Author Topic: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too  (Read 19761 times)


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2008, 07:20:53 PM »
OK, today I've eaten trail gorp (homemade, with oats and almonds) and put coconut oil on my face.  Awaiting transformation.  Oh I made a blueberry pie too, alas.


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2008, 12:35:39 AM »
Boy could I enjoy some blueberry pie...

Had a nice evening with gennleman friend...lots of talking, walking, a little cuddling. No pressure.

I have a conundrum. (You don't wanna read this, Mud, but I need to talk about it. I will be mindful of mores and such and am not trying to incite vulgarity, honest. I just don't have anybody I really know how to talk about this stuff with in my life.)

I was raised in extremely repressive atmosphere, as to sex. VERY repressive. Full of fear and guilt and a dark sense that it wasn't joyful but dire. (About 15 years ago, I learned why...what had gone on in my mother's childhood from her father -- if not to her --I'll never know the truth about that -- definitely to her younger sister. That would lead one to emit dire signals about sex, I'm sure. It was simply never addressed at all. )

So I was a late bloomer and in some ways still am. In my young adulthood I was a bold one. Round-heeled, to put it bluntly. As I got older I began to miss the sense of exaggerated sacredness. I don't really want THAT, either -- that's just another kind of pressure. But I'm still ambivalent and confused about what I really want. How much exploration and woo-hooness.

With Gennleman Friend, who had no father ... but is a Gentle Man, and an honest one ... I find myself a little startled by how freely and naturally he talks about sex. And, he mentions women a lot. He is not a philanderer. I believe he is honest about that as well, and have no sense that he's painting false pictures. He's been very emphatic that he has no interest in being any other way than involved and intimate with just one woman. He's known a few, so he has his stories.

But he's very fit, very attractive, and in that area of his life, very confident in a way I am not. That's touching on some insecurities I have about intimacy. I'm afraid of disappointing, being dull. Boring him.

It'll be some looooooooong time before I know, because I am moving like an old tortoise. The last few years of romantic disappointments have taught me one thing with huge clarity. Although I was very capable of it when I was young, for me now, casual sex is an oxymoron. Or I am a moron when I indulge. Every single time, I imprint like a baby duck and am ready to go quacking after That Man indefinitely. And it hurts too much when it's not reciprocated. So I'm just not handing myself over like that any more. Nice thing about GF is that he isn't losing interest in me once I've explained that about myself. We're certainly attracted to each other...but while he refers to us as "good friends" then that's all I'll be.

Going backwards, I must be. Back to the lesson of girlhood...don't let it happen unless he loves you and offers security. Of course, I've selected an unemployed formerly homeless probably-alcoholic yardman...details...details...

Back to the conundrum. Kind nice truly a gentleman Gennnulman Friend, who attends my church and knocks himself silly being helpful and nurturing...kind of shares enough stories about himself that I learn that because he likes women so much (and I mean he genuinely likes women -- raised with two, and no males -- he seems to feel most at home with females, generally a lovely thing...and I'm quite touched and pleased by his intentional building of his relationship with his sister) .... AND because he's a very kinesthetic kind of person, as well as visually like any other guy (he responds to beauty, loves the female body, etc etc)...

Oh hell, I'll spit it out.

Turns out he's spent plenty of time (though not in recent years) in his past in nudie bars. Told me all sorts of tales about how he made genuine friends among the women, didn't exploit or anything. In fact he's always telling me stories of his past encounters with women ... and he usually comes off as the more vulnerable. I don't think he's making this up at all. He really is unusally sensitive, and perhaps lonely. And it sounds as though he's experienced his share of rejection (I can relate to that).

Anyhow, my heart sank when he told me that. I don't want to judge him. But I LOATHE every single aspect of the flesh peddling industry. I see a continuum and am not sage about it at all. He is all blase and told me truthfully that he met quite a few women who seemed to truly enjoy what they did, and earned a lot of money, etc.

I countered with -- the continuum -- how I perceive it as completely messed up and sad and tragic EVEN IF there are "sex positive" confident women who do it with pleasure, without shame, and enjoy their sexual power as a positive.

Sigh. My problem is, I understand what he's saying. He's an intelligent and sensitive man. I trust him and I like him.

But I'm flat-out buffaloed by this past pasttime of his. He's not apologetic about it. He concedes my argument that it's a continuum and porn and trafficking etc. are related, and even sees my point that most women, even in "sex positive" Western states, who participate...may come from backgrounds of some sort of abuse, or even if not that, from some sort of ECONOMIC desperation (hellloooooo, equality is still not there, economically, though it's much much better).

