Author Topic: Mindfulness and codependence thread  (Read 137025 times)


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1095 on: October 26, 2024, 01:31:39 PM »
ENT suspects BPPV cure.  Only treatment. 

He peeled wax from inner ears....ouch ....head went spinning when turned head to the right.....but only when looking up, at end of appt.

I'm blowing leaves today.  Will cut some smaller trees if I feel steady enough.

The leaves are falling.  So many leaves.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1096 on: October 26, 2024, 09:03:02 PM »
I had an amazing day today!!!
Balance, strength, stamina and focus were all mine on this windy, rainy yard work day.  All systems on go.

Don't know what changed but I finally broke down while looking at piles of trees up and down the next street over, at trail head.  All this sadness just brewed up and out.

I talked to God during 5 hours of driving.

Had my ears cleaned.

Lastly....I started taking new supplement Heart Saver Plus ...better warm. 

I've taken health, strength and agility for granted.  Every moment of this day I felt present and profound gratitude.

Everything was small stuff...nothing to get mad about.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1097 on: October 26, 2024, 11:17:15 PM »
The energy carried into the night.  I worked in my closet, on laundry and feel very on target, re Halloween this year.

I'll take a melatonin and lay out clown costumes ....most are vintage cotton.
::happy clapping::.

I already did a dry run with makeup/huge tooth grin and upgraded the life-size vampire decorations with scary clown makeup and hair. 

 I didn't notice neck pain today....driving was difficult yesterday, as I had to turn my shoulders, not my head, when changing lanes.  Looooong day.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1098 on: October 27, 2024, 09:02:20 AM »
Glad you're feeling better Lighter! And yes, if your friend is agreeable please contact him to see if he's willing to assist. Just pm me his preferred contact - and I'll make it work.

I do really think we need to spend some time "just feeling" the impact of all the debris that's piling up around us as individuals and collectively, at times. That emotional "meditation" - just the feelings - is like a good colon cleanse for our emotional constipation that happens as we attempt to persevere. Usually, we don't often need to do this, but when we do - we do.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1099 on: October 27, 2024, 01:06:34 PM »
Good on you, Lighter.

You weren't breaking down.
You were opening up.

Allowing your natural human grief to come out through a pure channel of tears.

I'm so glad it eased you. Trust it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1100 on: October 28, 2024, 07:08:22 AM »
I'm trusting, Hops.  And working to chop up huge limbs I can't drag to the debris pile.  That's this morning 's mission.  I want to be dealing with the garage by this afternoon.  Halloween waits for no man.

I'm shockingly not sore, btw.  My muscles feel full ....not stiff, if that makes sense. 

Met 2 grandchildren of backyard neighbors yesterday.  The 2 yo, Damian, was so smart and fast, but who makes their kid Damian?  Just all over the place, the pug and his 8yo sister/caretaker with his imaginary "scary" rhino horn cute.

We caught a run away hound dog, hooked a swing to him then watched him and the pug hopelessly tangle it all up.  I was trying to order Coraline 3-D tickets, got that wrong, gave up and let the hound drag me around while waiting for his family to come get him.  Everytime I stopped, he'd do make his piercing houndog sound.....I wasn't nice in my all caps "come get your loud energetic dog now!" text.  Wasn't happy when they showed, bc pug broke loose and circled their car trying to get run over...had to catch her.  Not gonna exhausted after getting very little yard work done. Wasn't my plan.

When I got back to the yard, I saw the new mum with her cute toddler and had to turn my back.......I so wanted to cuddle that little guy.

I'd spent an hour talking to Cowgirl...the day wasn't meant for mindful industry.

I did manage to clear one and a half side yards and the moss was pushed and scrunched by the storm water, like fabric, on the high side.  I'm feeling blessed to tend to it though. 

Amazing weather.  Prefer the rain...I enjoy solitude when it rains.  Most people stay indoors....not me.
Managed to correct my movie ticket order and make dinner for us and dear sweet neighbors.  Was very yummy.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1101 on: October 28, 2024, 09:00:46 AM »
Amber, I sent contact info for JA.  He's expecting a call from you or B.

