Dear Laura,
Thank you again for caring.It means so much to me.
My M had- most (if not all) of the traits in the Vaknin book---no (very little ) empathy, projected all her traits on me, everything was about looking good to the outside, emotional maturity of a 5 yr.old, thinking was distorted(If you have one flaw ,you are not 'perfect" so you are "bad", have to do all things effortlessly or they don't count(school, apprearance,activities) amd many more that I can't think of right now.
She did fit Vakinin's book---90%---at least.
Even Vaknin says that aging can mellow out an N, particularly if the N has a rift with a child that the N wants to repair. I think that my M IS an N,still, but is trying to get self awareness ,so would fall in to Vaknin's category of N's who mellow, a little.
My ONLY goal, really ,is to see myself as different than she is and then go forward I see my relationship with her, now, as allowing me to differentiate myself from her --so I can "cast" off the N distortions that I took on.That is my goal now--to wrench off all the lies that she fed me and be done with them. Love Ami