So how do I reconcile all this? He really is a lovely gentle man who has been treating me VERY well and has become a companion and great comforter.

But I have for years simply loathed and grieved and sorrowed (and raged) over the industry of women's bodies.

Oh damn.

Anyway, I know this is a big loaded subject, but I sincerely would be very very interested in answers from any and all of you -- ALL thoughts, perspectives, wisdom, things you've learned or changed or embraced or rejected in the evolution of your own thinking about these things.

Hell, I halfway think it's because he's a laid-back Westerner and I was raised an uptight Southern girl. Could it be that simple? Mutliple trips to Europe notwithstanding, I literally know nothing about how a handsome athletic young boy with no father, who really really likes women and is lonely, might find himself drawn to that sort of gathering. It may in part be his habit of drinking in bars, too. The way he talks about it... it was part thrill-seeeking when he was young, but became a place to find friends, conversation, bonding. He talks far more about people's life stories and conversations he had with them than he does anything else.

I am just seeing that he's had a whole life that's in a way on the "disprespectable" side of the street. He's embraced people exactly as who they are. He's not judgmental, nor snobbish, nor pretentious. He has an openness and curiosity that I really appreciate. I think he's actually sought out the "underclass" in the same way he chose to climb mountains that not very many others have climbed. He's in the 2nd tier of climbers worldwide. He's literally climbed mountains that are so steep and dangerous and high that people have died attempting the ascents. He saw that more than once.

I respond to the adventurer in him. THAT'S THE TRUTH! (Hmm, this is helpful.) I too am an adventurer. Where I am bold is not physical. (I"m a wuss and out of shape...though I once worked as a carpenter's apprentice when few women were...helped build a barn, doing the roof, all that). But I traveled 13 countries before I was 15 (three months each time) and it changed me. It implanted an openness and curiosity about other ways of living and being, and it challenged so many of the social assumptions I was raised among.

My poor parents had no idea all that would go off in my brain like little bombs during the 60s and afterward, of course.

Wow. I would love to know how anybody else responds to this winding post. It has helped me to write it, because I think I've written my way to understanding how I can still like him.

I am intensely turned off by the industry that peddles women, EVEN IF some of the participating women are glad or "empowered" to be doing it. I don't care, I still see it as a terribly sad thing reminiscent of the auction block.

But maybe he has never seen it that way, or asked the same questions, or battled through that question in the same way I have. And maybe he's not evil because his own spirit of rebellion and adventure used to lead him there.

Maybe I'm also in danger of rationalizing acceptance of something I deeply dislike, because I've been so lonely and he's paid me so much attention.

Oy. I really don't know. My mind's open. But I'm still guarding my heart.

Thanks for reading all this free association...feel free to freely associate back!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2008, 02:05:32 AM »

I don't like that he told you about the strip clubs.  Lots of guys go to them, but, they don't elaborate the details.  So, this would turn me off.  If he wants to seduce you, why can't he just use romance, why resort to strip club tails?

I think this is it: Maybe I'm also in danger of rationalizing acceptance of something I deeply dislike, because I've been so lonely and he's paid me so much attention.

If you decide to become intimate with him, please don't give your heart away.

That's my take.



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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2008, 09:43:59 AM »
Ah jeez Hops... is it that you're looking for a reason to deny yourself the GF? 'Coz you don't seem to me, to be the kind of person who would judge a person simply on their past activities and likes/dislikes... even when you do hold strong opinions and have made clear choices for yourself. Would it upset you if he still liked to "adventure" out to a strip joint once in a while? Is it a trust issue, deep down?

I mean - my hubby loves stacks of papers & magazines piled all around the house - which I am almost obsessively opposed to. He doesn't like broccoli - and it's my favorite vegetable. But those two qualities don't invalidate all the other good things he is, to and for me. I've told him, about his almost compulsive need to shop & collect, that it could be a whole lot worse... hey! He could be like N-hubby #2... The stacks of paper & mags are still an issue that we work through every recycling day... and we both have strong feelings about it... but it doesn't get in the way of the rest of our relationship.

