Author Topic: Finding voicefulness......losing......finding.....practicing..  (Read 51957 times)


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« Reply #60 on: February 18, 2011, 01:44:24 AM »
@ Hops

After the meeting that happened today, I was still thinking about the details of the projects so I emailed the director some ideas or actually I wrote about the fact that I saw some things really need to be defined because there are three public groups involved and all over the page with who does what etc. etc.-- there is not even 100% agreement on the point of the project and the message it will send to the community. I'm not sure what the director will think of my ideas, I want to hear back from her before I get too full of myself.

It's a new program for this area that is based on other similar programs that have been successful in other communities. Yet, there is no telling IF it would be a success here or a flop...because there are varying regional economies that have a play in things. I need to be really careful about getting too deep into this volunteer stuff until I have a plan for myself also.

But THANK you for the encouragement! I need to consider it some more, what I really want- if I even get to ask myself that question.

I know, a lack of confidence can really be shooting oneself in the foot. Maybe that is mainly what the "qualifications do" is give a person confidence.

I'm not 100% sure what role the director sees me in, I'm just a brand new volunteer but she wanted me to be involved with planning meetings that new volunteers are not typically a part of. I'm just wondering what they would think of me if they knew what my personal situation was.

People can't understand how badly I want an interesting measly job unless I tell them my personal situation and my ps does not look so good. I will have to see what happens.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 02:07:16 AM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #61 on: February 18, 2011, 01:59:18 AM »
The funny thing is I just applied for a part time job in a psychiatrist's office.

I want to say that "I feel so lost" because I have heard other people use that phrase, but I don't feel lost, I'm simply wondering am I on the right track? And I know that I am not because I am in a homeless shelter! There is a stigma to that. It's just a place to stay with a roof and a shower and why is that very different from a person staying in a house or staying in a tent or staying in a hotel or a yurt or whatever.

I'm tired I think I will sleep.

Ok, here is another weird thing. I should not even write this because I don't want it to be true and if I write it then it's written.
I almost prefer being in a homeless shelter then being in my own apartment. I had my own apartments for 8+ years before I came to this point in my life and I felt stuck living by myself in my crappy little apartments. At least when I am in homeless shelters they are temporary and I don't feel stuck and alone, instead I feel frightened because I'm lucky to even get into shelters since I don't have children.
--AND I ask how can that person in the previous paragraph be a Project Manager?

I want to make myself more light-hearted because it's unhealthy to worry all the time. Everyone who is here feels as though they are on unstable ground...and I question that because I can only think of one time that I didn't feel that way, it was when I was living in a rich guy's big house.

I'm so tired, I guess what I am getting at is I wonder what is my personal capacity to ever feel "secure" ...basically meaning safe and healthy and OK, and having a smile sometimes. That is pretty modest security.

Sometimes I wonder if I am WAY out there in crazy land. I just saw a pointless theater performance that was sort of wacko so maybe this is part of why I'm questioning myself and feeling topsy turvey.

Topsy Turvey.. "no mind, no body, no possessions, no topsy turvey...ohmm...

Part of me on the inside is horrified by my life.
Yet today is just one more day and the next day will be new again...ready for me to start my TO-DO list. The list that I use to say belonged to Miss Doo-Doo head. Doo-doo head being that part of my psyche that can't relax and has to be controlling everything.

I feel like a major control freak right now. MAJOR freak out need to control my life because it is way WAY out of control right now.

I'm almost tempted to go to an AA meeting and say I'm not a drinker but my life is so out of control I just need to be some place where I can talk about how out of control my life feels and I ask what would the point be and I wouldn't fit in and really dont want to spend my spare time doing such a thing.

I feel really worried. Tonight I have a warm cozy bed to sleep in and that is all I can hope for I think.

Being unemployed in the fashion that I am would make any person feel crazy.
The thing not just any person is unemployed like I am...and then that thinking leads me to start saying to myself:

"what is wrong with me"

This is the phrase I would say to myself when I was growing up and at some point I decided that there wasn't something wrong with me just because I was living a wrong life.

I'm just venting. When I got into the little theater tonight, I sat down in the seat and the lights dimmed, then I had to talk myself out of what started to feel like the first part of a panic attack.

I haven't been having any panic attacks recently but I feel that I am ripe for them.  

I just re-read a part of what I wrote and teared up and exhaled a big EXHALE. I've been bottling it up. There is no privacy around here I don't just cry and I have been too busy to cry. I just need to be allowed to be a normal imperfect human being.

Maybe I am just trying to live a life that I am not "cut out for". CUT OUT FOR would mean like a cookie cutter or something, that the shape of a person's life would naturally lead them to do something/become something. The problem is the things that I would naturally be led to do based on the shape of my life are BAD. BAD. BAD!!!!

