Well, lordybove, I am going to try to summarize this.
I'm pretty sure my D got the M.S. as she sent me her resume to proofread and is meticulous about describing things and she put it on there. I don't want to ask though as I was nagging too much about her last class and she said she didn't want to talk about it any more. If she didn't polish off the last class, the earth won't stop turning and she'll just have to deal with it as she sees fit. I think/hope she DID though.
Other news:
Just as she was settling into her new house-sharing, job hunting, etc... her car died. $4K to repair. She can't, I can't.
Email exchange ensued: she got snarky in her panic. I set boundaries. Told her I can help her with shelter. VERY worried about her situation (money enough for a month, unrealistic fantasies about coupons and bicycles).
Her relationship with her landlord/housemate deteriorated under the stress. She finally twigged she's out of options. Decided she would come home. I offered a very limited amount of money which, added to what she has, will get her a 1-way UHaul home. 18 hour drive. Hard but no other thing to do. We got in a pretty good place by email anyway.
Meanwhile, she'd months earlier bought a very cheap ticket to visit friends. I was concerned about her going but since it was nonrefundable and she'd have free shelter and food while there, thought it would be good for her to be with friends who love her, as she's been so stressed and isolated. She went.
Today she called to tell me that SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE RETURN FLIGHT.
So that means several hundred more are needed to get her back down there, to rent a truck and make it to safety (which is pretty much what it's about right now).
I am stunned she did that.
I sympathize, I know she was exhausted...but we had a tiny tiny window of opportunity, financially, that was pushing us both too far already...
And this is
I'm restraining myself from rescuing her outright but kind of in shock.
She was against the wall, reeling, and just shoved herself right through it.
Now she's sitting under a pile of bricks.