Author Topic: ??????????????????  (Read 5532 times)

finding peace

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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2008, 10:50:04 AM »
Dear Lupita,

::sitting quietly beside you and holding that oxygen mask for you.  Soft gentle rubs on the back as you take in deep breaths until you get your balance back::

I know that feeling of not being understood and isolation – it is heartbreaking and horrible.


I am here if and when you are ready…

- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2008, 04:55:07 PM »

Oh boy do I need you and your advice.  I have a son who struggles in education.  He also *gives up* just because sometimes he don't feel like putting effort into the work. 

I have been back and forth with him on this and it is frustrating.  I have tried everything and I notice around this time of the year every year it goes down hill.

I just had a conversation with him (he's 13) and told him he is responsible for his actions and the work he puts forth. Trust me I know that alot of it (is now coming from him) and what he wants to  put into and what  not.  I discussed that, I know it is difficult for him and I know that he also sits back and lets (the difficult part be and excuse)  It's not always that difficult and he  uses his (learning difficulty to his advantage) to not have to apply himself.

I told him that he is responsible for his education and what happens will be from his actions.  I think he needs his own reality check to wake him up.

This can result in being left back.  Or not allowed to join the football team or possibly being put back into IEP.  I dread it but I think maybe if this is to happen, he may just wake up and smell the coffee. 

Sometimes through failure comes success.  I hope, think. 

Don't know what else to do but let him suffer the consequences as hard as it is and I really want to save him but maybe letting him learn his own lesson just might turn it around and make him apply himself more. 



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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2008, 08:52:12 PM »
I think you've just done a champion and difficult thing.
To tell him what the consequences will be, and then let him find out if you mean it, is pinnacle parenting.

(I know you mean it.)

That said, could he use an ADD coach? (If ADD is his issue.)
I had an organizer help me here for a few hours, and she does that professionally (ADD coach) -- and it sounded so wonderful. I don't know if that's your son's ED, but sometimes someone outside the family system can help the most, to give them confidence.

You're a champ Mom. (And I bet you'll get some valuable insight from Lupita.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2008, 09:00:53 PM »
Deb I will get back to you because I want to give you a meaningful response, that needs thought, deep thought.

My other friends I will get back when I can think more clearle. I am confuse and sad now. :LOLLOL  LOL


LOve to you all


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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2008, 09:27:55 PM »

Thank you so much.  and You know I love you too.

Love Deb


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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2008, 11:39:13 PM »
Hey Hops,

He was tested in 1st grade and ruled out ADD.  He is dyslexic.  He does pretty good in school but sometimes not without difficulties.
He can do it he just has to work a little bit harder and give every effort he can.  He struggles with math and that's alright if he does not get the greatest grade as long as he puts the effort in. Reading also.

It is critical for him right now and it is really up to him to turn this around.  Only he can do this.

His report card was not the greatest last marking period because of the heath issues and that was alright.  I understood this.  His anxiety levels were at an all time high.  But it was finally resolved health wise and we knew he had to do much better in 3rd marking period. We spoke about this often if not everyday.  And he did not put any effort into anything.

So now, he may just pay the price for it. There are always consequences and he has not yet reached what it will be. He has time to turn it around but it is up to him.

I have confidence. 

I want to so blame it on when he had health issues but then was then and now is now and I can not baby him or make excuses and I SO WANT TO (lol)

It's hard being a grown up.



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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2008, 05:57:25 AM »

Please get out of the house and go play some volleyball.....

don't stop twirling about in that beautiful red dress I picture you dancing in!



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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2008, 09:01:31 AM »
 Deb, I am thinking of you. I have to know something.
What is his IQ. Has he been tested for that? That is extremely important because you cannot frustrate a child with things that he cannot do. For example, I want to look like Brttany Speers, bvut that is not going to be possible. BUt if I put that as my goal I am going to be unhappy for the rest of my life. I need to find out what is his IQ, and after that, we need to set up a plan. Focus on things he can do and not focus on things that are extremely difficult. For example, if he has problems with memorization and he is obligated to take foreign language to graduate, he will be frustrated with the memorizartion fo the vocabulary, if he has problems with coordination of muscle and eye he needs to take pioano lessons to improve the fine coordination, so, my question we need to know IQ, exactly what kind of dislexia he has, because dislexia is of many m,any kinds. Not only ot invert letters, etc. Many kinds. I have dislexia too, I cant understand people and dont read behavior, and takes too hard effort for me to follow my dance partners because it takes time for me to understand what the partner wantas to do, also I have to brake in anticipation because I know that I rteact very slowly on the wheel, it takes a long time for me to understand what I have to do. Not IQ problem but processing problem. Taht is why we need to know mor specifics.


