Author Topic: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)  (Read 12537 times)


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2019, 10:24:02 AM »
Tupp, you are a planner EXTRAORDINAIRE!
I am awed by your logical, detailed approach to things.
Throw a little of that over the pond, would ya?

I'm glad you can go back in a would be great
if the available rooms here turned out well for you two;
and even if they don't, it sounds like a new category of possibility
for you. If no toxic personality or cult rules the roost. I bet
if an organization has had long practice, most of the bugs
have been worked out.

Near where I live is one of the oldest ongoing communes in
the U.S. Famous for all the usual decadent stuff in the 60s, and
now two industries: hammock making and tofu making. Both are
excellent! I visited a couple times when I was young. They
had a massive pile of clothing in one building and that's where
you went to get something different to wear. The one thing that
drove me nuts, which has probably been solved decades later,
is that despite the idealism of all the shared work, nobody was
inspired to wash floors or surfaces much, so it was truly DIRTY.

But that was decades ago. I'd bet it's a very refined commune
system by now.

I look forward to hearing more about how this one strikes you.
Hold off on major fantasies about THAT commune and THAT town
though. I know it's hard to do...but we were talking about how the
fantasizing starts too soon and such.

I don't want you to be disappointed too keenly. But somehow I
think you've also refined your planning/expectations reflexes so
you're being realistic and steady on....

Big hugs
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #46 on: November 18, 2019, 01:04:17 PM »
Tupp, you are a planner EXTRAORDINAIRE!
I am awed by your logical, detailed approach to things.
Throw a little of that over the pond, would ya?

I'm glad you can go back in a would be great
if the available rooms here turned out well for you two;
and even if they don't, it sounds like a new category of possibility
for you. If no toxic personality or cult rules the roost. I bet
if an organization has had long practice, most of the bugs
have been worked out.

Near where I live is one of the oldest ongoing communes in
the U.S. Famous for all the usual decadent stuff in the 60s, and
now two industries: hammock making and tofu making. Both are
excellent! I visited a couple times when I was young. They
had a massive pile of clothing in one building and that's where
you went to get something different to wear. The one thing that
drove me nuts, which has probably been solved decades later,
is that despite the idealism of all the shared work, nobody was
inspired to wash floors or surfaces much, so it was truly DIRTY.

But that was decades ago. I'd bet it's a very refined commune
system by now.

I look forward to hearing more about how this one strikes you.
Hold off on major fantasies about THAT commune and THAT town
though. I know it's hard to do...but we were talking about how the
fantasizing starts too soon and such.

I don't want you to be disappointed too keenly. But somehow I
think you've also refined your planning/expectations reflexes so
you're being realistic and steady on....

Big hugs

Hops, you pair your socks up - that is way beyond my organisational skills :)  Lol.  Planning calms me, I can't cope with all the different threads in my mind.  Much of it comes to nothing, but I feel better if I have a plan to work to, even if it's just for one afternoon.

In my new thinking - which seems to be coming quite easily at the moment - I won't be focusing on this particular place or this particular town.  It's close enough that we can visit easily and we can probably spend some time at the commune kind of getting a feel for the place without expressing an interest.  They run the community day every weekend so we can spend a bit of time there without doing anything 'formal'.  And it might be enough to put me off after one visit!  I think my cult leader/narc traits/man in charge sniffers are quite well honed and I reckon I'd spot something dodgy quite quickly.  The town is lovely but I know from moving here that the novelty of new wears off quite quickly so if we just visit rather than moving there so be it.  I am thinking more along the lines of just checking it all out and if it seems possible, checking a bit more.  Now it feels like there is another option - apart from always being alone or having to put son in care - I feel much more relaxed and if it takes another year or two to find the right place, that's okay.  I can manage that.  We can enjoy visiting other places in the meantime.

Yep the dirt aspect is always an issue with sharing.  They cook a community lunch each week so I'd guess they'd need to keep the kitchen clean to do that?  But I'll find out more when we get over there next.  There's also the 'who's turn is it' kind of hassle, and what sort of systems they've got set up for supplies that everyone uses - loo roll and tea bags can cause wars!  Lol.  But I'll check it all out as I go along.  Hammock making and tofu making sounds great!  I have made a draught excluder this afternoon so perhaps that will be my niche :)  Lol xx


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2019, 02:14:52 AM »
Fantastic plan, Tupp!

You are taking a very mature view and sensible approach.

I cease and desist my hen clucking.... Squawwwk!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #48 on: November 19, 2019, 06:52:48 AM »
Fantastic plan, Tupp!

