Wow Hardtotrust,
What a nightmare you're in. I don't even get most of it, but what I do shocks me.
I don't get them at all, the girlfriend, the mother, the lovers, the lot. They all sound severely damaged to me. I'm worried for the baby and the environment he or she is coming into with that lot.
If bubba is your, (hopefully you can find out DNA)
I hope you can get sufficiently supported and boundaried to offer bubba the best possible world in that 'problemarena'.
Please believe this -
Just a healthy pappa alone can make all the difference and a happy life for a child .
But, as my old italian neighbour would say, "Yous a gonna needa lotta helpa".
I totally agree with what Izzy said, "I have been following this and would like for you to be the father. You two will never be a couple? She is an N? She will want what she wants!"
Unless she un-enmeshes from her mumma, gets help, learns to recognize her needs and need for male adoration is problematic, and unless she is serious about a life with you and gets help then there is not much hope of any happy life for you with her. It takes 2. That probably hurts but maybe not as much as the hurt that you're in for with more of the same from her.
What do you want Htt? Do you want a life with he problemsr? What's realistic for you?
But then, if bubba is yours, and is real, that's fantastic too and
CONGRATULATIONS!Pop the champers somebody , Hardtotrust is maybe gonna be a pappa.
If it was me, I'd get over her real fast, then I'd become very bottom-line quickly, and get the wheels turning to give my child every opportunity for a healthy, heard and happy life - considering and regardless

- of the other players.
Big challenges and changes ahead for you. I hope you're okay. I'll read again later. Like I said, I don't get a lot of it.
Life is full of absurdities isn't it? Sometimes I think children are the only ones who 'get it".
I read this truly superb saying once - "Children are the ultimate Zen Masters". That is so so true.