Same with sex. He has a healthy appetite, in that area... while I've been conflicted about the topic all my life - lots of extremes in behavior, too. And then, when I got back my memory of what happened... well, that was just one activity I had a LOT of issues with... as if it had just happened. We are still working this out, but mostly because I want to deny myself - my own needs, my own opportunity for intimacy and pleasure. It's not that I want to deny him... so I'm working on consciously relaxing myself - the anxiety - and releasing the outcome of whether we "do it" or not. This is one area, where it's better for me to simply trust him - and not worry at all about "what I want". Give up control and let him lead.
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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #34 on: October 27, 2008, 11:29:22 AM »

I think being nonjudgmental is important.  However, I think respecting your views (which, after all, you've clearly spent time thinking about and reaching) is very important as well.  It's possible that some women in the sex trade enjoy their work, I suppose, though it's also true that everyone I know, when asked about their jobs, rationalizes and defends the bad stuff.  And in the sex trade, the bad stuff is very very bad.  It doesn't seem likely you are going to end the friendship over this, correct?  Only that you are wondering if it kills any potential romantic relationship down the way?  How about filing it for now with the drinking and the spotty employment history, and see if these things naturally lead you to keep the friendship at that level?  Are you rationalizing, or seeking to see things from someone else's point of view, which is a sign of strength?   So, you are willing to try to be open minded about his take on the subject; how does he respond to yours?   If he has had a number of at-risk sex partners in the past, he would of course get a clean bill of health before engaging in any activity with you, correct?  So many questions.  That said, how might a lonely, fatherless kid who likes to drink end up in strip clubs?  C'mon.   It'd take about thirty seconds.

I don't know, Hops.  The one thing I can say is I think you are very wise to take this VERY slowly. 


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2008, 05:08:16 PM »
Hey Hops,

Please forgive me but I am going to be straight and forward with you.

My concern is do you think he has an addictive, drinking, nudity, and you say he works very hard at church now...
Do you know what I mean Hops?

I had a friend who was a recovering alcoholic.  After a big function he would go to the bar with the rest of the people.  I wondered how he could do this and asked him one day.  He said it was not so much the drinking that he had to be carefull of it was the whole scene.  He loved every aspect about the social functioning in the bars.  He loved the smell, the people, the music, everything which if he stayed to long he would drink.  He only stayed about 1/2 and had to go home.  He made no apologies for it either.  He loved it but it was destruction for him. 

Even his work became addictive but I guess better then the bar scene.   His family had to deal with this.  Very difficult for them.

More then the Sex or Nudity Bars Hops and I know you despise them think about and look at him with trying to have an open mind to his thoughts/feelings ...does this man have to go to far and all the way and too much of things...addictive ....

Hoppy what I got from your writings is that everything this man does is in Extremes....

Forgive me if I am wrong...Ya know I love ya Hops.. Carefull Hops...slow



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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #36 on: October 27, 2008, 05:51:51 PM »
Dear CB, thank you (again) for wise, insightful windows. I'll take on the questions, they help:

Did the gardener share these kinds of convictions? 
Nope. Darn gardener fantasized so much about a black bustier I got one. And he herniated a disk. HAW!
I didn't like that, either. I really must be a prude. I hate any suggestion whatsoever that I have to change my body or apparel to please a male. It's my hangover from the first heartbreak of recognizing my 2nd-class citizenship. In my early 20s (well, when I was first told I couldn't attend the state U. because of my genitals! Sorry, but that's how I think of it. Not, "you've got the wrong gender." But "you've got the wrong genitals, so you're not welcome here." Made my blood boil then and now. But I do like men very much. And I know women who get a happy gleam and talk about pleasing a man and obviously have no such insecurity or feeling of threat. Hah. Bet my horrible older brother has something to do with this...Ughgh.

What made him a bad bet?  Was it his lack of commitment to you (no overnights, no accountability)?
Yes. But mainly it was that one day he asked me "Am I your boyfriend" in the same tone of voice a person would say, "Do I have cancer?" and when I happily said, "Do you want to be?" he fled. Instantly. Intimate relationship ended on the spot. Though we've staggered back into friendship, he amputated the lovemaking without pause. Back then (few months ago, amazing) it really hurt. I grieved so, for the lack of his affection. It may not even have BEEN affection, he's just a guy who naturally slings his arms around a woman and was happy doing so. It probably had very little to do with my specialness. Sigh.

 Does this guy seem more stable in the areas that gardener was not? 
Yes. He's still friends with and loyal to and obviously cares for exes. Doesn't seem to readily discard people from his life.

Does that seem like a good trade-off for the other negatives? 
That's the $64K question. Maybe. But the lack of insight into how a woman might perceive a man who has received lap dances bothers me. For me, it's a big lack of empathy. He's (new guy) kind as in gentle, but maybe he's not really empathic. Fact-finding better include that, or I've done it again. The good part is, no sex. Ain't done it. Right now, not feeling as though I will.