I need to get over my overwhelm, realize that I am too stuffed up with unhealthy emotions that are going to mess me up. I need plans lots and lots of plans. At least this is my normal response but clearly my plans dont work so well.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 02:39:26 AM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #62 on: February 18, 2011, 07:49:35 AM »
CUT OUT FOR would mean like a cookie cutter or something, that the shape of a person's life would naturally lead them to do something/become something.

You'd think this would be how it works for people, wouldn't you? And that they'd be happy with what they became... right? One of the biggest illusions going is that "successful" people are happy doing what they're doing. Almost every single person like this that I've met have a "Plan B"... that is worlds away from what they're doing for money; for their living. Even some creative people. I like the idea that we each of us, create our own opportunities... and it sounds like you're in the process of finding out how this works. What I've also noticed about people who ARE happy with how they make a living, is that they looked for those opportunities that connected with something in themselves... something that clicked... and pushed one of those secret smiles to the face... and then maybe by accident they found just the job that let them do this.

I was a project manager... in a lot of different situations. The words used will vary... but here's all that's really required to do the job well (everything else you need, you can learn from the rest of the team)... you must be obsessively organized and not daunted by a huge pile of seemingly unrelated details - those details need to be categorized, translated to action items, tasks, sub-projects and assigned to someone with a report-back time/date... and an overall completion timeline created and managed. You may also be asked to "synthesize" all those details into a summary narrative of the goal of the project, the benefits or efficiencies that are expected to result from the project... and then gussy up the narrative into marketing language - to sell for buy-in from constituents, to sell for grant money, to sell for public support. Sometimes the second half of that is done by someone else... I had the background and the B.S. (the bull...) degree, to do the second half too.

[By the way, being a project manager is kind of an "outlet" for that controlling reflex. It can get out of hand, tho. In reality, the project's success is only as good as the relationships between the manager and the team - and the team's work is way more important than the manager's!]

Ya know? I really worried about you moving into a shelter... I couldn't foresee any good coming from it at all. But, I was wrong. I don't think it's wack to prefer this type of situation over being alone all the time in your apartment. For you. For right now. I think there's something in this experience that's helping you. I don't know what yet... maybe you don't either. It's part of that process I mentioned - creating an opportunity. It's like making a dream come true - in reality - out there, with all those people... something you imagined becomes real. It's a really cool feeling when that happens, you know? I think the shelter - for all the negatives about it - I think there's something really valuable in this experience for you.

Transcend... I'm not completely sure I know what I meant! LOL... you're on the right track, tho. It's through being centered in the body, that you get to what I mean... I just don't know what words to use to describe it. It's not like "no body"... beyond comes closer... but body's still there, necessary, valuable... same with mind, all the thought-chatter, even the fleeting feelings - moods and even shades or tints of emotions.

Edit in: WAIT! I know... it's like the arrangement "shifts"... the order or hierarchy is subtly different; the priorities change... I don't know if that's completely "it" either...
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 07:51:39 AM by PhoenixRising »
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Post Card
« Reply #63 on: February 18, 2011, 12:04:00 PM »
Along the way, personal items have been lost and discarded intentionally and unintentionally. Most of my family pictures have been hastily discarded (imagine that) because I know I don't have children to show them to, even if I did I would not be compelled to tell untrue stories about the warmth of family. I looked at my family photos and all I saw was a failure of marriage or lies.

There were two post-cards that I have had for years that didn't get discarded, one is a black and white photo of a little boy sitting in a window ledge from the 1940's. The other postcard is of a custom-altered Volkswagen bus that was welded together to be very very compact, it has the phrase on it "life is short".

For years, I would look at the postcard of the boy and I always imagined him to represent a street urchin on a train, I suppose that appealed to me. Few days ago I was looking at the postcard and realized he is not sitting in an old train like a child hobo in India.

I guess my point, is that I realize how I saw the world the way I wanted to see it rather then for what it really was. Now I question if I am still doing that to some degree.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 08:30:08 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2011, 02:13:37 PM »
The director responded to my e-mailed ideas and she was very positive about my input. She is encouraging to me and she still wants me to continue contributing at least in a small part on the pieces that I am working on.

The one idea I was most worried to put out there she actually liked and commented the most strongly about!

I'm glad that she thinks my contributions are valuable. I know that my self esteem is more vulnerable then it typically is.

Something else, this morning I just had a conversation with a person in the shelter about alcoholism in families and Adult Children of Alcoholics. I have such little contact with my family but I'm considering going to an Adult Children's meeting because she told me that there is one near by, the existence of these meetings is a little rare. It's not something that I want to be a part of but maybe the 12 step process could help me bring a little more structure into how I relate with the events in my life. I don't know but I will consider it.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 02:15:08 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #65 on: February 18, 2011, 03:54:23 PM »

what I have noticed about the adult children of any major dysfunction is that the adult children have similar problems and ways of coping with life.  The variable seems to be what is the dysfunction in the parents.  Whether it is alcohol, drugs, a mental health issue or just plain dysfunctional living--it is the lack of control and the feeling that life makes no sense that is the shared legacy.