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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2008, 09:04:15 AM »
thank you lighter because in the middle of your problems you have time to think of me. Love you.


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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2008, 10:52:47 AM »
Lup, I do so well understand your feeling of not being able to read other people or understand the world. I feel the same way. I had a therapist once who told me that, with my Hx, she was not surprised.... and that most people with my HX would have ended up on a back ward somewhere, locked up. So I have tried to keep that in mind, that I have survived to this point, not that this point is comfortable, or that any of my life has been what I would call comfortable. I always feel the outsider, not privvy to some private joke everyone else understands.
"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
Time wounds all heels.


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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2008, 01:59:38 PM »
Hey Lup,

Thank you so much.

My son's IQ is average.  He had health problems in is 2nd marking period.  That is when it started.  I am sure he had high anxiety's, depression and big big time Fear's.  He was at different Dr's and possible surgery's and yet no diagnosis. So I think the health issues contributed to some of his grades from anxiety.

2nd marking period 

Art 87
English 87
Health I incomplete due to missed days
Math   80
Music  85
Physical Educ  90
Reading  80
Math Edge   65
Science 71
Social Studies 78

This is where he was being seen the most with Dr's so it was not really that bad but I had seen efforts dwindling.  Understandable.

Now this is the recent report 3rd marking period and there were still some issues in the beginning of it with Dr's but resolved now.

Art 91
English 67
Health 72
Math 60
Music 88
Physical Educ  90
reading 61
Math edge  65
Science 73
Social studies 68

Comments were ,  in math, scores low in test, quizzes
                          reading, in danger of failing for the year, fails to prepare adequately for test
                          reading edge,  puts forth little effort.

So Lup,  I need your input because I am  having a hard time with this being from his health issues or this beng from his health issues and working it too.  Using it as a crutch now to not have to put anymore effort into the end of the year.

The 3rd marking period I had seen a big change in efforts he just did not care and was fine with Just Passing, as you can see some he did not and that is not acceptable to me when I know he can. 

So we spoke about his efforts and he has to pull it together that is really up to him where he wants to end this year.  As you can see he can do it.  Struggles but he can do it.  If  he chooses not too then he will suffer the consequences and I do feel bad about that but it may have to be.  It is in his control to change it.

Football may be a dead issue for the new season because of his grades.  Although I will request him to be on the team on the side lines all year, doing homework, as they play.  He is a team member and when season is over does not mean he retires from being a team member till next season. He will be letting his team down.  This I will make sure happens if he does not turn it around.  It would be too easy to just not be part of the team but not easy to sit there and not be allowed to play because of his own lack of efforts.  Sometimes you have to pay to the piper.  This he knows I will do.  So I hope he wakes up! This is a tuff reality bite and I can't baby him or make it easy for him.  Life is not that easy and I don't want him to always look for crutches to just get by or do less.  And it is so hard to do because he is only 13 but old enough to learn his own lessons. 

Lup I value your input and time.  Do you think the health issues had a lot to do with it but then he ran with the *excuse card* and gave up with efforts.

It is soooooooo frustrating and I do worry.

Thanks again Lup, you know I love you and value your wisdom and I wish we had a teacher like you in our school. 



