Author Topic: Mindfulness and codependence thread  (Read 137004 times)


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1050 on: July 25, 2024, 06:47:24 AM »
Honestly, the half empty nests feels very  full right now, bc oldest DD and her roommate have begun family dinner/game night Sundays.  They seek my help with their apartment and the helping/teaching makes my brain feel like chips and ice cream are involved, but aren't.....the girls are eating healthy and hitting the gym twice weekly.

Youngest DD is usually home, and baby girl pug is against my ankle ...or the small of my back. 

I'm looking forward to putting together a tool kit for oldest my father did fo r me.  There's relief in being father and mother....without guilt creeping in. 

We're all doing our best and guilt sucks, Hops. 



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1051 on: August 27, 2024, 07:06:36 PM »
I'm feeling overtly full, read that as medicating with food, while working in the dark, power outage for 50 homes, putting together healthy frozen meals, provided the power comes back soon, for our mailman who just had shoulder surgery with a reaction to pain meds creating jaw infection requiring emergency surgery.

And I'm waiting for my Tylenol to kick in, washed down with a beer.... headaches are every other day, lately.

Will get a shower......seems God wants me to stop what I'm doing, so here goes....
Will attempt to emdr myself through and out the other side of processing a traumatic family gathering and the meetings with army corps of engineers woven through that gathering.

I'll try to write out the family situation calmly, as 3 attempts turned into content not fit for the board.

:getting shower::..


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1052 on: August 28, 2024, 12:08:43 PM »
Dropped food for mailman and he was woozy, having trouble standing/focusing. 

I was ready to put the food away, do a 10 minute tidy and get on road for planned trip with youngest DD.

Mailman blocked my ...the nerve! bc house waa "a mess."

Ok....but I was standing in trash from his bear attacked garbage in torn white bags and.....where were his trash bins, I asked, bc this was a 10 minute tidy  I could massage my brain with for days.
No bins.🫨

Mailman usually takes trash to the post office, but he's a week post op and the bears have taken full charge for him.


I just completed 2 important tasks and have time to help with trash runs tomorrow and 3 neighbors have almond st empty bins so transporting the mess is the only problem and.....
I'm pulling back, observing my motives and I notice I made promises to "help" a month ago.  I didn't say how, but somewhere inside my brain he deserves food, metamucil, a clean up and a few check ins, generally.

I've been burdened with trash problems and my first instinct is to leave the mess.  Then I remember mailman's eyes rolling around in his head and this compassion or something else? and trash clean up goes back on the list.

I recognize my brain gets scratched when performing acts of service.  That's a truth.  What does it cost me to help today with the trash? Time with DD as she poo acks costumes.

That's it.  I'm going home and mm's trash will get dealt with eventually by someone else.

I did enough and even if it's not ok, to my brain, it's ok.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1053 on: August 28, 2024, 12:39:09 PM »

The family situation, whatever it was that happened there, sounds like it was grim and hasn't done you a world of good.  I hope whatever it was that happened is done with and isn't going to keep you in a spin for a long time.  And that it doesn't happen again.

Mailman - yes, leave the bins.  I have to do a lot of advance planning and prepping for all sorts of things, because it's just me and that's that.  Surgery would involve, for me, at the very least, filling the freezer with quick and easy meals (either by cooking in advance or buying in ready frozen.  And that can be done post surgery if the surgery isn't planned, online order, he could even just order fifteen of the same ready meal and have cereal and toast the rest of the time).  If he's daft enough to put rubbish bags out in an area where there are bears, well honestly I think he's lucky they just made a mess.  Order some bins, get someone else to take them, keep them somewhere in the house until they can be dropped off.  Other options.  As for blocking your way - honestly, I think you need to put an embargo on any kind of assistance for any man, it always seems to get unpleasant in some way.  He's a grown adult, he can sort himself out.  Sounds like you've got more than enough of your own stuff to deal with at the moment.  I hope you get some time to focus on you and start working through whatever it was the family stuff involved xx


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1054 on: August 29, 2024, 10:26:10 AM »
Thanks, Tupp.  The problem involves addiction of an extended family member's spouse.  He's a medically wet brained alcoholic (WBA) horrifyingly ....sad/revolting/disturbing.  I'm experiencing unfamiliar high pitched gagging while brushing my teeth.

::erasing erasing erasing post...again::.

I'll spare you the details.

It's very not good and never again. 




