Hops, Overcome and Changing:
I'm still laughing and looking forward to spending New Years with my little ones. I resisted H's temptation to take us out of State. I'd much rather be giggling with the wee ones than worrying about them or wondering why the heck they're without me.... and that's what I'd be doing.
I ate myself into several food induced stupors a day, over the last few days, btw.
Pretty much what I do every year this time. My body's already resisting food, which is the natural state of things when I've overdone it. Kind of a nice break from food, frankly.
We're going to Joel's for New Years, provided I can find a baby sitter at
http://joelrestaurant.com/This is our traditional restaurant for public displays of marital (sham) bliss. <tic>
I haven't read the menu yet..... I guess I'll do that now.... and it'll be
with wine pairing.
::trying to picture the meal with 5 and 7 yo's along bc we can't find a sitter::
It isn't pretty, lol.
Oh! oh!.... I have to say.... one of the most satisfying things to do over this holiday was teach all the cousins.... female but for one nephew, some basic grappling techniques. My sister's daughter is particularly interested, with very good balance and instincts. We worked at it so much that I could barely walk one day, so painful was my left thigh... OUCH.
I almost forgot what it feels like to work out hard and feel it over the next few days.
Partial list of favorite foods we have at my father's over the holidays includes.....:
Beeted eggs...mmmmm
Bread stuffing
Squash casserole
Scalloped Potatoes
Ribs on the grill
Turkey and gravy
Trilby cookies (date nut cookies with brown sugar oatmeal cookies, My Grandma's recipe)
Homeade caramel
There was a lot more but I pretty much stick with those items when stuffing myself beyond all reason.
I brought home an entire Pecan Pie...mmmmm... and we ordered Mellow mushroom pizza last night for dinner. Had it for breakfast and lunch..... Mexican for dinner coming up in the next hour or so.
Maybe my body hasn't started resisting food just yet, lol..... but she's thinking about it; )