Son #2 was in therapy as a child dealing with his crazy father leaving.
Son #1 seemed fine. When Hubby #3 and I realized something was wrong with my #1 son after he dropped out of college for the first time, we offered to get him therapy and even go with him. No dice. Later when he moved back into our home after some trouble (we helped him out) and his N behavior was escalating, we ordered him to get into therapy or he would have to leave. He left and stayed away for 2 years.
He came back into my life the year my mother died, and was pretty normal behaving for a time, though by then you can see how warped his thining was becoming. When my brother in-law died at 46 of lung cancer May 2003, I called #1 son to have him come home for the funeral. He said he was going to get a ticket and would call us when he got on the plane. We never heard from him again. Only his brother has had a few slight contacts, then nothing for almost a year. I think he didn't have money for the ticket (he has screwed up college twice and new jobs many times) and did not want to lose face, so we all were silently D&D because of it.
I'm not sure if his N behavior comes from what we all went through in the house from N hubby #2 or from direct inheritence from his father. They are alike as two peas in a pod. They even have the same evil laugh. He was not raised by N husband #1 and this is the person he most behaves like. He is also EXTREMELY HANDSOME, also like his father. You only have to speak to him for a few minutes to realize there is no one insde. He has the same disgusting attitude towards woman has his father has. These things he did not learn in my house.
He has gotten away with a lot because of his looks and charm, even in school. I used to beg the teachers not to pass him if he didn't do the work. By the time he went to college, his behavior seemed cemented. Only looks and things mattered, how he appeared and how he dressed. The fact that he can't hold a job or complete anything he starts doesn't seem to phase him in the least. He is lazy, anything that takes too much effort, except for working on his body or his tan, gets dropped by the wayside.
I think he is also closet homosexual because I have been told of this suspicion by several of his old friends and by who he was hanging out with in South Beach in Florida when he was living there after he moved out of our house the last time. Lots of wealthy gay doctors, and he died his hair bright blonde and told us "pool water" did that (like Scott Peterson). But he has lived with and sponged off women, his age and also older with children, who are smitten with his looks.
I've told part of my story before, it comes in fits and starts because it is so long, so convoluted and so disgusting in parts, but I know it helps me to tell it here and be accepted and it can also help others, many of whom I know have been through even worse than I have. Finding out about N's has done a lot for me, it has put the last piece into the puzzle I have been trying to finish so I can be a whole person.
Thank you for being kind and making me realize I should be proud of myself for having lived through hell. Everything I did, I did for my kids, to get them out of that hell too and get them an education. I can't help it that they didn't want to cooperate at times (son #2 just moved back home to finish college, boomerang kid).
Hi Lisbeth,
Its a powerful story. I hope it helps you to get it all out as much as it helps many readers who learn alot from your story. Its mutually beneficial, and connects us all. Thanks so much for trusting and sharing with us.
Is there any chance that son #1 can get therapy, or is he too far gone?
In any case, i hope you won't feel guilty about him being an N. There is help out there, and since he is an adult, he is responsible for his own life and future. Also, you are a much stronger person now, if he could only realize and forgive the old you from his tough childhood years, and work toward a new relationship. Sometimes, the pain is too deep and they need more time. Have patience and continue your commited journey toward living well and being happy. You are a good role model and give hope to alot of people.