You are taking a very mature view and sensible approach.

I cease and desist my hen clucking.... Squawwwk!


Lol, I like your hen clucking, Hops, it shows you care and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that :)  I was thinking about you guys when I was out earlier - I was kind of running through in my head how I'm getting through my to do list and what's going well and what else I've been thinking about with regard to communal living and how nice that little town was but there are other nice towns if this one doesn't work out, and and and, and I realised if I wasn't going to come on here to write it all down I'd literally not have anyone to share that with.  There are bits and pieces I'd tell other people when I speak to them but you guys are my daily contact and the only ones I can pour it all out to, good, bad, indifferent, silly, serious, it doesn't matter, you're all just there and I genuinely don't have that anywhere else.  So you cluck all you like, lol, I'm quite surprised at how sensible I'm being about it to be honest, but I think what I've learnt from this last move is that I've got to let go of the picture in my head of how it shall be and then my crushing disappointment when it's not like that, and I've got to move away from "there's only one option" because if this option doesn't work out, I will find another one.  So I think something in my brain has finally clicked and calmed down and it is largely down to being able to chew all of this over with all of you :)  So thank you :) xx


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #49 on: November 19, 2019, 08:54:42 AM »
Hi, Tupp:

Calmer is better.

I liked how you handled being late to the open house at the commune..... it just wasn't meant to happen that day.  You switched up, and explored the town without anxiety.   

Feeling we're exactly where we're supposed to be, in this moment, is a nice way to feel, and live, IME. 
We have arrived. 
We are home: )

Home is inside us, not in a town: )


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #50 on: November 21, 2019, 10:24:16 AM »
Hi, Tupp:

Calmer is better.

I liked how you handled being late to the open house at the commune..... it just wasn't meant to happen that day.  You switched up, and explored the town without anxiety.   

Feeling we're exactly where we're supposed to be, in this moment, is a nice way to feel, and live, IME. 
We have arrived. 
We are home: )

Home is inside us, not in a town: )

Lighter, I'm not sure exactly what's happened but something has definitely shifted and I'm finding it easier to put us first.  Maybe I'm just too exhausted to think about other people anymore, but I am finding it easier to think - shall we do that?  No, not today.  A lot of my fear of disappointing or upsetting people is a throwback to my mum, who would be offended or critical about just about everything.  So I do need to keep reminding myself that other people don't have an epic meltdown because you washed your cup.  Or didn't.  Or because you knew where to park.  Or didn't.  Or because you got somewhere late and decided to postpone.  Or didn't.  Other people can take all sorts of things in their stride and IT ISN'T MY JOB TO SORT THINGS OUT FOR THEM.  I think I need to tattoo that in CAPS somewhere on my body :) Lol.

And yes, you're right, home is inside us, and what's inside me now is a very definite need for calm and quiet and things being a good use of my time.  Do I want to listen to this friend complaining about x, y and z or do I want to read my book?  Do I want to feel anxious and rushed at a house meeting or do I want to wander around the town without any troubles or restrictions?  It's kind of hard for me to feel completely comfortable with not being hypervigilent but I am really trying because I'm blooming well sick of having all my tentacles on high alert all the time.

On a more practical note, I am moving through my jobs list and getting little things done that have been sitting waiting for me to do them for years, in some cases.  I made a big draught excluder out of a pair of old jeans and I've started cutting up son's old clothes make him a cushion cover for his bed (these bits of fabric have been in my scrap bag for well over a year waiting for me to do something with them).  My salt lamp, unlit for many years, now has a new bulb and is beaming away in my front room.  The lovely piece of glass that someone gave me 4? 5? years ago is now clipped and ready to be hung on a wall, instead of being kept in a box for when I 'get round to it'.  I took some bits of jewellery I don't wear any more into town and sold them and I'm pricing up bits to sell at a car boot sale the next time we have a dry weekend.  I'm making meals out of those odds and ends of things you get in the back of the freezer and the cupboard.  Emails are up to date, a financial hoo ha to do with son's payments is sorted and paperwork is filed away with a pile ready to go through the shredder.  I've made myself a routine up for morning and evening's; mostly to do with being organised and planning but I'm hoping it will help me to sleep better as I do feel so tired so much of the time.  I don't think it's necessarily more hours I need, just better quality.  So hopefully a better start and end to the day will help.  It feels like it's going okay and I feel alright about it all at the minute xx


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2019, 01:01:34 PM »
I'm blooming well sick of having all my tentacles on high alert all the time.

