During the holiday season my old pain and memories seemed to subside and I got a needed reprieve from the intense emotions I had been processing this past year. Being with my family was fulfilling and warming as well as distracting.
But now, I am back home from the family visits, holiday travel and I have stepped back into my old routines again, I am beginning to feel deep pain... again.
I hurt, I feel deep anguish, rage, deep infantile and toddler jealousy that has been buried in me for so many years...it comes up and I silently scream in rage. I lay in bed, in the mornings before work, refusing to numb myself or run from the pain -- I have feel to heal --I lay there in anguish, tears streaming down my checks, I feel just like a baby when she is in rage...nothing will sooth, nothing will fix it, it just needs to be felt, expressed and experienced. My thoughts tell me that the pain will never go away. My shame tells me that I am crazy and I am mentally defective. The deep shame that accompanies my pain and growing awareness is so excruciating.
The reason I do this work is because I know that the way out is through. I know that to deeply feel and regress to earlier stages in life is to heal and move forward. I was abandoned physically and emotionally at my most precious stages in life. Rejection was and is my worst fear...being ignored is so deeply painful, it is a psychological torture.
Since I was in my early twenties I have worked through many layers of pain but I always tell myself be ready for more. But then, I feel better, it is if I have reached a pocket of sanity or peace, I feel hope and new life in me. I tell myself that it is over and I will not have to go back to that place. But then a mild to severe depression will set in and I begin to sink...then the pain surfaces, each time more painful, more intense, more deeply felt. What makes it bearable is my awareness...my ability to recognize that the pain is not present it is old past and I remind myself this is how that precious little girl felt when she was left alone abandoned to conform to her mom's projections and toxic desires...I hug a tiny little doll that has my hair color and a angry frown on her face, fists clenched. I let her hurt, I let her silently scream and I let the tears roll.