Will hav lots of info and I'm praying things get back on track soon.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1102 on: November 14, 2024, 11:52:40 AM »
Therapy appointment went like this:

Discussed current events. T believes the Vertigo is a protector part. Asked how I feel towards it .....

T requested I ask the fear to sit in the waiting room so I could deal with the vertigo.

When I have internal dialogue, it's silent and my eyes are closed......usually takes a minute.  The fear moved to the left, but wasn't feeling happy about it.

T had me ask vertigo what she was trying to say.  "She took me out" was the response."

T said that made sense, to remove me from the people and direct stress around me.... she said cancer can work the same way. 

I didn't make bites, so this is a very loose account.

I asked vertigo what she needed......she was facing me.....them moved up and over my head.....behind me and I knew she meant....
"If you step up, I'll step back.". If I stop taking on stress and limiting the chaos, In can limit.... she'll stop forcing me to stop and deal with it.

I made an appointment next week to work on vertigo with T.  T said she was so glad, bc a part of her has summit fever and wants to get me through it .....but she didn't press or ask to do it with me.  Had to be my choice.

While we did this work.....when I addressed vertigo, T asked me to find the place in my body where I felt vertigo.....
Top of head....
Below solar plexus. 

I was asked to go inside and find....forget her words, but find ball of light.....warmth ...and that was in chest moving the below solar plexus....where it stayed. 

The light is me.... I wish I'd taken notes while fresh. The light is same source as the sun..... I'm my observer mode and everything is is just passing wind through a screen door.

That's remain in observer mode....take nothing personally means I notice all my wounded and protective parts so I can tend to them, ask them to become allies ....they all belong and trying to run from them, push them away just makes them angry/frantic/ more upset.

Everyone has these parts.....T shared her 20 year's sobriety journey.  She had a protective part that wanted to drink to protect her from pain attached stemming from shame.  She no longer feels that part come forward ...she dealt with it and it's at peace now.

Everything comes back to being present inside the body in observer mode so one may identify other people's stuff.... whatever that is, and to find out parts and tend to them when we're reactive.

I assume next week will involve much EMDR.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1103 on: November 15, 2024, 04:09:33 AM »
Lots to unpack, Lighter, hopefully it's helped/shifted some things a little and it will make the day to day running of things a bit easier to deal with as time goes on xx


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1104 on: November 15, 2024, 12:34:13 PM »
I'm curious if next session helps the vertigo situation, for sure, Tupp.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1105 on: November 15, 2024, 03:55:10 PM »
Have you tried any of these? I'd imagine resourceful you already has, but just in case....

I had it done once for vertigo in an ENT's office and was amazed how instantly it worked. It jogs loose calcium crystal deposits in the inner ear that are then resorbed. The doc and nurse held me and then tilted me very rapidly.
If I'd done it alone I'd probably have hit the floor, but you know your body. Maybe a DD could assist.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1106 on: November 24, 2024, 12:58:02 AM »
DD22 has pneumonia and was very weak and miserable for a while.  The upside.....she wanted attention, care and mommy watch Alien movies then Doctor Who episodes then the movie Chernobyl, which we've talked about watching for a while.  Usually, she doesn't like movies.

This felt very I got back a week of her young be very present, comfort her......nurture and feed, sans distractions. 

My head/sinuses began stinging this evening.  I hope it's just dust and change of season allergies.....I cleaned out the main HVAC returns just before the stinging began.....maybe the warm air inside the house?  I'm hydrated, eating poorly, but on top of supplements.

I changed out the ickiest spatulas and high temp spoons at the lake .....editing dishware......adding matching set of stemless plexi wine many stickers!!!!  Will see if dishwasher can do a better/quicker job.

DD24 just started work part-time at her old eye clinic job.  It's across the street from her apartment and she's very happy to be back.

 Her new bf pleases her very much.... she's happy, enjoying school and socializing.
That means she doesn't have time for Sunday dinner at Mom's for game night, anymore.  It's ok.

Getting sleepy..... bgpug snoring nearby. 



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1107 on: November 27, 2024, 11:58:14 AM »
I've had 2 T appointments and will jump straight into this morning 's.

