Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 107694 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #45 on: March 21, 2020, 02:53:06 PM »
I got off-thread by posting to Tupp about shopping, etc., so realized I needed to post my reply to her response here instead:

Sounds like you're doing a great job, Tupp.
Sorry for the paranoia.

If online shopping slots means, online ordering for delivery, weeks is a very long wait.

Locally, our grocery stores are still delivering, but delivery is several days out (after you place and pay for your order online, you choose the next available delivery window--one store's site said "Unavailable, check later" but when I reloaded the page 20 minutes later, a delivery window was free). Patience and persistence.

I'm so sorry that's not available for you. But your serious virus hygiene is better than mine! (Decided to let delivered goods--cans or jars--just sit for several days but literally disinfecting each can is a lot. Seems like three days is guesstimated as how long it lasts on plastic--which makes dealing with plastic shopping bags nightmarish--and one day for cardboard. Letting delivered boxes just sit for a few days before opening them, and washing hands after bringing the box indoors, seems rational.) Still, it's a lot less risky overall (packaging, etc) than the direct risk of being around other people. So perhaps the fixation on what comes indoors is overblown.

For some stupid reason I'm more scared today. I can feel the surge coming like a heavy dark stormfront that's steadily lowering down.

AAAAGGGHHH! I am so grateful to be able to vent about it here.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #46 on: March 21, 2020, 03:10:09 PM »
I got off-thread by posting to Tupp about shopping, etc., so realized I needed to post my reply to her response here instead:

Sounds like you're doing a great job, Tupp.
Sorry for the paranoia.

If online shopping slots means, online ordering for delivery, weeks is a very long wait.

Locally, our grocery stores are still delivering, but delivery is several days out (after you place and pay for your order online, you choose the next available delivery window--one store's site said "Unavailable, check later" but when I reloaded the page 20 minutes later, a delivery window was free). Patience and persistence.

I'm so sorry that's not available for you. But your serious virus hygiene is better than mine! (Decided to let delivered goods--cans or jars--just sit for several days but literally disinfecting each can is a lot. Seems like three days is guesstimated as how long it lasts on plastic--which makes dealing with plastic shopping bags nightmarish--and one day for cardboard. Letting delivered boxes just sit for a few days before opening them, and washing hands after bringing the box indoors, seems rational.) Still, it's a lot less risky overall (packaging, etc) than the direct risk of being around other people. So perhaps the fixation on what comes indoors is overblown.

For some stupid reason I'm more scared today. I can feel the surge coming like a heavy dark stormfront that's steadily lowering down.

AAAAGGGHHH! I am so grateful to be able to vent about it here.


Maybe you feel more scared because you had to go out, Hops, it means leaving your sterile bubble and makes it all more real.  But I hope the scared feelings go down again soon.

Yes I am religiously washing every item that comes in to the house, cleaning, my clothes go straight in the machine when I get back, disposable gloves straight in to the bin, and I'm cooking and preparing food with gloves on as well.  Son and I are both washing our hands constantly and you know, I have a lot of faith in my natural preparations to help boost our immune systems.  My gut is telling me we are going to be okay with this and I'm putting my faith in that as well.  I think the lowering of my stress levels must be working miracles for my immune system as well, and for son's!  My friend said on the phone this morning that today is the first time in years I haven't sounded exhausted.  So it's really noticeable.  I just feel like we're going to be okay, and we are being very careful, plus we started taking more care before most other people.  Our chinese medicine guy has herbs to help with symptoms, tried and tested during the Chinese outbreak, and while they won't cure the serious cases, they can help to reduce and manage the symptoms in the early stage or if you get a milder dose so he's on standby to post those to us if need be.  I feel like we've got a good chance (and definitely better than all the people who were still going to the pub every night).  Son is taking it very seriously and reading news updates; he's very good at being aware of facts but not becoming overwhelmed by them.  And nothing for you to apologise for, Hopsie, it's nice that you care :)  I am now prescribing you a lengthy session of Pooch cuddling to help the fear subside :) xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #47 on: March 21, 2020, 04:47:17 PM »
Thanks, ((((Tupp)))).
I replied on the Coronavirus thread since I was venting all about that.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2020, 10:37:20 AM »
Well, all that sounds a tad extreme to me. But then, my "social distance" is automatically better than most people's. John and I did venture out yesterday to the store, to fill in some gaps from the other two previous trips. I checked with cashier to make sure that they were still getting deliveries (IIRC, this store's distribution center is in NC).

I still have contractors working - but since they're now juggling schedules between multiple jobs - they aren't here every day. The hut is getting close to "livable". We can do everything needed to complete my bathroom - if they don't (I'm pretty sure they will.)

