Hi all
and thank you for your good Wishes...
Every last one of themI feel like HELL….wellllllllll? Don’t we all?
There is always something, and I had time and strength, to notice only Hops’ message about her mother’s death.
My condolences, but I don’t feel sorry when an older person goes peacefully, so please don’t bemoan me at my death--- but would gladly have gone to meet my Friends over the Hill when that pain shot through me and still does.
I haven’t had a pain pill (Tylenol 3) since yesterday morning at the hospital. I just wanted out of there and I now have set up, with my Visa, with my drugstore, as I won’t be going anywhere for a while. I have all the time in the world to heal, but by then it will be time to wave my Final Farewell.
This is a monstrous set back for me. Monstrous!
I have a portable commode on loan from Red Cross----hospital people know of all the possible connections needed….
A Physio came with her offerings. Private business, likely has helpers, as I never saw her at hospital.
‘We Care’ rep came with their offerings--housework (laundry too), grocery shop.
I have a call into a lawyer. (Edit later--Had to leave a message.)
I have called about another chair, to be paid by Ins’ce Co--hope I get soon as this old one is no great shakes. I could end up with another broken bone
in my feeling area, the right femur/hip.. It might be difficult to understand that with my original injury, 40 years ago, June 7, the paralysis meant no pain, and I was left with no pain feeling from below my knees down, from an L1 spinal injury. Recalling all the broken bones I could ‘laugh' away… Somebody must have felt it was time Izzy suffered!!
I’ve called In’sce for a replacement wheelchair, just that there might be hell to pay and I hope I didn’t mess myself up by telling Donna that I felt that it (
Yes---my new wheelchair,
PR) had plastic surgery and is in operation under another name. I saw the left wheel--can’t afford long messages/details…..sorry.
It was a meeting I was attending, but car was dead, so set out in my chair--Treasurer--had Emergency call the number and say I wouldn’t be there, and there was a mix-up about my next of kin-- so I have yet to straighten this out, whether it’s my sister or my daughter and how rude people can be when one who calls is not a family member
The email to lighter was for her knowledge with hopes she'd post to Board.
Thanks Mother of 2, as same went to numerous people, with no
personal comments to anyone in particular, mainly general information.
Treasurer, John came in to see me and was glad to find out where I was, at least, but the anesthetic, the drugs, can drive one to paranoia, etc.
and I was alone, so I asked him if he would please believe everything I was saying, as truth, because he would otherwise think I had gone around the bend. He said he would (
but ought not have added ” if you want me to) He might as well have said
No and I think you are nuts! I quit that job then and there, as kind as he was to me in bringing things……………….
Yesterday, I was finally talking with my 78 yr old roommate and he said what he had experienced (same as I) and at least his wife ‘believed’ him for the time, when the nonsense pours out! (I knew it was nonsense, and how it would sound) She didn’t put a time limit on her belief!
(I hope you understand that. ) He was going to be assassinated by Chinese people and I was going to be made to pay, by Bob, the N from the recent years who I left in 2002. I saw all these real people and remember conversations, “quotes”, the horror, better than any dream. By the time one week had passed in REAL LIFE, TWO weeks had passed in my Hallucinating Life. Day was a day and night was a day, so that’s the double.
I knew what was happening and I tried to reason how to deal with it so I told John, only,
as I required support. (I wonder if it is only us ol' folks, or the type surgery.) Dave had a hip replacement.
I ended up chewing out 2 doctors and a few male nurses, on purpose to let them know I knew they were drugging me, and they wouldn’t get away with it…..so I had to get out of the hospital. I escaped one day, to go home and call my daughter, but was tracked down then became reasonable enough when the “out-of -space” cop told me I had to go back or be arrested under the Mental Health Act. When Graham, a male nurse, poured something into a container across the way, it set the spike, that was from the x-ray of my leg, afloat so, by using remote control, could be used to instill horrendous pain onto me, at will. I said, “I’m as sharp as a tack, but not quite as sharp as your spike. It missed me by this much and I was too late, but when I get out of here…… whatever….” (Bob the N was getting get back at me.) See how nuts that sounds? All you need to do for someone like that is to make them feel that you believe in them and will help in any way you can, and become a part of the hallucinatory life to stave off the paranoia. ETC.
Every move I make must be for a reason, a good reason, so as not to waste time on Pain. The pills have still not arrived, but “We Care” rep left my bathroom light on………. I would normally go turn out the light, but I will wait until I am in that area of the apt, about 12’ away.
New rule, finally learned, is
use Bad Leg First, but not taught by therapists, *I* know that now, for ME! As far a rules go, if a patient does pivot transfers as I do, the helper will protect from the front. NOT me! I require a back or side presence. Trevor tore a strip off me about this rule, and I tore right back. “
You stand in front of me and my bum falls backward like a learning-to-walk baby. I drop!! Your arms reach and grab….Air! Same timing! Think about it! “ Finally it was a draw but it is still an individual matter.
Last night I dreamed up a new invention. When pain strikes, find it’s partner on the other leg, massage both until they join, and go on to next pains, one after another, then I don’t have to get up to go pee. Three times I didn’t have to get up
….Wow eh?Well, maybe I ought to have gotten up 3 times, Once anyway.--hope drugs wear off. I really thought that with Bob after me, I had nothing I could do, but I would write a book about my life (the hallucinogenic one) One incident each day then send to D, for her best-seller, and it would be the most horrific horror story--better than Stephen King.
Once in a lifetime likely, one meets a person, and then life continues, never to see that person again.
It was Maria, 46.….. My D. is 45
She has a 20 y.o D--- She has a 20 y.o. D
She has a 67 yo Mom-- She has me, the 69 year old Mom.
She reminded me of Tyne Daly and said she was going to play the Lottery on our numbers. When she clocked off at 7:00am yesterday, she hugged me and said, “
Well this has been the best, and also the time to say, ‘I hope I never see you again‘.”. She had also agreed on Civil Suit, Person Injury Claim.
Pills arrived. $6.98 for 60 pills. Angie said for me to ask for anything and she will comply. They have the Visa # I am keeping good records…
even the receipt for my wheelchair, that suddenly appeared, on the seat, of this old one that John brought in for me. HUH? So this has been open all day for typing and I now finish up at 6:30 PST
Pills have had a good effect.
I transferred better.
Bills are paid (I send cheques) and just wrote for Electricity. I received bill on Mar 27, put in purse then was promptly bowled over. I called for due date and amount, as even though it traveled with me even to back home, it is now missing.
Ha. Ha.

The gal put a no-penalty on my account for me, as I told her that the “We Care” people will be mailing……but in time?
Now I will brush my hair. I am looking pretty spiffy, all swollen, ratty, in a silk nightie (well it's a polyester slip) and an long elastic bandage swung ravishingly, as a scarf, around my neck
Lordy!! You all must envy me!!
Ha. Ha.

So it appears that I might make it!
Love, Love, Love