Facing differences a little more clearly. Senses of humor (different planets) and sense of irony (me got, him not).
1) B sent me another sexist internet joke. It was juvenile, belittling, sexist and ugly. Plus, deeply dumb. He prefaced it with: "Prepare. This may make you laugh out loud." Similarly, when he sent me the raft of sexist/racist/belittling/stereotyping joke images some while back, he introduced it with, "These will delight and amuse you."
2) The other night I showed him the film Concussion, which had a huge impact on me. Long story short, it is the true story of the Nigeria-born pathologist who discovered CTE, the brain damage that affects many football players and leads to enormous suffering (death, suicide, early dementia) and which begins with head impacts in Pee Wee football. My response to the story was to know that I could never watch a sport that celebrates "good hits" over the brains that are hit. Same reason I deeply loathe all sports that involve people hitting each other in the face and head (same CTE).
B enjoyed the movie (it featured a lot of famous players and clips from games). He said, "really good film." The next morning he said when he got home, he watched some boxing.
....it's maybe a little drip drip drippy, but I do think at some point the water fills the cup on one side and the balance just swings.
I don't feel any panic, just a growing sense that I'm fooling myself. He's been dear and sweet to me but also offputting at times. And I'm coming to think that his desperation for a partner has intersected with my own fears of old age, and that this is maybe NOT a good recipe for a lifetime.
I'm sure I could explain his tastes in various ways. But I wonder if I should instead just be honest about their impact on me, inside, where my values and sense of hope live.
I'm starting to wonder if an ACTUAL shared life with him could turn into misery.