Dear Lupita,
Congratulations on the surgery. I bet you look beautiful. It is a blessing that the surgery was safe, successful & free and now you are home: These are blessings!! Try to be grateful. Wow, you are blessed, but you don’t seem to take joy in these blessings. As you said, you have a good job & your son is doing well & now you look so beautiful: your glass is half full, not half empty. I am sorry to be hard on you, but, try to see that your attitude is negative.
I know it stinks to have an N FOO & an NM, but that is our reality. Yes, you can work on the legacy, the aftermath of how the N FOO & an NM have effected you, but, please get some perspective.
About 2 years ago, I realized I was a drama queen: I catastrophized things by saying to myself “this is terrible, I will never have this or that, I will never be this or that”. When I became conscious of my negativity (& that I got my negativity from my N FOO & my NM), I became aware & now, I try to stop it. Instead of focusing on the bad, I focus on the good. When I realize I'm being a drama queen, I stop doing it & get some perspective.
These statements reflect your attitude:
“The hole in my heart is to never be filled with anything.”
“The hole is never going to be filled. Never.”
“But still, the hole in my heart will never be filled. “
If you believe that your heart will never be filled, then that will be true. Your feelings of emptiness are real, but it is your choice as to what you want to do to change that.
When you have a negative attitude like this, you send a message to your subconscious that you will never feel happy. Why not try to send a positive message to your subconscious that you can be happy & change your negative self-talk to positive self-talk? Do you see that your negative self-talk cheats & defeats you?
How about telling yourself that your heart feels empty now, but, by changing your attitude (& maybe working on these issues in therapy), one day, you will feel better & maybe feel that your heart is filled?
I’m sorry to be harsh, but, please realize that your attitude (whether negative or positive) is within your power, choice & control.