So sorry things just keep getting more and more complicated, Lupita.
Sometimes that's the way it goes.....
there will be days you eat the bear, and on others......
the bear eats you.
nothing good nor bad, lasts forever.
This too shall pass, and you don't want to look back on these times and wish you hadn't squandered so much time and energy on the negative people.
There's this lovely little shining light there for you to focus HERE. Now.
I say give the MIL and negatives others as little as you can, so you have more everything for yourself and that darling gs.
be chipper, and keep your sense of humor in tact. Don't rub their lazy noses in their shortcomings.... it just draws more fire, and I can imagine how I'd feel in your position... I'd be cleaning little corners, and shaming them right and left, not meaning to, but having to control myself or make it worse, bc that's what I do when I'm under pressure.
I clean with great vigor, and there's nothing more satisfying than shaming nasty people with that kind of energy. It's just not helpful though.
Let's face it.....
Those people are miserable.
You don't have to be.
Don't let them transfer their unhappiness and aggression TO YOU, Lupe.
Detach emotionally, and focus on your next adventure.
BEFORE you're triggered, invoke a helpful mantra...
"Nope, you aren't triggering me today, I have a world to conquer with my gs." Whatever works, Lupe.
I love conversations and activities with little children!
You never know what they're going to say: )
It's fall. Go outdoors with the little one and kick leaves.... marvel at things under rocks, and play by creeks!
BE AUNTIE MAME, not the victim your DIL wants you to be. YOU get to choose, and aren't you the lucky one?