Sales at the shop got scary quiet this past week. And I had to take a day to wrap my head around decisions I never ever thought I'd have to consider. But yep; situation is real - whether the panic & hype & misinformation/confusion is or not. Decided to wait this out and not do anything right now; while we see what happens in the business world as a result of self-isolation, work from home stuff, and plants shutting down. My guys can't operate machines and make things from home.

We're all finding ways to stay busy; get work done around here. All my seed starting supplies are here - and I need to check on whether my plow is ready to pick up next week. I have been spending an inordinate amount of time online anyway... on top of work. But things got VERY quiet last night. I think that apocalypse fatigue has set in and no one has any space left in their brains to talk about anything except the virus... and we're all sick of that topic (pun intended).

The one thing that scares the bejesus out of me, is the possibility (just a rumor right now; officially denied a little too vehemently) of a two-week nationwide shutdown. That's going to absolutely kill a lot of small & medium-sized businesses. Maybe mine too. And once those jobs are lost and the business bankrupt... they aren't coming back.

I have some more financial/legal stuff to attend to next week before I CAN'T get it done. Just tying up loose ends from the big pile of estate work from last summer.

No one knows what's going to happen. But spring IS HERE... and we need to make hay while the sun shines. And just not go bonkers over this. I currently don't know anyone who's tested positive for this - but it does appear the Kevin Bacon rule - Six Degrees of Separation will apply.

Time for me to eat a little something and get the poly topcoat on my bathroom wood walls - so the smell can dissipate before I try to sleep in here tonight.
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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2020, 12:17:38 PM »

I've noticed many neighbors doing home and yard projects. You're not alone. When the Hol Hut is livable, will Holly plan to move right away?

 I don't know what to say about the economy and businesses shutting down.  It's a new world.  I'm in shock... not really processing it fully. It's bad.   

My brother suggested we work on the cottage, rather than sit idle here. His business is very slow and youngest dd can keep up with online school.

 DD19 wants to take baby girl pug. We bought a huge bag of food and have many months of heartworm meds so I guess that would be OK.

The boy doesn't have a passport or I'd ask his mother if she wants to send him with us.   My personal 2 week countdown calendar (for showing or not showing symptoms) will be up on the 24th, so will plan to return him to his mother on that day and continue zero contact with outside world. 

I'm going to sew some masks I found a pattern and directions for on the web.  They won't be pretty, but they'll have some ability to protect.  I assume the boy's mom has masks bc her mother works for a worldwide emergency response team.  A good woman to have in your corner during a crisis like this, IMO. 

I moved the vet tech appointment for baby girl pug.  That way we won't be exposed to anything before boy goes home.

Amber, is your plant/company one that can be retrofitted to manufacture safety gear or something in demand right now?

That might be a silver lining entry.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #50 on: March 22, 2020, 04:21:36 PM »
That's a big no on making something else, Lighter. But that said - once the worst is past, IF we can hang on till then and things start functioning again (still clinging to that idea for sanity) what we make will be in demand.

It helps a ton that our company has no debt. So we're better off than some. If Congress votes for the payroll tax relief, that will help a little too. A lot of the employees are paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to be off work - without pay. We do have sick leave... personal days, etc. But I'm still unclear on what happens to an employee that DOES get sick - or has to isolate - that's a lot of people for the gov to support. We will TRY to take care of our own, but when things are this dire - the choices are between bad & worse.

I think there was a collective sigh of relief when I said we weren't going to just shut down - without a good reason. That said, it's really good that I have a mentality of being prudent and putting back some for a rainy day - just in case. This is just in case. Sure, we saw the virus coming at the turn of the year. But no way we could've anticipated this over-reaction in response.

It will just about destroy the country, if some of those longer-term scenarios of how this is going to play out actually happen. So everyone here is going to learn to start seeds, plant and care for & preserve food. Might try to source some new chicks too. Something ate the ones that moved here. I wish something would eat the rooster, too - LOL - but we will need him if we want eggs. The geese are laying eggs now. Just have to find 'em.
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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #51 on: March 22, 2020, 07:44:19 PM »
Well, the shock's wearing off.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2020, 12:00:49 AM »
Skeptical, you will have eggs even without a rooster--but no new baby chicks. Rooster could make a stew.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #53 on: March 23, 2020, 12:13:06 AM »
Excellent article on over-reaction to the virus:

Happy gardens, chickens and spring anyway.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #54 on: March 23, 2020, 07:58:10 AM »
At the farm, things are normal. Contractors are here this morning, early again. Town is pretty normal too. Saturday, John & I made a run out with a list... and got everything on it; no shortages, but then I wasn't needing any more meat. LOL. Plenty of traffic; people still hauling equipment & wood around (temps are chilly here still).

