Oh Hardtotrust,
I hope you find the right woman for you,with whom you can connect and share your heart, to help each other and love each other through the pains(FOO issues--bleh) and good times.
I hope you have the joy of children, hardtotrust. I love to see a man's softer side.It is very precious b/c it is so hard for men to get in touch with it.
I guess ,for now, you may want to do what I am doing, preparing myself to be the best I can be, for the future, whatever it may hold.
Love to you, hardtotrust Ami
Thank you, Ami!
I feel hopeless, but I'll try to be open for the future.
Thinking of you, todat, Hardtotrust! Love to you, Ami
Thank you again, Ami! I saw your post earlier, it helped me a lot.
I'm concerned that maybe she's really enjoying the attention and the right to access that she thinks she's got with you. It concerns me that she may wear you down. I hope you can see a professional psychologist soon.
You are right. She's wearing me down. What do you think about regression therapy (not past lives, only childhood)?
I was wondering, do you have any holidays owing to you? Can you take a break and get out of her contact range for a while? Way out.
You won't really be relevant for 154 days anyway.
Lol. Well, I do have some days that I can use. Problem is, I am afraid of traveling and be alone. I'll think much more about the subject if I don't get really busy. I'll get worse. But this weekend (tomorrow night) I'll go to a religious retreat, which may be interesting, because it is supposed to be inspiring, busy and full of people. I'll really think about this suggestion and try to find something compatible.
The gym suggestion is also very interesting. I like it. I already go to the gym, but I could get more serious for a time, it would be very positive.
Oh, I have already got another phone line and decided I won't give her the new number. Maybe I'll keep the old one for some time, just in case there's some information regarding the birth, but I won't take this phone everywhere, avoiding interaction.
153 days now is a heck of long time and an enormous number of days for her to play with your head, either consciously or unconsciously. I hope you continue to care for yourself.
It sure is a long time! I need to detach. Now that I'm trying NC again, I'll really try to get some closure. Since she's so calm and distant (and according to the pattern of her messages), I'm assuming she's with the other possible father of the child and he may be completely clueless. So I'll just keep distance and take legal measures in due time to learn about the truth.
I read your words to Ami. I think you're very insightful. It's my own personal belief that it's really ourselves who hold the keys to our emotional maturing, safety, wellness and recovery. I think it's all in there, comes from within us, and sometimes we just need some sound guidance and direction to connect with it. You said something in that paragraph that glared and tooted at me that you were speaking about yourself and your needs really. Lights flashing, sirens went off. It was so exciting.
Wow, thank you, Papillon. Sometimes I think I ramble too much, I am very happy with your comments. I agree with you, it is up to us to recover. Therapists and the like may only help.
Papillon, all your suggestions and ideas are just wonderful. I'll have to read these posts some times again to be able to get it all.
Just been thinking about you Hardtotrust and hoping you're eating healthy and sleeping well. Pizza is kinda healthy
isn't it? Well I think with extra garlic it should be. What do you think? How important is it to get off the natural sleeping pills at the moment? Can they hurt? What are they? Valerian or some such product.
Oh, Yes! Pizza! My favorite!
No, it is not that important, right now, to get off these pills. Yes, they are made of Valerian and other plants. But they don't help too much, either. I had used a very good sleeping pill a few years ago, didn't cause side effects or dependency. Thinking about it again for a time (153 days).
What a post, Papillon! Thank you for so much attention!
((((((((((Papillon, Ami))))))))))