Well, I can't explain all the contradictions.Peace. Down deep, I love my M. I always have and I always will. Once she respected me(knew she could not abuse me), I could relax and enjoy her. I simply relaxed and enjoyed moments with her.
I guess the answer to your question,Peace, is that there is no "good" answer with an N mother. It is (and was) an Alice in Wonderland life. It will always be an Alice in Wonderland life. Maybe,if *I* am strong,as I was, I can enjoy some good moments and have some warm memories.. Beyond that,I can't explain it.If I can salvage some good moments,I want to do that. If I am contradictory to people, I can't help it. It is what is happening . My goal is to heal and that is my beacon. The contradictions will just have to stay contradictions until maybe one day they may become clear. Today is not that day. Ami