Speaking of Jesus, in all honesty, as Hermes said earlier on in reply #26, he was a very sensible, and very charitable, man.
Man of Peace ...... he came in peace, and walked with peace, and with goodwill, for all humankind .... the beatitudes .....
http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=5870.msg110090#msg110090 Behind the wars, and rumors of wars, are humankind, who wage war for control, of assets (oil, diamonds, minerals, etc) and of course, for the control and domination of human lives.
At no time, did Jesus ever teach this, in honesty, quite the opposite.
So, I prefer to look behind the actions of humankind, for the reason, the motivation.
Thankful, for my life, and that I am not about to be beheaded for my faith, as was a dear acquaintance, 10 years ago now, she was working, voluntarily, in the Christian mission field, providing food, medicine, and support, and one day, they came, and dragged her outside, in front of children, and beheaded her. Why? read Sura 2 : 98 - her crime, she was an infidel who followed Christ.
God is a God of all Comfort and Peace. Humankind makes their own choices.
My chosen Worldview prefers to look at humankind actions, with a worldwide vision.
Last week, I watched a documentary whereby the Amazon Rainforest is being decimated at an alarming rate, which is endangering the animals as they flee to find somewhere to live, and exist.
Why are hundreds of miles of trees being felled each day? To plant Palm Oil Trees, which
won't support the animals who live in the Amazon Rainforest.
Palm Oil ........... to make Green ECO Bio-Fuel for us! Humankinds needs ..... Green ECO Bio-fuel for our Cars, Transport etc.
Palm Oil is already in the food chain, and detergents, at an alarming big business growth level.
> Orang-utan
> Sumatran tiger
Struggling for survival.
Tis a crazy world, no mistake. Who makes the choices and decisions, we do, humankind. No-one forces us. God doesn't force us.
Many many dreadful things have been done down the ages, and are being done today, in God's name, but the truth is, what is being done is in humankinds own name.
Humankind needs to take personal responsibility and accountibility for their own actions and decisions, blame shifting and denial, is deadly.
Love, Leah