I just spent the weekend with NM. What the hell was I thinking in the first post? She was horrible. I'm crying right now and can't wait to leave. She hasn't caused me to cry in a LONG time, but she snapped at me this morning. When I said good morning to her, I could tell she hated my guts.
From telling me that I was getting fat, getting mad at me for telling her that we can't talk about my weight anymore, to guilting me on how everyone thinks I'm weird, how I'm a bad daughter, how I don't spend enough time with her, and all of those other bizarre mind games that I don't want to talk about.
The good thing was I saw one of my good friends and went to see one of my favorite bands. My mom was PISSED that I did this, but I have the right to be happy and have fun. She wanted me to stay by her side like a puppy, but it's hard to interact with her b/c of her behavior.
When I was about to leave for the concert, she rudely said "You're getting fat! Why are you wearing that yucky shirt?" Then, she went on about how her comments are normal and how something is wrong with me for not being able to handle it. My friend said, "She planned that fight with you, so she could make you late for the concert." True.

Right now, she just guilted me not talking to my brother and sister-in-law. I TRIED opening up the conversation with my brother, but he doesn't respond! So, what do you want me to do? While my brother is nicer than my NM (he doesn't try to control me), I did have some flashbacks of cruel things he did back in the day when I needed help the most. Honestly, I don't know if I want to get too close to him.
What NM doesn't realize is that she's responsible for playing siblings against each other. She will say "I wish you guys would talk," but then she talks shit about us to each other. My mom used to hate my brother's guts and put him down to me (calling him selfish and cruel), but she suddenly loves him now. I know she's talking a lot of shit about me to him, but I guess that's a price to pay for freedom from that hellhole.
She knows I avoid her, and she can improve this by changing her behavior. But, she won't. If she won't change, I have to limit my contact with her. She's just too mentally and emotionally damaging. I've been having suicidal ideations (I won't act on them), because I think there's no point to life with her in it. That would be letting her win though.
I might even leave early and hang out at the airport for a few hours. I just don't want to stay in this house.