I wish someone would come over and hug me and pat my bed-hair down, and take me out for burritos.
Did you see the "Sex in the City Movie" where she is depressed and her friends actually care.
Why does that just happen in movies or other people's lives. It make me ask myself (in my gut I know it's wrong), yet I ask myself maybe I am that bad person, that story that was made up and put on me.
My hair is a mess, I just looked in the mirror, it looks like a beaver dam. Oh well, at least I can still laugh at myself.
I'm eatting some weird cheese directly out of a container with the 1 clean spoon in my kitchen.
I like this idea more then anything else I have put on here, it is the tenderness I would give to myself if I could. I would hug myself and then take me out of this place.
Some people have friends that do that, why don't I, I must be bad, and so goes the thinking.
I would do it for a friend. Why am I so valueless. I can talk myself into believing I am valuable or important in some way but deep down I think I don't believe it. I feel a little bit of cry in my chest for writing that. I'm so confused, do I avoid these feelings. Do I try to dig them out and cry so that I feel something. I've heard depression defined as DEPRESSING something, depression of emotions, pushing them down keeping them down. I don't get it. It's doesn't make sense to me. Oh someone help.
If I start crying my neighbors will hear me, they allready are suspicious of me.
I want to ask for someone to help me, but there is no one, and there is nothing they can do. My depression is my own mystery.
I almost do want to be medicated like crazy, give me a "dump the garbage pill" and the "I'm better then you pill"
I also want the "I deserve it pill" and the "I can brush my hair pill" I can type, obviously I can brush my hair.
It's THAT I DON'T F*CKING CARE ABOUT MYSELF. That is what is happening. I have internalized that I should just dissapear of the face of the earth, and if I'm not on the face of the earth then what does it matter if my hair looks like feral dog. I'm laughing.
I see can see humor in self deprecation and sick and twisted stories. That says a lot.
I've been depressed for well over a year, Am I going to be depressed my whole life.
A moment of silence in the city has come and gone...here comes a car....
I feel like I need that kind of silence for a while, outside of the city, outside of the problems.
Just take me beyond me for a little while, so that when I come back to me I know that I have been somewhere good and peaceful.