Your M is not redeemable.He calls them predators and she is.She hunts you down emotionally and then feasts on you like prey.
Ami - I understand your pain around this, that feeling of hopelessness. That is a lie, I believe and will never stop believing that we are ALL redeemable. God's ways are not our ways.
I know that feeling of being hurt down by others, beaten down with their reality that is so twisted and cruel, especially when no one else sees it.
NPD, is not hopeless, I refuse to ever believe that the hopeless are beyond hope, (perhaps not in this lifetime, but I will always carry them with hope for the next). The reason for that is that I know that deep pain of being tossed out of life for being hopeless or deemed hopeless for being bad. I WAS not bad and I was not hopeless.
Recently, I have been looking at the bigger picture....N's may be frustrating, they bring us agony, they hurt us, they take our lives..oppression, abuse. The pain of it all is atrocious.
There was a time when I just hated them, purely hated them. One of the things in life that hurts me the most is the pain my mom has done to me and her guilt and shame over it, that she has yet to face and that I hope she never has, I forgive her. I hurt for her because I CAN empathize with her. There was a time in my life where I completely lacked empathy....I had to stare at me and was shameful but I was NOT beyond HOPE. There are so many factors, so much understanding about the hearts and lives of others that we cannot SEE and cannot control, which leads us back to looking at what we can control, ourselves...but the N's brainwashed us as children, with shame as a weapon, to believing that we are ALL bad.
It is not black and white and you are SO much closer to truth and healing than you have ever been. Grace is abundant in your life. We like to think of grace as something warm and comforting, all good and pleasant, but grace has a quality, truth, if you were not so close to God's grace then you would not be given so much grace to SEE the harsh truths that are coming to you these days...truth will set you free.
Love and hugs, Lise