If so, what does that say about what you are looking for, what you are willing to give up to get what you are looking for? 
COMPANIONSHIP. And a guy who'll dig in the yard, show some interest in helping me carry the load of life. Last night, we sat outside and I said I'm going to sweep the leaves, and he just grabbed the broom and said, let me do that. I have had SO LITTLE HELP. Literally, help. Being helped is huge to me.

Does devotion to you measure higher on your list that some of these other things?  (sometimes the only way we know that we have a list, and what is on it, is by being in the very situation that you are in).
I'm not sure what devotion is...but attention, willingness/eagerness to share time. Cooking a meal for me. Inviting me to share Thanksgiving. Previous Nboyfriends nearly herniated themselves to avoid sharing any holidays, birthdays, etc. This fellow just opened up his life and invited me in. He was lonely too. That can be a perfectly good reason to be drawn to someone, though I know it should never be the only one.

Another thing to think about:  are you living an adventure vicariously through this guy? 
No question I'm excited by his unconventional life and adventurous past. I don't know many people who have had a passion for adventure. I have had my own, not athletic...but I've done some bold things. Living alone on the Eastern Shore, working as a carpenter, working as a roving poet, etc etc. And a few strolls on the wild side myself. Looking back, though, I don't crave anything wild any more. I now crave more the quieter adventure of developing spirituality, sustainable living, community, green living, etc. (He just got his climbing gear shipped. Glad for him.)

This is what I identify with--I have done this many times in my life.  Take what you know about him and apply it to your decisions about your life: what made him able to have the adventures that he has had. 
No children, no strong anchor to FOO. Oy boy.

Willing to risk? 
No obligations.
No encumbrances? S
Oh yeah! You betcha. After single parenting, 2 divorces and a decade as NMom's're spot on. I envy his serene freedom from attachment or entrapment. I'm still chewing my paw out of the trap, as long as my brother looms.

See if you can figure out what you can incorporate in your own life without necessarily having to have him to do it.

Thanks, CB. I see that I am still in the trap, but slowly time is passing to a point where I may yet be free. Or freer. Having a child binds me permanently to a person and to a degree a place. But that part is good by me. I'd like to be intentionally bound, voluntarily bound, to a kindred seeker, a lover, too. I would like to marry again out of joy, not fear. That's what I'm waiting for.

Thank you so much. You are as clairvoyant as always, and me as grateful.

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #37 on: October 27, 2008, 05:52:54 PM »
Hi Ann.

You're spot on. I can't become intimate without offering my heart along with my body any more. Maybe I can, but the price is too steep. So I'm just not going to do that to myself again.

Heart firmly in chest,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #38 on: October 27, 2008, 06:03:30 PM »
Ask the questions, FEEL the answers.  Sounds like you've done it, Hops, and this guy makes a perfectly decent...friend.  You should not give your body without giving your heart.  And while that lack of prior encumbrances in his life might make a relationship of any level easier, it might also signal an inability to connect on a deep level, which clearly means a lot to you.  Put yourself first.  Accept his help and his kindness and reciprocate, but don't compromise your dreams.


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2008, 08:30:55 PM »
Thanks, Gjazz, for these:

It doesn't seem likely you are going to end the friendship over this, correct? 
Yup. I mean nope. I wouldn't ... but what I experienced w/gardener (and others) is that once romance is "in the air" and you backpedal to "just friends" that often becomes a pretty dull, cramped relationship. Favor-swapping and some support, but not much emotional connection...

Only that you are wondering if it kills any potential romantic relationship down the way?
Yup, I am. I don't know how a man who sees women in full, including the cultural realities of sexism (and I would want a partner with that much empathy) ... could happily indulge in receiving lap dances and clinging to the young dancers as his friends. He says he remembers times that were just "fun, not exploitative". I believe that is his honest sense of it. But he also developed a full relationship with one of them, she sounded terribly troubled, he even said she was bipolar. He clearly cared about her. I remember also that when we first got together he told me he was extremely I get that. It's all part of his dynamic, I know.

I am judgmental in a way. But it's partly a .. um ... discontinuity in the brain, for me. Like, maybe I'm the feminist equivalent of a vegan. Some folks are fine with eating dairy and eggs (I am one, and only recently began seeking out pasture-fed dairy -- even though I'm in denial about their eventual slaughter...and free-range eggs --ditto). Some feel the empathy and grief over the way factory farming goes that they won't eat honey (chemicals are sprayed on hives) or even rennet (a dye used in some cheeses, I think it comes from beetles' shells? or something like that). They take a prinicpled stand and wear vinyl shoes.

