daughter got me Chris Farley for Christmas and I look forward to watching the Motivational Speaker skit!  Merry and Happy Christmas to all!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2007, 09:13:24 AM »
OC, I would love to see that Chris Farley skit!
Poor guy, but sooo funny. He was one of those tragic give-it-everything-and-beyond comedians. Loved him.

Changing, I think you nailed it about Lighter's light: it's joie de vivre.

Imagine, Lighter, by this time next year, you'll be free???

I want to cohost a freedom party with you.

And Changing, you are as far from feral as it gets, because civility at the level of the soul is what you have.
You are a luminous woman.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2007, 04:04:31 PM »
Hops, Overcome and Changing:

I'm still laughing and looking forward to spending New Years with my little ones.  I resisted H's temptation to take us out of State.  I'd much rather be giggling with the wee ones than worrying about them or wondering why the heck they're without me.... and that's what I'd be doing. 

I ate myself into several food induced stupors a day, over the last few days, btw. 

Pretty much what I do every year this time.  My body's already resisting food, which is the natural state of things when I've overdone it.  Kind of a nice break from food, frankly.

We're going to Joel's for New Years, provided I can find a baby sitter at

This is our traditional restaurant for public displays of marital (sham) bliss.  <tic>

I haven't read the menu yet..... I guess I'll do that now.... and it'll be with wine pairing. 

::trying to picture the meal with 5 and 7 yo's along bc we can't find a sitter::

It isn't pretty, lol.

Oh! oh!.... I have to say.... one of the most satisfying things to do over this holiday was teach all the cousins.... female but for one nephew, some basic grappling techniques.  My sister's daughter is particularly interested, with very good balance and instincts.  We worked at it so much that I could barely walk one day, so painful was my left thigh... OUCH.

I almost forgot what it feels like to work out hard and feel it over the next few days. 

Partial list of favorite foods we have at my father's over the holidays includes.....: 

Beeted eggs...mmmmm

Bread stuffing

Squash casserole

Scalloped Potatoes

Ribs on the grill

Turkey and gravy

Trilby cookies (date nut cookies with brown sugar oatmeal cookies, My Grandma's recipe)

Homeade caramel

There was a lot more but I pretty much stick with those items when stuffing myself beyond all reason.

I brought home an entire Pecan Pie...mmmmm... and we ordered Mellow mushroom pizza last night for dinner.  Had it for breakfast and lunch..... Mexican for dinner coming up in the next hour or so.

Maybe my body hasn't started resisting food just yet, lol..... but she's thinking about it; )


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2007, 06:29:42 PM »
H????????????? I thought you were divorcing.


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2007, 06:40:58 PM »
Hello Lighter-

I have had such a ridiculously impoverished holiday season (in the monetary sense) that your delicious descriptions have really made things fun for me! Ah, next year I am going to cook like mad!!!! This year no money and no table, so I am doing things that I like that cost little or nothing!
I have been going to the gym nearby (paid up so it's free) to do my physical therapy, as I don't want Bagworm to go to the Disabled Therapy building wher I take my normal therapy. He probably wouldn't , but I couldn't live with myself if I subjected those vulnerable people to him. I have no money, so have been eating sparingly, have to severely limit my gas consumption so very little driving as well. Basically to the gym 2 blocks away, church 5 blocks away and the Domestic Violence class.
This has proven to be a boon to my looks, as the waist and abs are showing the work. No law school, so I have also been able to do things in the house and still sleep 8 hours, etc. So it's been like a spa vacation!!!! Maybe my face will stop looking like this  :shock: eventually!
The only fly in the ointment is that I rush to view the security camera every time I hear something outside, and I feel upset when I get calls like, "This is Ross ...(I know no Ross)" in a mean voice with no other message except the number.
I love to read about your parties and cooking. I do love to make pecan pie and cheesecake. In March I will bake an incredible cheesecake to celebrate the divorce, and will share the details with you. I am still thinking about the European butter you described- sounds good, and I am going to find some, and bake some French bread on Monday, when I get some cheddar in the bank!
Please keep describing your holidays and I hope that you and you loved ones have a fabulous time!

Love and Gratitude,



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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2007, 01:11:57 AM »
Changing, hon, I didn't realize you'd left school?

What a daunting daily life. It's going to get better. IT IS.

I am so awed that you exercise and cope with the deprivations
and keep your amazing spirit. An Amazon with abs!

You are an enormous inspiration. Thank you for sharing these realities you live with now.

(Lighter, you make me hungry too!)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2007, 01:53:53 AM »

it's a funny thing...... this life I'm leading right now.....  

I'll be glad when you're a high powered attorney I can say I knew back in the day.

I guess school'll start back up again soon?  I didn't understand that you were taking a long leave.... did I miss something?

I haven't cared about restaurants in a while.... nice to have my appetite back and find I'm interested in food again.... glad the details interest you.  

Not sure what those mean messages on your answering machine are about.  I remember when everything freaked me out..... I had to borrow friend's dog's to get any sleep at all.

Having the camera's a good idea.  I wish you had a couple of really good roomates right now.  Maybe some that worked on the house in lieu of rent and were home a lot at night?

