Those are wondrous accomplishments- congratulations to you!! I think I can relate to your thoughts too.
I've been a member of different `recovery and self help' type forums since 1996, so with that kind of history I'm not sure I'll ever outgrow them. I have long breaks, sometimes spanning many months or more, and I sometimes feel better when I stop focusing on recovery for a while and just live my life. I always come back though, with new experiences and a slightly different focus with regards to my recovery.
I am actually a member of a lot of `specific interest' type of forums too, and while I do enjoy chatting to other members, they often inevitably lack the depth and kinder language that I find on recovery forums.
Have you ever tried joining in on a music discussion type forum? Its harsh!!! Every second avatar is a semi-naked girl or a sexual reference of some kind. And the language is rude, sarcastic, egotistical, and deliberately triggering. I've also tried joining in on a `relationship' type of forum, thinking that it might be good to associate with people who are upbeat and not necessarily recovering from abuse. But again, the members i really liked all turned out to be recovering from N-abuse. I found many of the other members shallow, obtuse, and very rude. The politics there were WAY more complex, badly handled, and mean than anything I've seen flare up here.
Honestly, this is nicest forum I've come across in many years. Its nice having the focus on `voicelessness' rather than N-abuse. Its not as `depressing' for lack of a better word. This community is a good one, and I personally feel like I'll be an active member on and off for a long time.
Not sure if any of that would help you to make your decision though. I do think that if you need a break, just to live life and chill out, I would understand for sure.
X bella