My GP was the first one to pick up on the possibility that many of my health issues were manifestations of an abusive upbringing, and he recommended a book. I remember that he hesitated and said that he might be taking a chance in prescribing that I read "People of the Lie, the hope for healing human evil" by M.Scott Peck, MD.
I thought I'd mention that book here, because it was the very first step in my journey towards the Truth. As I read the book, I saw myself in so many pages, and I think the thing that startled me the most is that there is a possibility that not only is there N in the world, but there is also evil. And, Les, sometimes I have even wondered if one of the reasons that being with my NM makes me physically sick is that maybe there is an aura of evil around her, and I bring some of it home with me. Not to worry, I am completely sane, but the power to destroy the essence of who I am seems totally out of proportion to the little old woman who stands before me. And her eyes are like snake eyes, small, cold, calculating, nasty eyes that bore right through me. I guess I am always searching for an understanding of the extraordinary power that some of these N's seem to possess, and how that little old N woman can suck the very life from this strong, intelligent, kind, loving woman. My MD also warned me that when an evil soul senses that the victim is getting stronger, that the vengeance can come back ten-fold. Anyway, the book is an interesting read, and like I said, I saw myself in it time and time again, and it was helpful in opening my eyes, and helpful in starting me on this healing journey.
Just sharing all of this in hopes that it might help.