I'm too lazy. I just feel the thing about young women putting themselves in these environments so acutely. Partly, I'm envious of their sexual bravado. I wish I were that free. Maybe I wouldn't have any "performance doubts" if I had that kind of confidence. I feel sexy at times. But I have trouble going as bold and intensely carnal as many women do. So maybe I'm jealous. I dunno. Those convictions, though ... if you'd read here a few years back, you'd've heard me raving about the genital mutilation of girls in some cultures. That KILLS me. So...I extrapolate to dirty bars. I truly don't know how they're not connected. It's all objectification, isn't it? I mean, so what if he's all Mr. Sensitive Friend to the dancers after hours? He still sits there and gets off on their young selves dancing naked in front of a crowd, didn't he? How do I feel about that? NOT GOOD.

He has no children.

I have a daughter.

But why should that be what it takes? I don't have a son, but I have no trouble feeling pain and fury when I think of what's done to young boys...seeing the anguish and havoc the objectification of THEIR selves causes...




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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #40 on: October 27, 2008, 08:32:17 PM »

Your courage in loving and letting yourself be intimate at ALL is marvellous and moving and wonderful.
I salute you.

Unimaginable bravery, dear.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #41 on: October 27, 2008, 08:40:25 PM »
Hi Deb--

More then the Sex or Nudity Bars Hops and I know you despise them think about and look at him with trying to have an open mind to his thoughts/feelings ...does this man have to go to far and all the way and too much of things...addictive ....

Hoppy what I got from your writings is that everything this man does is in Extremes....

Forgive me if I am wrong

You're not wrong at all. You're utterly right.
He even told me once that in the same way that mountain climbing feels a need to push things to the extreme, he believes he allowed himself to go homeless and depressed enough to consider ending his life...out of the same yearning. Who knows? Maybe the death wish is still the unresolved grief over losing his father at age 7. He owns that, but I think hasn't unpacked it all the way...not enough. Or he wouldn't still be overdrinking and telling a new woman in his life a few TOO MANY stories about his relationships with other women. It's not that I expect him not to have a history, but damn...too much information, ya know?

He said last night after we got through that conversation, "Now you know all my secrets." I said, "You don't know all mine, and I'm not telling them!
(Though I'd told him a few. I think I actually matched him for shock value a few times. Har.)

Oh pooh. Where's my Republican dentist?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #42 on: October 27, 2008, 09:54:10 PM »
PS--I'm really disappointed.

I can have complete compassion for the loneliness that drove him in some directions I don't want to go.
But deep inside, I really want something that seems to me both deeper and more innocent.

IOW, I would like a love in my life whose touch is more about passion than practice.

Personal, not perfected.

I am not sure which he is, and I know I'm going either-or good-bad again...drat.

I am confused and feeling relieved I'm not more deeply involved. Thank god I said I needed to go slowly and I have.

I don't or won't or wouldn't have to claw my way back out of attachment the way I did w/the gardener.

Still, I'm sorry.

Once again, romantic fantasy is trumped by common sense...(I never have been fond of common sense.)

I am sure he IS a nice man but my inner innocent would get quite messed up with all these images he's planted in my head of his former doings.

I think.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #43 on: October 27, 2008, 10:06:55 PM »
For me, I only give my body when my heart is bonded to his and his to mine. I could not endure the pain of giving myself to a man who did not love me in a deep way.
 I have had enough heartbreaks with my M to last a lifetime and so I honored my heart in this way, even though I did not know what I was doing.
 I know you, Hops, have had too many heart breaks ,also.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Variou$ woe$ and some happine$$ too
« Reply #44 on: October 27, 2008, 10:23:31 PM »
Of course you are disappointed, but only about what might have been, not in the choices you made.  A little easier, I hope?

I think you hit the nail on the head with the passion vs. practice comment.  With the right person, you won't feel worried about "underperforming" and neither will he. 

It's a little tough for me to buy into your friend's contention that patronizing exotic dancers is "fun, not exploitive," at least from their point of view, but of course I don't know.  I think many don't have a lot of options and know what to say to keep men coming around.   But codependent--sigh.  Really?  See what I'm beginning to wonder about is what he HASN'T told you.  You haven't known him for long and booze, sex and joblessness are on the table, and in my experience at least, most men take awhile before they get to the negative stuff.  I know I haven't met him.  I don't know him, you do.  But...

I didn't meant to suggest he can't empathize with you, having a daughter etc. because he doesn't have kids.  I only meant that, combined with the other issues, there may be deeper attachment problems involved.  I don't know what, just something ELSE.

At any rate you sound resolved in your level of commitment to the relationship and its scope.  Here's hoping for the best.  All the best, however and whatever that may be.  Good for you for standing firm and listening to your heart.