It is 11:30. I am at the airport. Sitting with my lap top. Trying the get over my upsetness. I need to feel good. My mother is unreasonable. I need to feel good. If I wait for her to give me approval to feel good, I am never going to feel good. Never.
The good bye was very cold. On my part too. I colaborated for a cold good bye because I was very resentful. I gace my step father a cold hug, a big and deep and strong hug to my niesce and a kiss to her, and a very very very cold hug to my mother. The tips of my fingers touched barely her back, and there was no contact of chests or faces.
I got my bags and got in the bus station.
I have been feeling very upset, and sad. My aunt wanted to visit me but she said that my mother put a face so bad to her the day before that she did not want to go because she was afraid. She did the same to my SIL. She does not want that anybody to visit me, she wants to isolate me. In fact, I am isolated. I am not part of the team.
My brother and sister live in a bubble, and have no idea of what my mother does. I have told my brother but he does not believe me at all. She is going to destroy my brother’s marriage but he si so stupid that he allows my mother to mistreat my SIL. My brother told me that my SIL only wants my company to get back at my mother. I cannot believe that my company is so poor or undesirable that she would only want to get back at my mother using me. I think she enjoys getting back at my mother but that is nopt the reason. She likes my company.
I need to get over this sadness. I want to come back, I want to see my old friends, I want to see my niesces and nephew, I want to visit the old places where I drank coffee when I was a medical student, I want to visit the tomb of my father and grand mother, and grand father, and my old cousins, dance salsa in special place here, go to the folk theater where only people from here understand the meaning of the jokes, I do not want to break with my past.
But my mother really hates me. And I need to deal with that so I can enjoy here and there and USA and my slef. Otheriwse I will never enjoy anything.
The hole is never going to be filled. Never.
I am resentful to god because he did ugly things to my son too. I did as much as I could to save my son, but he suffered too much before I could understand what was happening.
I have been a victim all my life. I am not a victim right now at this right moment, but I still feel a victim of life.
Need to move on, I am not a victim anymore. I am an adult and can protect my self. But feel so lonely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was so stupid that here in the airport after four hours of bus travel, I called my mother to let her know that I was fine here and waiting for my flight to USA and she started telling me how bad she was feeling because I only came here to take care of my self and di not care about her.
Why do I keep looking for a nice word from my diabolic mother? I was even sadder. I was wondering why did I call her. Why did I call her. I know that I am going to receive dirt from her. Why do I call her. I regretted I called her.
It is like I never learn. Now, at this moment I do not feel as bad as I was feeling in the bus. I am sitting at a Coffee shop, with internet, will have a cappuccino, I am going back “home” and I put quotations because I do not feel home anywhere. I feel sad no matter where I am.