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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2008, 08:43:37 AM »
Art and music is right brain. He has high grades on those. Math and verbal skills. English Arts, is abstract thinking capabilities, that is where he has lower grades, that is left brain.
Abstract thinking develops at 11 or 12 years old according to Piaget and many others. He is 13. If he has difficulty understanding because of abstract thinking problems, he is going to lose interest. Most of students lose interest when they have a difficulty in the sibject. Must of human beings do not want to do things with wich they have difficulties.
Now, we have to find out what is the difficulty that is presenting to him in abstract thinking. That can be tested but my advise is that you go to a rpivate service, because at the school he will be labeled, and we do not want that. You need to find out what is the reason that he has a difficulty. Because obviously he has a difficulty. If you know what is it you can work on it with many different kind of exercises, and activities.
For example, piano lessons help a lot, boot camps on science and math in which the kids are immersed deeply into different thinking problems and critical thinking, etc. But you need to know the specifics. You do not know them now. Please, do not focus on the health issues from the past. That is not a reason for today.
Also, there is a possibility that he is lazy. Just that. We all have periods of being lazy. We need to find out the reason. Counceling privately. That is my advice. Does he have allownace? does he pay copnsecuences? do you excuse his attitud with his teachers? We need to analize all possibilities. Does he do chores? Do you make him work? Does he get everything for free? Does he clean his room or you clean after him? Does he go out with friends despite the bad grades? Does he like his teachers? Wich teacher he dislike?
I do not know what else to hink about. One more thing, do you do homework with him? Do you sit with him to work? Or it is "here is your homework, do it", many times if parents sit with children to do the homework they enjoy it and develops an assocication of pleasure with studying hard.

Love to you.


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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2008, 12:07:38 PM »
I never knew that's probably why I'm such a stumbling dancer!! Thanks, Lup.
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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2008, 02:04:11 PM »
Hey Lup,

Thank you so much.  I have a meeting with his teachers on Tues all of them.  Yes he has difficulties but he can do it.  He has learned all the tricks and found some of his own and he can do it. He especially now is being lazy. I'm pretty sure of this.  Could be wrong but I don't think so.  He had had a tutor after school with homework for years.  He has chores and punishments and he has always had consequences. 

The one thing I never do is excuse his attitude  with teachers and they were kind of shocked that I didn't.  I always make him come to meetings with me also. He likes his teachers and is well behaved in school.  I do not clean his room he does.  Well I do the sheets and washing, curtains, and things.  He has to keep it tidied up.   Homework must be done before he steps out the door. This is the first time that he requested to do things on his own. He begged.  So we did not use the tutor and he was taken at his (word).  I would ask, do you have homework, yes, I'm doing it now.  He was in his room with books but obviously not putting effort into anything as it has shown on report cards. 

I know he feels very embarrassed of his actions, I could read it all over him, by just looking at him.  He did try to make excuses but we nailed him on every one of them and he finally took ownership.

I don't know if the school has labled him.  I know that they will not say dyslexic.  They say reading disability (general term). He was not diagnosed by the school with it I went out side private for that. 

We now are going back to old ways and I know he is a little resistant to it but I think he is really afraid of failing this grade and wants to try everything not too. 

I hope Lup he just had a down hill swing for a bit and sees what has happened.

I think he was given less credit then he should have been because I know in my heart that we (school and myself) overlooked that this child knew (how to work it) to his own advantage.   We were more afraid to let him fail then he was.  He took no responsibility on his own with out pushing and pushing.  And this, I believe, was a learned behaviour that we have taught him.

If he falls, so what, he thought, some one will step in and save him.  And that I think is really what was in his mind.  Could be wrong but I don't think so.

He sees now that when he did it on his own, with little effort, he failed and does not like it because he has no one to blame but himself.  He can do it and he didn't even try.  That belongs to him.   

So we start a new marking period now and things have gone back to how they use to be with, exception of the tutor not coming back, some new changes, like signed, homeowork assignments so I know what they are and  I know he can pull this off himself,  I know it as a fact. But at the kitchen table and with me checking everything.   Tutor feels the same.
He is very capable and has all the tools.  She also felt he got lazy.


You really need to get out of the school you are in and I pray that you find a new job this summer.  That school you are working for now is so stupid.  My God, are they blind and deaf.  They do not appreciate you.  I do. 

We need more teachers like you.  Real teachers who care and really want to teach. Not one of the teachers has spoken to me like you have. They almost seemed afraid to speak.

Maybe it's the school and guidelines they have to go by.  Don't know, but I do see the teachers sometimes want to say more then they are *allowed* I think.  And I think parents also give teachers a hard time with resistance to problems with children.

You have a hard job Lup and a frustrating job.  I don't think I could do it.  Anyone can be a teacher but not every one can teach.

You can teach and you care............

Love to you Lup and thanks for all your help!!


finding peace

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Re: ??????????????????
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2008, 07:43:46 PM »
Deb and Lupita,

Thanks so much for discussing this.  I am having trouble motivating my older daughter re studies.

She too had a dive in grades this semester.

Lupe - your advice helps - thanks!!!

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