You're an inspiration and I can imagine you figuring out some of the basic problems with the legal system...... making some worthwhile changes that help victims of dv.

In the meantime...... I'm glad your feeling strong and enjoyinng your abs.  I haven't seen mine since I got my appetite back with a vengeance.

Lupita..... the divorce was shelved back in August when we signed a recociliation agreement.  

He needs my permission to come to the house and I have decision making power with regard to therapy and..... everything really.  Or I file again: /

I haven't been talking much about it,  I realize.  


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2007, 01:55:22 AM »
Hi Izzy-

I am fine, law school is on hiatus until the second week of January and I just have to be extremely frugal- that's not so bad! I have so much to do and enjoy and improve etc that does not cost money, or much money. My foot is less painful because I am not pushing myself so relentlessly, time and work-wise. I am happy actually, except for the constant Bagworm stuff- I will be filing my own protection order next week, and hope that all goes well.
Oh Izzy I am worried about your leg- so many complications...I am glad that you are tending to it and have others to help you.
My holidays have been mainly church and seeing my friend's mother who was in the hospital and is now in an assisted living facility- she is a truly wonderful lady who has been so kind to me in the past. I also helped a friend fix up her place a bit, and am tending to a stray cat who was injured and hid in my yard. I got credit at the vets and used much of my remaining gas to get there. I am going to counseling and the gym and other things that are beneficial- I am truly blessed!
The financial crunch is fine Izzy- don't feel badly please, I am doing well , just have to be very careful and do all that I can to take care of business- things will resolve soon. In the meantime, I love to read about Lighter's imaginative and exciting holidays that she shares with her family and friends- now that's living!!!! And of course I love your stories and insights- a treasure trove of knowledge!

Love and Concern from Your Friend,



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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2007, 02:13:36 AM »
Hi Lighter-

I have been off from law school since finals. Things are tight money-wise but I am getting proper sleep and exercise, so I am feeling better- have finally gotten over the flu! I have so much to do that is free or nearly so that I enjoy, the time is flying by. I am anxious to get rid of Bagworm's things and those community items that I no longer want, hate to waste more time and money, and have no idea of how things will finally all shake out, but am trying not to dwell on the negative- there is so much good to do and think about. I love the exercise and the sleep and the quiet without Bagworm! I am getting a lot out of the Domestic Violence Counseling as well.
I have a friend who would be happy to be a roommate, as I have a huge yard, etc, but in my state, that could prove problematic as I might have to declare her as helping with income etc, so I would have to pay Bagworm!!! Stupid I know. My next email to my distracted lawyer will include that idea, however- thank you for reminding me!
I do love to read about your holidays- I may never fully emulate you as I have never been anywhere or done anything, but the inspiration is magic and it is very fun to imagine what you describe!
As far as the lovely legal system and the process that you are in, I know that you know what you want to do and have the right to explore whatever you may find important. These things may not follow a straight line to final resolution- you need to do all that you can so that there are no regrets later, and no one else can judge or do this for you. In the meantime keep enjoying your life and doing the beautiful things that you do for your family!

In Love And Gratitude,



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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2007, 02:31:05 AM »
Can you not document that your friend is staying with you bc YOU LIVE IN FEAR FOR YOU LIFE?

Why must everything always go against you and not for you?

Bagworm should be penalized for making you live in fear.... not rewarded.

Your friend can do work around the house and not provide income...... there's plenty to do there, yes?

So glad you're over the flu and feeling better. 

Let me know what the attorney says about the roomate thing.  You could really use some support and company, IMO.  (((changing)))


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2007, 03:51:19 AM »
Lighter The Brilliant Strategist and Bon Vivant!

I am going to send another magnum opus to my lawyer tomorrow. Your sage thoughts will be included. I do sometimes feel like a fish in a barrel- conforming to strictures while the Bagworm roams free to strike at will...he has lain low lately, as I suspect he doesn't want problems with his potentialy lucrative Work Comp case, which I think may well include fraud- next week I am going to pursue what I can.
As for the work around the house- this is my extremely disorganized friend who I will most likely be straightening up after! I have to get a little mean to have her help fix up her own place so...she will probably take care of the pets, which she does very well, if she stays here. There is a big yard and a spare room, so I don't see a problem- she will have to limit her disorganization to her own space, though!
I wil let you know how things work out!

Thank you for your flashes of genius directed to my plight!!!!




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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2007, 09:25:45 AM »
Well watched Chris Farley and got a good laugh.  Matt Foley, The motivational speaker is still the funniest.  Phil Hartman was the dad and that was sad too to think of two funny men dead in their prime.  Cocaine is a horrible drug.  My friend is a cold head and I have seen her spiral out of control.  We had a good Christmas-food-family-fun.  I bought a new tree this year and it stopped working so I took it back and got a new one-scratched the heck out of my arm.  Love and good wishes to all.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2007, 09:30:46 AM »
She is a Coke head.  Lighter-I did not realize you have little ones-I am glad to be past that stage.  And Changing-I remember when I went through my divorce I wanted to become a lawyer-but you are doing it.  Too bad you have to deal with this Bag!  Oh well maybe as time passes you can press forward and he will back off.  Just think-things are tight now but when you become a real lawyer-you should have some more $!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"