Hi Glennis,
We cut off contact with her completely about 3 weeks ago (including with my son). It became clear that he was not safe alone with her and because of her anger towards me and my husband, we could not longer go along to supervise. That is what started this recent campaign of terror against us....threats to report us as unfit, a phone campaign to family, friends and ministers at church that I am crazy, an alcoholic, drug addict, etc, etc which thankfully, no one believed. She went so far as to have an attorney write a letter to us on her behalf asking for mediation so that she can see my son.
We have been trying to find our own attorney which has been difficult...our first choice is unavailable and she referred us to someone who has been out of the office all week. We hope to hear from him on Monday. We have about 45 minutes of absolutely VILE, threatening and clearly unbalanced (screaming, cursing, etc) voice messages from her and also a stack of similiar emails.
Last week, she came to my house (she had been limiting herself to calling and emailing but we have blocked her calls on our home phone) and I spoke to her through the door and told her to leave or I would call the police. (She tried to push and shove me out the door of my own home the last time we let her in the house....that was when we cut contact completely). We have not had any contact from her since then until today, I received an email.
I have had several people in the community tell me, just acquaintances really, that her public behavior is becoming more and more bizarre and disturbing. Several people have asked me if she has a drug problem. In each and every case, the person gently expressed concern for her and she immediately cut contact with them.
I have to say that I am so glad that her public persona is deteriorating. Before, it was so hidden and only displayed to immediate family, that no one would believe us when we tried to tell them. We got a lot of "lectures" from people about how we just needed to get along, etc.
I don't know where the legal system will take us but the attorneys I have spoke to tell me that with the voice mails, etc, it would be very unusual for a judge to force visitation with my son. That is my daily prayer now. The attorney will be a huge drain on our limited financial resources (starting two new businesses is scary on it's own) but we will do whatever we need to do to protect my son and ourselves.
Just coming here to post has helped me so much. Not many people I know have ever experienced anything like this and I am sure it seems a bit unreal to them.
Thanks again! I appreciate so much everyone's posts and comments.