Author Topic: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?  (Read 1307398 times)


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2925 on: November 23, 2011, 06:47:40 PM »
Can one swim in it?

I vote for that!

ENJOY your feast, Bones...


LOL!!!  I wish!!!  Thanks, Hops.  I'm looking forward to it.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2926 on: November 24, 2011, 02:03:14 PM »
Does the following scenario sound familiar?

"DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, "Louis," is retired. I'm in school studying law, which means heavy reading assignments, tons of projects and a tremendous amount of homework. It's like a full-time job.

At night when I should be studying, Louis gets upset if I don't knock off by 9 or 9:30. He also gets upset if I start before 9 in the morning. He has never asked me what I need from him to help me accomplish what I have to do. He also never asks what I'm doing in my classes without turning around and accusing me of doing the professor's job. This pattern is repeated several times a week, his blowing up because I don't spend more time with him and less on my studies.

Abby, this man insists he has never been so much in love, and that's why he wants to spend so much time with me. I think he should show his love by supporting me in challenging times. Your opinion? -- ROSE IN WASHINGTON

DEAR ROSE: Your boyfriend is self-centered. He's clearly less interested in your interests than in his own. Law school is challenging, even when a student doesn't have someone trying to sabotage her efforts -- which Louis appears to be doing morning and night. You have an important decision to make about your future, because your law degree is likely to last longer than your relationship with Louis, and that's what I think you should put first even if it means ending the "romance.""
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2927 on: November 24, 2011, 02:19:10 PM »
BTW, got the chance to play with the CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN today and discovered an unexpected surprise at the restaurant......LOBSTER!!!!!!   :D
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2928 on: November 24, 2011, 02:45:13 PM »
oooohhhh... lobster sounds like a great substitute fo the Normal Rockwell turkey scene, Bones. I'm also having seafood & bambi BBQ... and hubs is waiting for me to get offline, so we can go.

My D sent me a link to a video on Huffington Post today - a long time culinary teacher said about the rigamarole of T'giving: Just put the F'ing turkey in the oven!! There's more than that; it's hilarious... if you've gone to those lengths to make dinner & fussed over it being perfect. You should look it up - you can search on Tante Marie or the risque title of the video.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2929 on: November 24, 2011, 02:50:59 PM »
oooohhhh... lobster sounds like a great substitute fo the Normal Rockwell turkey scene, Bones. I'm also having seafood & bambi BBQ... and hubs is waiting for me to get offline, so we can go.

My D sent me a link to a video on Huffington Post today - a long time culinary teacher said about the rigamarole of T'giving: Just put the F'ing turkey in the oven!! There's more than that; it's hilarious... if you've gone to those lengths to make dinner & fussed over it being perfect. You should look it up - you can search on Tante Marie or the risque title of the video.


I like the non-traditional fare.  It was FUN at the restaurant with a choice of so many different cuisines!  By the time we were done, we were waddling outta there!

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2930 on: November 24, 2011, 05:17:23 PM »
Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving Bones.

Man, I will remember that if I ever have to send out Holiday cards I might want to make some that say exactly that "Just put the F'ing Turkey in the Oven". That's great.


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2931 on: November 24, 2011, 07:57:01 PM »
Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving Bones.

Man, I will remember that if I ever have to send out Holiday cards I might want to make some that say exactly that "Just put the F'ing Turkey in the Oven". That's great.

LOL!  Thanks, Boat.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2932 on: November 25, 2011, 06:43:57 AM »
Spotted these letters in today's Dear Abby:
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2933 on: November 25, 2011, 06:51:21 AM »
Just came across an apt description for the abuse I've experienced....being someone's pinata!
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2934 on: November 26, 2011, 10:02:32 AM »
Just checking in......
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2935 on: November 26, 2011, 09:47:16 PM »
Getting ready to hit the hay..........
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2936 on: November 27, 2011, 08:01:37 AM »
Woke up this morning feeling as if I were on the verge of an anxiety attack and I don't know why.  A cup of coffee seemed to calm me down.  Trying to figure out if this is PTSD or caffeine withdrawal.  (Really shouldn't be having ANY caffeine, according to the doctor and, at the same time, I do NOT want to go back on the merry-go-round of pharmaceuticals/drug tolerance crap.  Been limiting my coffee to only one cup, once a day, only in the EARLY morning once I'm already up.  For some reason, the morning caffeine dose seems to ease my depression.)

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2937 on: November 27, 2011, 07:31:05 PM »
Some people may think this is weird or strange, but I have been doing some spiritual explorations outside of my own religious upbringing, if one can call it that.

To give a little bit of background....when I was a kid, I was forced to attend Sunday School at a Methodist church that was more focused on appearances than on the spiritual development of its congregation, (sound familiar?).  Back then, if you were NOT Methodist, NOT white enough, NOT rich enough, etc., you were NOT welcome there!  In spite of this, I was still forced, by the NWomb-Donor, to attend and be on the receiving end of hostility from the "clique" of old, monied, ladies which turned me off to organized religion in general at a very young age.  The NWomb-Donor wanted to pretend that she was better than the "clique" and I couldn't help but feel like a pawn in their war games. 

In recent years, I have felt like something is missing and, at the same time, I just don't feel comfortable dealing with organized religions because my belief system does not fit anything.  To try to describe my belief system, it combines elements from Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism, taking what I need and leaving the rest that I do NOT agree with...and there is a LOT that I do NOT agree with in regards to the Protestant and Catholic approaches.  I do not know enough about the Jewish faith and I've only had fleeting exposure here and there through schoolmates who included me in Passover or Shabbat.  Lately, I have been digging deeper into the Old Testament to try to find a better understanding between me and my Higher Power, as I understand God.  I've been doing this privately as I've caught flak from Know-It-All's who try to dictate to me which parts of my own Bible I am ALLOWED to read...meaning that according to THEM, I SHOULD be PERMITTED to READ ONLY the New Testament and I SHOULD IGNORE the Old Testament.  For the record, I do NOT agree with these Know-It-All's as they seem to forget that Jesus, Himself, was born according to Jewish Scripture and Prophecy and was raised according to Jewish Law.  I want to understand what that is given that the Methodist Social Club NEVER discussed ANYTHING about this most basic foundation. 

As I continue reading, I vaguely remember learning about Sukkoth Booths along with Purim, somewhere, and have developed more curiosity about other celebrations such as Hannukah.  This year, Hannukah and Christmas kinda/sort of overlap during the same week.  Interestingly enough, through an exchange program in my community, I've been given a beautiful menorah and candles.  This has piqued my curiosity to know more so I've been looking up the history behind the Festival of Lights. 

As I've mentioned, I have been exploring this, alone, because I get so tired of catching flak from Know-It-All's who want to play religious politics and beat me over the head with what I SHOULD think and/or believe as if they are the "thought police".

I'll quit rambling for now.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2938 on: November 27, 2011, 07:43:50 PM »
Wherever you find spiritual beauty, comfort and strength is GOOD, Bones, imo...

Good for you for searching.

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #2939 on: November 27, 2011, 07:45:38 PM »
Wherever you find spiritual beauty, comfort and strength is GOOD, Bones, imo...

Good for you for searching.


Thanks, Hops.

I also want to understand Jesus better too, given how He was raised.  Getting the bigger picture feels comforting somehow.
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