I hope you will go.  Please let us know what you think.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Adult Children
« Reply #66 on: February 18, 2011, 08:36:56 PM »
The thing that really caught my attention about the conversation I had with the other woman in the shelter about ACOA/AA stuff was the behavior of self-isolation because it echoed what I just read recently in the book by Nuala O'Faolain because she describes her mother as being isolated.

The lady here was telling me how un-social she is but she seems quite personable to me. It made me start thinking about my own behavior and wondering how much may be some sort of self-isolating habit?

Well, I looked up the time and place info for the local meeting next week, I may go.


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #67 on: February 18, 2011, 09:26:56 PM »
Clearly I need a new strategy.


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #68 on: February 19, 2011, 02:51:04 AM »
Tear Tracks

Thank you.


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #69 on: February 19, 2011, 07:23:21 AM »
Hey Muffin...

that self-isolating effect... has a why with it - why self-isolate?

The reasons are as different as there are people... but I think the feeling that goes with it is the same one (manifested differently).

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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #70 on: February 19, 2011, 10:27:51 AM »
Hi MB,
Those standardized rejection letters can get to you...I wonder if a lot of it is that these days people submit resume after resume over the Internet. It becomes an automatic checklist kind of thing but isn't always the path in to a workplace.

Whenever you get the chance to write a cover letter, your writing is so good that I hope it will catch an ear. Keep on doing the Internet search, but make sure the online submissions don't eat all the time/energy for the job search. Make another block of time about in-person contacts, volunteering, attending workshops, writing personalized queries and thank-yous to individual people, stuff like that.

But this is also why your in-person volunteering and engagement is such a brilliant move. That really is networking. And you're already doing it very intelligently. I am very impressed. It's not that you can control or predict HOW things will change, it's just that you really are doing wise things that ENCOURAGE the openings to present for you.

Don't panic. Each question or encounter or communication? It's practice. It's going to be okay. Just try as best you can to do the "one day at a time" thing.

I don't know if this works for you but sometime ages ago when I was very anxious about something similar, somebody told me to think of it as "good practice" -- and that took so much pressure off the event itself. I let go of the outcome and got relocated in the present. So I could be more relaxed and engaged without focusing on my anxiety. Literally letting go the result made the effort more easeful.

One last bit of random advice? Don't begin to "believe in" your homelessness. Don't wrap yourself up snugly in that label. Don't let the word take on a toxic glow, like a special disease that dooms you. Or that it's something you "deserve". Nah. It's weather, rough weather, and it will change. That's the certainty.

You and millions of other Americans are going through a difficult time. And you are not a drug addict, you are caring for your appearance and health, walking, continuing to reflect, write, search and drive forward. You are showing up in your life. You have not abandoned it.

Don't "believe in it". Homeless is one adjective and it is temporary. And it will be a meaningful benchmark when you look back as a wise old thing just the way people who weather a terrible accident but heal and return to the world with immense gratitude for life.

You'll find a job, you'll eventually have a pleasant housemate, a simple place to live, and it will be okay.

There is no reason for you NOT to be one of those who moves up and out of this situation. You have a lot going for you, MB.

Don't "believe in" your mother, either. She's unable to be helpful. And as you gather more of your OWN experience that you look at through your OWN thoughts and opinions, you will be less rocked by what's missing with her.

One day if you write a memoir, I'll gladly buy it. In hardback.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #71 on: February 19, 2011, 01:46:33 PM »
Went to my doctor's appointment. I said "I'm living in a shelter, please test me for HSV-1 and I have toe fungus, sorry I'm scrungy I didn't take a shower this morning, while you are scraping my toe, I have a quick question for you, there seems to be a lot of turn around here and I see that the receptionist & data entry jobs are open, I have applied for jobs here but haven't gotten a response, can you give me any insight or tips?-- Do you only hire college students here?"

~I know it's not professional but I have already applied for two jobs at this place and didn't get an interview. I talked to the person at the front desk she wasn't doing anything that I couldn't do better.

The doctor told me to try applying again. I will when I go back in for my blood test next week I will bring them a PACKET of application materials and I will email them and I will call them and call them and call them until they tell me to go away.

The doctor asked me why I can't get hired back at my last job and I told her the truth "I was downsized and it was a bad experience" I wasn't really expecting her to ask me that, there is no way to finesse it.

She didn't think my toe thing was even fungus so weirdly enough maybe I had hard-water calcium build up on one toe??

