Thank you Seasons,
This made so much sense as well as it really helped me. Your feelings described my feelings with my old N saint therapist - to a tee! I do not think that I have heard yet expressed the way you did the exact way I felt after any interaction or conversation:
After I have talked with her I feel
very tired
and the list goes on.I could also ad that I felt subtly hated and humiliated too.
You are smart to "fake it until you make it." My heart feels compassion in that you have to exert so much energy in order to be with family....((((seasons)))). You must return home feeling exhausted?
Yes, seasons, build that stronger shield and don't let her rob you. Screw guilt! It is not your fault that she is who she is, you did not cause it and you do NOT have to fix it, I'm sure you know this already but you are a real person with real feelings and it is hard to let go of those we love no matter how toxic they are.
Just this past year I have cut off most contact with my N mom. She is too toxic for me. As I said in my earlier posts that I spent my holiday time, this past Christmas, with family other than my N mom. My mom gets very angry and annoyed with me for not spending the holidays with her. My stomach feels achy and sad to see her so a lone through the holdiays, just her and her husband. But I also know that she is a manipulator and an actress. She uses the smoke screens and mirrors to try to project and image of helpless victimless when in reality she is strong and resourceful, fully capable of taking care of her self.
In the beginning it was really hard to cut off contact or minimize it with her. But as time has gone by and I just keep my conversations short and sweet, she is adjusting and accepting. Before, it is as if she is and was a 2 year old throwing a tantrum for attention, when I stopped giving it to her all hell broke loose but the more I have stayed my ground the more she has mellowed and had to accept that she is just not going to get what she wants, no matter what, her unhappy rages only serve to make her unhappy---gosh this is a 65 year old woman I'm talking about!
I hope some of this helps?
In my heart I know this is not true, yet gosh she is good at projecting herself onto me. She reminds me of a vampire sucking the life out of me.
The projection is worst. My N saint T used to do it to me too. One thing I hated was the negative facial expressions in response to my sharing or expressions in which she would have been projecting herself onto me. Being that she was a T she used to project that I was doing things that were good just for N supply or that I was the deeply envious one...those projections hurt the most.
Love Seasons - I hope you are having a good day.