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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1055 on: August 29, 2024, 11:29:34 AM »
That sounds horrendous, Lighter, I've never heard of it before.  I hope you never have to experience it again! x


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1056 on: August 30, 2024, 08:48:34 AM »
It's a Vitamin deficiency in the brain, typically related to alcoholism.  Loss of motor function and was sad to watch him try to appear normal while extremely chatty and obviously impaired.  He posted up on the kitchen so we took turns dealing with him.  My sister picked him up off the driveway a couple times and that's all I have to say about that.

I'm having coffee on my bad ass friend's porch.  Just saw a hawk land in the trees then launch magnetically in the direction he came from.  A tiny lizard just went by.....unafraid.   I'm pouring a bath in friend's garden tub.  It's nice.

We made a late dinner last night .....9pm lettuce wraps SO good.  Traffic into my old stomping grounds as bad as ever, but DD22 has Dragon Con business and I'll be visiting my father's gf of 18 years, before he chose the maid over her.  Will be curious to see if she remembers the bitterness she felt towards them as dementia takes her mind.

I'm so happy her gum surgery healed enough to eat regular food and chemo was on 22nd so she should be able to enjoy food.....I hope.  My go to nurture stance is to feed and clean.I found fancy fudge and will take her out for brunch then dinner today.

She has it in her mind I'm having a sleepover with her tonight.....and I just might if it's not difficult.

Alcoholism is a terrible coping strategy and my sister and I ended up cleaning mailman's trash for him.  It went quickly with rubber gloves and 2 people loading into big industrial trash bags.  Not sure what that means, but I ran late all day with my choices being what they were.  Have to give that more thought, but off to next adventure now!



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1057 on: September 02, 2024, 09:03:13 AM »
Not sure if DD22 has strep, mono or tonsillitis, but we went to urgent care yesterday morning.  Meds have her feeling much better today.

Went to favorite Chinese Restaurant for Salt and Pepper Squid with xtra jalapenos and an order of Chow Fun with shrimp, snow peas leaves and carrots....that meal's been a favorite since the girls were tiny. Yum!

We organize, clean and leave for lake this evening.

Weather cooling a bit.




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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1058 on: September 03, 2024, 08:49:05 AM »
It's 48 here this morning (Tuesday) Lighter.
Almost going from high summer to fireplace weather...
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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1059 on: September 03, 2024, 10:33:01 AM »
73 degrees here, Amber.  Breezy.  Overcast, but clearing into blue sky's.  Just a crisp, beautiful day!


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1060 on: September 04, 2024, 08:13:43 AM »
Well, it's early for the temp drop but I'm sure liking it! Windows open, ac set to not turn on (and might just turn it off completely) and breaking out the layers in the mornings.

Putting some finishing touches on mini kitchen in studio. Cleaning. Collecting new furnishings/decor for powder room remodel. Delivery of new work/storage cabinets in 2 weeks. Found replacement doors for cabinets holding up my 4x8 table top. And mentally collecting crafty supplies into fun pkg for a friend's daughter, Althea.

Then, it's on to cleaning up garden beds to "try again" next year - sigh.
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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1061 on: September 07, 2024, 01:21:58 PM »
Settling back home after whirlwind social events......have to recharge and limit social contact. 

My girls are doing ok.  Good grades and the will to make every class.....oldest DD actually managing it.

Over breakfast this morning DD22 reminded me the ,70's-80's and 90's were the golden years to be alive.  We/generations before her, have left the world gasping and unlikely to recover, bc.....greed and stupidity.

She resents the weight of the world is unfairly on the younger/her generation's shoulders.  When she speaks of this.... she has me out of my reminds me.....she moves through the world to the Leonard Cohen "Everybody Knows" theme song running in the background of her life....but only when she feels I need reminding.

She's grasping happiness and joy out of the same air.....but she's aware. generation did f'around, completely unaware and it was good.  Bad also, but good.

Me?  Right now I'm attempting to nail down a few important habits.

Namely, how to assess facts and reality, sans judgement.  Sometimes review feels judgemental, bc terrible facts are what they are.  It feeeels dreadful..... shameful just to let them in for consideration.  They taint everything they touch and it's complicated, IME.

But still cultivate nonjudgmental awareness, sans stuttering.....for myself, my way ...... it remains a work in progress.

To be fair, it's easier and not getting everything, all at once, all the time is another project I work on.  Cultivating kindness ...patience ..curiosity while extending them to myself as habit ...... I'm still practicing,even as I notice how much I've released....
picked up.....
put down....

So family meal Sunday will be Pho and sweet chili chicken lettuce wraps.