Living in communal places is hard in someways I'm hyper vigilant about what I might catch because one place I stayed at EVERYBODY was passing around a new cold/flu every week, it was constant coughing and runny nose and someone said their kid had whooping cough and on and on.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 02:02:51 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #72 on: February 19, 2011, 02:00:50 PM »
Thanks Hops,

Yes, I'm getting very experienced at something. I went to an interviewing skills workshop just to please the shelter manager and during the workshop we started discussing questions employers should not ask and unusual questions? When I started giving all my examples of questions that I have been asked at interviews the workshop leader started looking at me in a weird and irritated way? She said "I have never heard of that before"...

Yes it's true, I have been asked if I have children at interviews, I have been asked if I'm single or married or if I live by myself or other people, I was asked what kind of car I would be if I was a car, I have been asked what religion I am.

I don't know the legalities of it, I just read a list of 30 questions employers are not suppose to ask and I have been asked at least 26 of them at some time or other.

My only point is that it seems I have been on more interviews then the person giving the interviewing class tips has been on. You would think that would make me pretty good at it but there is always something that rules me out, the last interview it was definitely because I was not a college student.

Some community colleges allow people to sit in on partially full classes for free. I don't know if they have that policy here, but I may do it, sit in on any ol'fricken class so I can say YES YES I'm a STUDENT!!!! Without it being a total lie. -and I could do it without commiting to anything or wasting future financial aid income. --because you can only get so much financial aid for school I think, I wouldn't want to waste it on a golf management class.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 02:23:22 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #73 on: February 19, 2011, 02:08:31 PM »
Hey Muffin...

that self-isolating effect... has a why with it - why self-isolate?

The reasons are as different as there are people... but I think the feeling that goes with it is the same one (manifested differently).


I need to learn more about it because there seems to be a behavioral linkage for the ACOA/ Alcoholism and self-isolating.
It's very 12-stepy.

My Nar mother is not very social at all. My something-father is extremely isolated. My alcoholic brother is isolated. My mother's alcoholic husband is very introverted. My nar-mother's alcoholic father was very introverted.

My Nar-mother's Alcoholic mother is very social though.

My father's mother was permanently stationed in front of a television her whole life.

There is something to it.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 02:10:42 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: Make-over my whole life
« Reply #74 on: February 19, 2011, 02:45:08 PM »
Inside knowledge about food banks and shelters--

Another woman here has an ex-boyfriend who worked at the local food bank. She said he took stuff from the food bank he wasn't supposed to take.

Last shelter I was at (observed this myself)- one of the managers was helping herself and removing all of the good donations for her own personal use and re-sale. Even she would take food home before giving it to the shelter, one time I thought I was helping by receiving and putting out donated food...and she got mad at me because she wanted to take it home for herself....and I had to apologetically say I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries and that it wasn't my authority to give food donations to the residents at the shelter. YEAH RIGHT.
This same shelter would also take people's food stamp benefits (most don't do this) and purchase the type of food they wanted (fat-farm-junk) for the "shelter"-and the employees would help themselves to this food...getting free lunch etc.
--Same shelter requires cleaning chores ok that is fair--but they added onto the chore list that the women go in and clean the restroom for the private business office that is only used by managers and staff --not the residents cleaning up after themselves instead that is the residents being used as maid service. It was requested by a man who worked there. I'm sorry but I had to laugh over this with another woman in the shelter and she said "and you know he isn't making it into the toilet".  Ugghhhhh.

I'm tempted one day to write a letter to the agency that gives GRANT money so the shelter could continue to operate- they waste healthy food because they are too lazy to prepare fresh veggies donated by kind farmers, they buy crap food with food stamps, they eat the food themselves, the play computer games when they should be hooking residents up with services and resources, it is more extensive then that.
Its really not important for me any longer- I do have other priorities for me. This is not a utopian world, I just think that many don't realize the systems are screwy.

Go to a place that gives out single one-way bus ride passes --and I only can get TWO a month. That is a single round trip per month when there are often empty seats on the bus. JUST saying--these programs and services seem superficial --

Sometimes the drug-addicts in the shelters are more compassionate and morally correct then the shelter management.

Two women here also said that the last shelter she was at was almost empty even though they were telling people that they were full- the alternative to that woman's shelter is to spend the night in a two-gender shelter where a woman was killed and another woman was raped- and they release people onto the streets at very early AM in the dark. --This is something I noticed also shelters are not always full when they turn people away--it is true that they can not accomodate every person and there are rules--but sometimes I think they turn eligible people away because they just want an easy week at work- and yes they are getting a pay check with $ signs on it--not volunteers.

--So we had a shelter-dinner table conversation about the possible reasons they say the shelter is full when it's empty, we figure maybe it's because they have enough people to get funding and keep their jobs. --Because fewer people would make their jobs easier??

I bet you wouldn't think that here in America people skim off the top of social service programs like this, maybe in India yes.

I was surprised to learn about all of this but I'm finding it's not uncommon.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 03:15:10 PM by Muffin buster »