T asked me to ask"the do'er" part to sit in waiting room so I could be present and curious about the "vertigo firefighter" part.  The "do'er" is the one who readied the lake house on her own, juggled new furnace attempted repair then replacement, the soot, the regular readying/work AND dead mouse I couldn't look for without the world spinning completely out of the morning vertigo began. Wheeeeee!

The "do'er" moved to the waiting room, willing only now, bc she got the Thanksgiving lake rental on track.  It felt like circles and circles of work, getting smaller and tighter and completed through intuition....certainly not through executive function and organization.

I noticed a lifelong pattern of putting others first. 

For instance, when we had Hurricane refugees at lake, I committed to having the dad guy and his DD for Thanksgiving......bc he's lonely.  My firefighter"do'er/fixer solved that problem, but created 5.....for my DD22, who dislikes him.  For myself, who is uncomfortable with his attraction to me AND his need to be liked solely for himself.....he doesn't want to spend any of his huge inheritance, bc ......his wounded and protective "parts" neeed to know his money isn't the attraction. Once he asked me if he was pulling his weight in our friendship and I reacted with YES, just to avoid the conversation.  I didn't help either of us.

He doesn't realize how always giving less, not handling his fair share burdens others who would enjoy him more, but for the restrictions and imperatives he imparts on relationships. 

In fact, I've been NC with him, but for one short text.  He could be a bright spot, but he's a heavy burden to carry and why don't I speak more truth to him?  He holds it against me, as I've been good enough friend to gift my truth to him. 

He sent a 6'4" schizophrenic after me, when I rebuffed his stated romantic intentions.  He laughed when I told him how horrible it was that he DID that aaaaand we're back to my Vertigo part being done with my she tolerance and requirement I set boundaries, state consequences and get that shite done and dusted sans any energy wasted on angst,bringing if hands or gnashing if teeth.....needing things to be different.  It was so clear.  I see it, but through many pov.  All my parts need tending and my presence.

Sad news this morning is....dd24's roommate was invited by her father for TG, but when she asked for clarity ....he didn't extend the invitation.  He wanted me to do and make and give and handle TG, but I can't do that.  I won't.  DD's roommate is sad and perhaps crying, and I care about her.  I just can't afford to care to the detriment of my friends emotional and physical safety.  Not anymore.  Not again.

And that clarity comes and goes, just as it's strengthened and becoming an imperative, if only a thready thing, during tough times. It's here.  Inside me. Anchoring me.
It's a desire and needful prayer I'm working to internalize and strengthen......
and vertigo will come to trust me on that. 

Back to the T session.....

Vertigo was on my head this morning, when I checked in with her....she was focusing hard on me.......focused on my altering the imperatives I live by.......she requires presence, discernment be allotted to her/me/all my parts.  To be priority.  Without fail.

All the parts......are me, btw.

The vertigo is a part I sent.

Being present with them, instead of dismissing or wishing them away, is what they want.

This is the shorthand, but pretty much how appt. Went.

Vertigo moved from my head to my R side when I asked her to work with me, alongside, instead of against me.  I assume her intentions are good, note them, express gratitude for her and all parts.

When I asked Vertigo if there was anything she wants to give up to the light/fire/water, etc......Vertigo sent fear of my failing health into the light and was absorbed, leaving only tendrils of herself.

Mission, now,is be present.  Ask what I need before committing to anything. 

I'm not saying vertigo is completely gone.  Feels more like fogginess.   Not a solid thing ruling vision, balance and place in space.
More like...... tendrils.  No longer inside my body.  Maybe......acting on my person, but very faintly.  From a distance.

PS. To get back inside my body I locate and focus on the light inside my body.....always chest plexus....focus on what's around me, peripheral vision.  I gave myself 2 weeks to work on this before next T appointment.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1108 on: November 27, 2024, 12:07:21 PM »
Want to add.....
Vertigo was inside my eyes and top of my head two T appts ago.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #1109 on: November 27, 2024, 12:17:42 PM »
Aaaaand I'm back, full circle, to discernment.

Being responsive and able to respond IF I remain above reacting and reaction.

It's stupid simple, but for all the parts doing what they're always done .. reactively ...under stress.

I have more energy to give if I'm not spinning. 

Lord, help me teach my daughters, nieces and nephew how to discern and be present.

::tending to do'er part::.