Ales, I am so sorry for all the fear and pain you're going through.
I swear, I truly believe the most revelatory thing to me about living through, enduring emotions of such rollercoasterishness, obsession, and at times despair...and reaching the grizzled age of 62, is that living through it, you DO come to feel differently. The old cliche about time? It's true.
This can heal.
I think you are intensely focused on having someone outside of yourself say/do/demonstrate the just-right thing that will make you feel okay.
But nobody can. Except you, and the capacity to do that (which you have lost faith in) is NOT GONE.
It is still inside you. It is. You actually DO have everything you need to heal and learn and find hope and happiness.
it is not a special club that everybody has the key to except Ales. It is a birthright, and you do have the key. You just are so busy hitting (yourself) with your fists that you can't relax enough to recognize there is a key in your palm.
No magic key. Just, the plain old human-being-can-heal key. Most of us, except the psychotic, have one too. My advice would be to not only trust the therapy as much as feels right (even if you change therapists)...but to also search for some other settings that are healing. For me, it's UUisn. For others, it's dance. Massage. Woo-woo work. Creativity. Volunteering. Rocking babies in a NICU.
Some combination of meaningful actions that actually transform your brain, and slowwwly change your life.
I send you much support and hope. Panic, despair, and declarations of hopelessness are symptoms. They're not the truth. And they're not more real than finding reasons to engage in life, and to hope. They're just habits.
love to you,