Amber, a tangent.
I started The Glass Bead Game. Hard work (page 37).
The frustration of feeling (and being) ignorant. Classical music? I have no idea. I feel I should have a little idea. But I have none. I don't know what's being talked about. Different worlds.
A bit like the word 'literature'. What is 'literature'? Even worse, what is
serious literature? Is it very serious?!
These are things that create barriers that don't exist. Words like 'literature' create a world for those who know and those who don't magazines (although some who read popular novels by 'serious' writers think they are reading 'literature' and I wonder who is the bigger fool). Does it matter? Well, yes. You can't build a spacestation on muddled maths and you can't think critically choose. The Secret! Or er..the chap..Tolle. Well you can, but it doesn't help if you can't be critical.

(Who says?)
But, nevertheless, interesting idea of his that when he was writing the book, he was being critical of common 'culture' and writing of new dawn of the mind - what would he have thought if he'd lived much longer? If he'd seen common culture today?
It bugs me when I feel ignorant, because some knowledge is expected of a reader. But then I'm ignorant of so much, thankfully. References to classical music aren't the only things that stop me in my tracks. Any history before about 1914 and outside Europe is outside my learning. Well, human comings and goings that is (which is very little history really). What does a mountain make of our history?
And I keep thinking to myself, what did Alice Miller say (what's the real story here?). And do I have the inclination (the language is .....difficult).
PS. karma doesn't exist. Now watch it come and bite my ass.
KILL HIM, of course! (on tha path)