So when I look at news or first-hand report from people on the forums I frequent - I have that strong cog-diss perception. Stuff just ain't that bad here. Maybe I need a "yet" at the end of the previous sentence. LOL. I don't know, but since no one is even that sniffly around here... I'm not worrying.

We've gotten silly; my lectures about spending time constantly together and tensions between all of us... have been taken on board and people have been minding their own reactions.

The shop situation seems to have been a result of some panic. I took a deep dive into the numbers... had a conversation with the bookkeeper... came up with a basic plan of not acting just yet... and sure enough sales for the week are only a tad bit off; nothing to fuss over. Confusion, uncertainty, and fear can certainly magnify & amplify our perceptions and reactions to those perceptions immediately.

With the guys working in the bathroom today, I'll probably go out to the studio and sew the shorts I cut out last fall. I'm certainly going to need them in a month or two. But a little "admin" business this morning will also keep me occupied. Hol said the siding is here for her house. I don't think they'll work in the rain today/tomorrow - but there's still plenty to do inside. She still needs to go pick up some more chimney pieces for the woodstove.

So, for us - there is a LOT of normal here; nothing all that strange is going on. It looks like we're going to have to think about mowing soon. LOL.
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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2020, 11:12:50 AM »
Well.... the plant doing OK is a relief, Amber.

Everything seeming normal up there is a comfort.

I'm glad everyone is minding their responses.  That sounds really hopeful.

One of my dds is starting to climb the walls and her anxiety is typically aimed at me and her sister.  I'll have to think about my response for the next time.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #56 on: March 23, 2020, 01:20:51 PM »
That sounds really good, CB.

I got my latest order too (placed it 3 days back). Now I realize I ordered way too many cans of tuna, but no harm. I also got cartons of egg whites and egg substitute to freeze. If anything, I won't starve to death but overeat.

And soon I'll be getting greens planted in the veggie beds.

I'm glad your kids are doing okay and love the rituals you're developing of talking in the evenings.

Pie? I wish I knew how to be in the same building with pie or cookies without losing control. Sugar is Da Beast.

Well, just wish I could come over to your apartment and have two freshly baked cookies with you!

I ordered a stevia-sugar blend to try in my bread maker. Just enough to feed the yeast. I have a very dull WW recipe and wish I could make it tastier. Dunno how.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #57 on: March 23, 2020, 04:07:44 PM »

Sounds like you're a wicked good cook, CB!

I'm just wishing I knew how to modify an old bread machine recipe; the machines seems super finicky. My kitchen's too sloppy to add on hand-prep right now.

I do have LOADS of WW flour, couple more packets of yeast. And a container of sunflower seeds. Maybe I'll just add a half-cup of those to the next run.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #58 on: March 23, 2020, 04:21:13 PM »
I was really looking forward to many happy focaccia baking posts!


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #59 on: March 23, 2020, 05:14:10 PM »
PM has just announced the UK is on lockdown.  All non-essential businesses to shut down with immediate effect, no more than two people together at a time and trips out only for food, medicine and other essential supplies.  One outing for exercise a day permitted.  One and a half million people are considered high risk and have been told to stay indoors and self quarantine, with the army delivering food parcels.  Over 70s advised to self isolate for twelve weeks along with others in higher risk groups, which includes son.  Every system is in meltdown; they've essentially promised benefit payments to millions of additional people when they're already short staffed for the existing claimants so no-one can get through on the claim line and online enquiries are going unanswered.  The NHS doesn't have enough nurses, beds, ventilators or protective clothing to keep the staff safe.  One hospital has already had to turn people away and another was asking on Twitter for soap because they'd run out.  Both the Army and the police have been massively cut and underfunded over the last decade.  There is no way there are enough of them to enforce a lockdown.  Fines and arrests are possible; someone has already circulated a photo of a very handsome police officer saying "I hope I get arrested by him " :)  Lol.

There are terrible problems with food shortages; the government have known about this for nine weeks and have been able to see other countries get it wrong so could have prepared.  But many of our government officials are essentially in post because of the families they were born in to and the people they know and they don't have the necessary skills.  Nurses are posting videos of themselves stopping to buy food after 48 hours of back to back shifts and there's nothing for them to buy.  Our regular supermarket have set up a priority scheme for disabled people and registered us on it, which is great, but demand is so high I couldn't get my order through and they only reserve the delivery slot for a specific time so I've lost my place.  The corner shop has very little in.  I will go out to the supermarket first thing to see what I can get.  The farm shop will take online orders to be collected so I could email them and then go to collect in the evening; I can load up son's wheelchair.  Lots of people are volunteering to collect shopping for people but there's no food for them to get.  People have been fighting over toilet rolls.  New mums have been unable to get milk for their babies.  It's an absolute shambles.  I have enough for at least a couple of days anyway, and one can of Guinness in the fridge which I think I will need tonight! xx