« Last post by sKePTiKal on August 30, 2024, 08:24:28 AM »
Not much progress to report. B is still away for a few more weeks - unless he just can't stand it anymore and decides to come home and with what's waiting for him here (two jeeps to maintain, 4 wheelers to rebuild, etc projects). Hol & I, mostly Hol... have managed to knock a few more "little pieces" off the studio list. One last one to complete - window trim is up; needs caulked, primed, painted.
Boys successfully made it home in their new truck, at least one is working and we've pointed the other in a couple directions. Instead of moving states away from home, they are contemplating moving to a bigger city a few hours away.
We had a torrential storm, the day before they all left. Washed out the new pad, under the equipment shed contractor had built (and hasn't finished)... because when contractor graded driveway, he didn't include drainage ditch on upside of Hol's driveway. Fortunately, her friends were here with equipment who jumped to, as the rain was ending and helped that situation out. Contractor is STILL messing about trying to get her solar-powered gate opener installed. I feel more confident in the electrician's ability to finish this. It's been going on, 3 months now. <rolleyes> I understand he's really busy but he kept promising "next week" until we just rolled our eyes & ignored him. I even got involved, when he kept blowing Hol's questions off.
Still waiting on delivery of my commissioned work cabinets. I understand his day job has picked up a little but they're almost done... and I can't put things away or organize until they're here.
Seems S is now completely out of the picture. There have been some housekeeping details to finish up. But that's done, and she seems to be enjoy seeing C and spending time with him. He's renovating a house nearby, and she's looking forward to helping him. Then, they're planning some extensive travel together. I'm not sure how that's going to work with the dogs... and maybe it'll never happen. Don't know right now. But, she IS getting her social appetite satiated with getting out more & seeing/helping friends and having them over. I think she's planning to move her studio out to the garage... and then rearrange her house a little better to suit herself.
Contractor friend is highly interested in her, too. But respects boundaries. I like him a LOT and he is a good counter to her and her big ego.
I've been enjoying as much "quiet time" as I can, because I know fall is almost here and B will be back, and Hol's social meter pegs out at the top end then, too. B and I have lots of projects to work on by ourselves. Neither of us likes Hol's dive in and just get it done - all the while bossing everyone around - work attitude. We move slower and more deliberately, easier.
B is hitting more obstacles in the process of trying to get approval for the stimulator lead change. They're having a 3rd party medical "advisor" weigh in on whether this is medically "necessary".... so B's filed a grievance. And the insurance people even required him to get notarized "proof of identity" - even though he's had an open case number with them since '94!! <rolleyes>
It's almost time to think about bringing plants in, and getting snow shovels out... and I still have 3 comfrey plants to get outside. Might do that while we have plenty of rain in the forecast. I think last year's planting was about this time, too. Miraculously, it appears most of the herbs survived the drought.