Thank you Bunny. I had never given consideration to the fact the as well as the personality disorder my mother may also be mentally ill.
At age 40, having always been the "good girl", the "loving daughter", etc, etc, I never thought to find myself in this situation....defending myself against horrible accusations from my own mother. I realize now that things were not right when I was a child. My therapist said the denial was very deep seated. It was not until last year, as my mother and step-father began their divorce, that things became so strange and surreal that I finally accepted there was seriously something wrong and that it had been for as long as I could remember.
I know what was the start of this episode...the fact that for the first time in my life, my husband and I decided to spend Thanksgiving with another part of our family and not my mother. In 11 years of marriage we have never gone to be with my husband's family for a holiday, including minor holidays. This year we decided to be with my father's family...a strange mixture of children from three marriages who somehow have managed to form a loving, tight knit family unit. We wanted to be with them and when I told my mother that is what we would be doing for Thanksgiving you could literally see the phony mask drop from her face for just a few seconds and then immediately it returned and she said things like "I'm so glad. I have so many new friends now that I wouldn't have time to be with you anyway. I think you've made a good decision. You are always so stressed by trying to see them after Thanksgiving."
But she immediately began to call my step-father and tried to enlist him in an "intervention" to get me "under control" because she was not going to "tolerate being abandoned" by me at Thanksgiving "after all the sacrifices she had made" for me. I told my therapist that I was sure this would have happened 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years whatever point I finally made a decision on my own. He agreed.
He told me that he would call my mother if I wanted to do so. I asked if he thought there would be any benefit and he said no, that all he would do would listen to her. He asked if she had any family who could intervene and unfortunately, there is no one. He encouraged me, when I spoke to the ministers, to urge them to provide her any pastoral care that they could. Unfortunately, when I spoke to them, they were quite clear that they are not equipped to deal with something of this magnitude.
I am alone in far as being the only family who cares about her. Right now, I am so angry with her that I cannot find any compassion. I just want her to leave us alone. I have a happy life. I love my husband, my son is a happy, smart and confident little boy. I know in many ways the poor parenting I received only strengthened my resolve to be the best parent I could be. My heart soars when I see my son stand in front of a group and make some sort of presentation or run with confidence on to an athletic field.....knowing that as a child I would have never, ever been able to do such things and still have difficulty as an adult. But still, I am horrified and feel more betrayed than ever before by her threats to take him from me and to convince others that I am abusing him. That is a line I never really believed she would cross.
I am only comforted by the fact that I know she really does not want him. She would never spend her money on attorney's fees (she is very selfish with money although extravagant with herself) and she would never want the actual responsibility of getting him to school, etc. I do think though, that if she could get him removed from my home and in to foster care, she wouldn't think twice about it. After's not about my son, it's about punishing me for my disobedience.
Thank you for listening.