DD23 wants to bring her COVID+ bf comforting soup.  I was supposed to meet him, but that's not happening. DD23 and I shared a Greek salad yesterday, so we'll both have COVID IF DD is infected..... I'll start Xylitol bise drops today, just in case.

I'm leaning into Halloween preparations....will be proactive and try to optimize that joy. 

It's overcast and cool today....breezy like rain is near.  The moss is happy🪺



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1062 on: September 08, 2024, 12:31:27 PM »
If I may...
I've been accused of being responsible for the mess that (given the younger generations perspective) that they have to live with. I usually respond with the fact that I am just one person, certainly not an activist or "influencer" and I most definitely didn't have the power to make a blessed thing "so", except in my own household. And I can further elaborate, that every generation thinks that the one before them has "stuck" them with horrible problems to solve. I've worked hard all my life to be personally responsible, for the things I can control and choose to engage with.

I was speaking up about corporate greed and their treatment (or lack of concern for) the environment back in the  70s. I did my part to clean up trash dumps, etc. I'm still terribly sensitive to the ongoing litter issues I see around me, and steward my property as best I can (with assistance, now).

So.... you don't have to bear the weight of blame for that Lighter. Just keep doing you. And sooner or later, it'll dawn on her that she probably wishes more people would be like you. Even the things we don't succeed at, at least we TRIED and we cared enough to try. That's already more than a lot of people do.

Your moss wouldn't be happy, otherwise.  <grin>
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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1063 on: September 10, 2024, 02:52:24 AM »
I think leaning in to Halloween decorations and chicken lettuce wraps is the way forward, Lighter :)

When I was young and railing at the generations before me for not sorting themselves out sooner, I didn't appreciate the different challenges that each generation faces, and what it is people have to do to achieve the basics.  I grew up in a different world to my mother, my grandmother, my great grandmother.  I didn't have to build a fire every day, shop for groceries daily, cook everything from scratch, make my own clothes, live without central heating, a fridge, wash in cold water at a bowl in the kitchen, no phone, no TV, walking or taking the bus rather than having access to a car, and so many other things.  I've grown up in a world with free access to contraception, legal and safe termination options, the right to say no, access to my own bank account, mortgage, credit card. I've not had to accept burying my babies as a fact of life, or send my husband off to war, or raise my children alone without any government support when that war killed him.  The more I've learnt about my family history, and history in general, the more I've realised the lack of emotion in the women in our family has come from having to keep dealing with so many things, from the daily tedium and lack of comfort and happiness, to the horror of war, grief and loss, with no option other than to keep going.

I think materially life got easier for many from the 70s onwards, but the generational trauma prior to that didn't magically vanish.  We're all here because the way our parents dealt with trauma damaged us so badly it's affected every aspect of our lives.  We've been able to deal with much of that using resources that previous generations didn't have.  As a result, our kids have grown up with, at the very least, the knowledge of trauma and knowing there are ways to deal with and manage it. As well as being able to get their food delivered, go to college, always have a safe space to call home and, I think most tellingly, having a strong enough relationship with their parent that they can be critical and know they're still loved and won't be punished for it.  Being angry about others mistakes is very normal but the question then is, what to do about it?  The younger generation have problems to deal with, same as every generation before has done.  My grandmother buried a baby and never told anyone.  We found out a couple of years ago when researching family history.  There's a birth record, a death record, a grave reference (that's no longer relevant as the graveyard has subsided so badly many of the graves have simply sunk deeper into the earth and can't be located individually).  Our kids will never be in a situation where the only way to cope with losing a child will be to bury it and then never tell anyone.  They also likely never had the freedom to roam all day like we did.  Give and take, I guess xx


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1064 on: September 10, 2024, 01:09:50 PM »
Thanks for the wise words, Tupp and Amber.

I will lean into yummy food and Halloween!

Also, I'll allow DD22 to have her difficult feelings and attempt to remain outside her pain in order to be responsive. There's a pattern to these things. 

You're right about generational trauma, Tupp, though you spoke about it more deeply/accurately than I have with my girls. I typically speak about my parents and haven't really 🤔 about all the generations and their challenges and traumas that came before. 

I think it's revelatory to see ourselves holistically/historically and not through the judgement lense of children and young adults.

Amber, I haven't helped clean up dumps, but I care and my girls see me get dirty, do the harder things everyday.  There are no magic spells I can cast to fix all the wrongs in this world.
 Sometimes DD share dumps her fear/resentment and doubt, bc....
I'm her safe harbor, and.....
she's right.  I didn't deal with the fears her generation carries today.

Now....back to setting up haunted garage!
