Thanks... but I really can't subscribe to the nervous breakdown description. Despite everything, I still functioned you know? Like a zombie, robot or a cranky, over-tired baby that just needed fed and put down for a nap despite not wanting to... but I still functioned.
I do like that quote from Aristotle, tho - it reminds me of my tag line, a quote from the poet Rothke "I know by going where it is I have to go".
I think the convo Ann, Penny & I were having over on Penny's thread is closer to actuality of what my experience was like... about self-doubt. That may very well be something I struggle with, for the rest of my life. Another term for it, might also be "soul searching"; digging down deep and then going deeper to find something unshakeably firm, reliable, and concrete to hang on to for dear life... by my fingernails, if need be.
Here's what I've come back with:
In one way, at least - Marshall McCluhan missed how TV is like life. The audience is insatiably hungry for "new"... new shows, new formats, new people/actors. Yet each of us has our own "old favorites" - shows that helped support the illusion that life is predictable, stable, comfortable and safe. Without risk. Watching M*A*S*H, you know Hawkeye & his buddies are going to be up to hilarious - and mostly harmless - mischievious fun. And still be able to save lives, when the wounded arive. It was a harmless illusion; one we knew the "trick" inherent in it... it was restful; comforting.
My MomBro FOO, never watch new shows. Their life is completely and totally a re-run in the present day, of the factual circumstances of the trauma that bro & I lived through back in the late 60's. The trauma that didn't have to happen that way... my mom "created" it via her illness... and then blamed first my dad, then me for the problems and trouble. She's still playing the same old script - only this time, the bad-guy is my SIL - who thankfully, is able to resist and ward off being part of the game. Bro is her hapless sidekick this time; not me. He doesn't want to be rescued, shown "reality"; he won't wake up until he wants to.... or he hurts badly enough and doesn't know why.
My close encounter with that weird, alien "reality" was highly dangerous for me, though I thought "OK, I'm healed... know what to watch for... won't get played for a fool... won't get sucked in, this time". I should've listened to my own intuition and not gone; played the whole thing from a distance... but bro played the ace card; he played on my empathy and I truly felt sorry for him and wanted to help. I took as many precautions as I thought would be necessary, to protect myself. And it wasn't enough. I was still wounded by the futility of thinking I was being allowed a chance to make a difference; to do something caring and useful. They still laughed and refused to acknowledge reality; facts. And I still didn't matter at all - to either of them.
Coming back out the other side, I realize that for the new skills I have... all the practice of boundaries, and communication and finding my genuine, 100% authenticated voice... even though they certainly HELPED a great deal... for all those new skills, I could still be emotionally wounded. Yep; still mortal and sentient... still too trusting of the people who've hurt me; still trying to shine sh&t; to find reasons, excuses, ways to take on the responsibility of "them" and all that entails...... again. Ways to take the blame on myself and paint myself as an evil, selfish person... because of wanting to protect myself better than before... to STOP the madness.
And that would involve resigning myself to reliving reruns of the same old script............. again. I tune out of re-runs; can't hardly watch most movies a second time - even if it's been years since I first saw it, because I remember scenery, scenes, dialogue and plot. I would "tune out" of my own life - my own inner life - if resigned myself to the same old script. It was getting close; I read 4 books - including the whole tome of the "Land of Painted Caves". I would, mind you - still function well - but would no longer be "involved" or care about outcomes of the major things on my current to-do list. And I'd resent all of it and not enjoy a thing... almost all Lbrain process; no Rbrain well-being... no real connecting with anyone in 3-D, either.
Only I can break the old script; I'm the only one who knows it exists! But here's the thing... maybe I just don't care anymore. That caring about making a difference for them, ONLY gets me hurt again. I can't trust either of them. They don't care about me, no matter WHAT I say or DO. Caring is a choice; it's not a given - it's not 100% nature or DNA; a good bit of what we choose to care about comes from education, environment, learned values. My environment turned out to be way different - a whole different universe - than MomBro's. Don't know why; it just is. Why doesn't matter. And we can choose to not care (both have a price, I think.)
Perhaps they need their script. Perhaps they'd have nervous breakdowns or commit suicide or kill each other without it. They can keep it, if they want it. I'm over it. The path of action I'm looking for considers the script completely irrelevant; it's something (as the Python says) "completely different". Like taking care of ME, as much as possible; engaging only when necessary with MomBro - keeping my distance. I don't think they're going to be able to get SIL to play, either.
I just have to convince myself once and for all - that I'm not the controlling, selfish, manipulative, power-hungry egofreak - in the script, though I have worn all those signs and tattoos and marks labels at one time or another in the original screenplay of the script (by believing the projections & gaslighting) and bro keeps trying to insert them again because he still believes the projections and gaslighting - all because I ask for what I want, say when I need an answer, and expect at least the civility and basic human respect of being treated as an adult and not being deceived or denigrated or cheated or lied to or left waiting - suspended in limbo, dangling over a precipice - for his highness to respond.
No one else has ever told me I was those things; not even my ex's. And the first time thru the script, my mom-substitute neighbor tried to convince me it wasn't my fault, but she had no idea how deep into confusion I'd been driven; she wasn't successful.
It's just some ego-gratifying (for them) FOO-myth. Like believing my Dad was a bad person. Temperamental, difficult, a perfectionist... egotistical and proud of his success - yep; all that. But that didn't make him bad - he was also extremely kind and generous, willing to try to make people laugh and he worked his butt off to be a success. The MomBro just doesn't get that because someone is different than them, doesn't make them automatically "bad".