Last night, I was out with friends and found myself in the position of expressing empathy to two of them. Their mother died some months ago and their only sister is the executrix of their mother's estate. The problem is that the sister is a full-blown, flaming N who is attempting to manipulate the situation and trying to keep EVERYTHING for herself in spite of the mother's WRITTEN will dividing everything equally among her children. On top of that, she is DEMANDING that her brothers deed over their cemetery plot for her late husband's ashes, (ignoring the fact that she treated her late husband like !@#$ while he was alive). Her brothers have repeatedly told her "NO!" to her demands and they were describing her ranting, raging, screaming, tantrums, manipulations and lies that she has been pulling since their mother died. (Sounds familiar!) I commented that their sister sounds like she has full-blown NPD and to stand their ground with her. One of the brothers is looking for a lawyer, that is knowledgeable about probating wills, so that they can get things settled ASAP. I don't envy these two friends. This NSister is a complete pain-in-the-a$$!