And that was a beautiful, heartwarming, inspirational and delightful thing to read!

Kudos, Tupp. I think you're actually beginning to regard yourself kindly. To experience some simple self love.

I love this.

Huge hugs,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #52 on: November 21, 2019, 06:54:14 PM »
My body actually relaxed a bit as I read your update, Tupp.

Such a nice way to spend the hours.... touching and doing things we left undone.  Putting intention in action, it's..... a place in the brain. 

It IS a shift, Tupp: )



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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #53 on: November 22, 2019, 08:16:05 AM »
Thank you, both :)  Something has shifted, not perfectly, I'm not feeling new and improved, but there is definitely less of a need to people please and do what suits others.  I'm thinking now we probably won't get over to the house until December as it will be difficult to shoehorn in to the next two weekends and that's okay.  Whatever happens, I want that first visit to be relaxed and informal, and not to feel like a test of will and endurance.  I'm very tired today and my back's sore and the difference that makes to my negative thinking is huge.  So I do need to keep focusing on health, before anything else, and not focus on 'doing' at the sake of everything else.

It is good to get those little jobs done and out of the way.  I've got more things to price up for the car boot sale and several things to give away on Freecycle (3 old duvets for one - I didn't even know I had three old duvets.  They take up so much space and I didn't even realise I had them, so they are going off asap).  The house is cluttered but in an organised way, as its clutter that's on its way out of the house so it's okay.  I've been feeling upset again about the lack of contact from friends and it's pushing me towards the communal living idea again, so that I don't have to rely on other people being free to avoid feeling lonely.  It's funny how tiredness makes that feel worse as well.

Son is pretty good at the moment; he's tired but we're done for the day now so he can relax in his room while I get on with clearing things out.


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #54 on: November 22, 2019, 09:57:56 PM »
I am mentally there bringing you a steaming
cuppa chamomile and running a magnesium salts bath
for your back!

Sleep well, Tupp. Beware letting the holidays
calendar into your psyche. It's just another DAY.
I remember lonely holidays but it got much, much
easier the more I decided it was a day in which to
enjoy the quiet, and people on the street being nicer.
Left it at that and it worked....

Be cozy, be kind to yourself.

Big hugs
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #55 on: November 23, 2019, 02:20:43 AM »
I am mentally there bringing you a steaming
cuppa chamomile and running a magnesium salts bath
for your back!

Sleep well, Tupp. Beware letting the holidays
calendar into your psyche. It's just another DAY.
I remember lonely holidays but it got much, much
easier the more I decided it was a day in which to
enjoy the quiet, and people on the street being nicer.
Left it at that and it worked....

Be cozy, be kind to yourself.

Big hugs

Lol, thanks, Hops, I have a steaming cuppa next to me right now so your mental tea making worked!  Lol.  I did some good yoga exercises for the lower back and felt it pop so it's sore this morning but much more manageable and I'm going to do more yoga now to try to stop it seizing up again.

I did have quite a big wobble last night.  I'm aware that whatever we do next is going to be a lot of work and it might not go well.  So however much I'm trying to keep an open mind and not dwell, my inner panic monster decided to have a good go yesterday and just let me know she isn't ready to be completely quiet yet.  I think sometimes decluttering can bring that on; you are getting rid of physical things you no longer need and it can have an impact.  Funny situation to be in.  But okay again now.  Slept alright, we've got a fairly busy day today and I'm feeling alright about it and trying to concentrate on the here and now, rather than what might be in the future.  I do find that hard because I don't like the here and now.  I think part of my former disassociative coping method was just to be somewhere else in my head and I still do it now, to a lesser extent.  Just dreaming of a nicer and better life than the one we currently have.  But it's okay, practical steps to take today and things are going alright.  Yes, you're right about the holidays, Hops, only a month and it will all be over again anyway :)  I look forward to it xx


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #56 on: November 23, 2019, 05:04:19 AM »
Well, an interesting morning!  My yoga session was about releasing tension, and the instructor was talking about noticing what causes tension and finding ways to let go of situations and people that create tension.  So I've been writing down everything and every thought so far today, two columns, one for tension, one for no tension.  What's been very interesting for me is that there are more things in the 'no tension' column - but I spend more time on the 'tension' stuff.  Some of it I can't avoid - but there are other things I could just not do and I don't think the world would end?  There are a couple of people I could just let go of.  We've been friends a long time, there was a time they were very important to me - but I don't think they are now?  They went in to the tension column and funnily enough the tension around them comes more from them not contacting much, not being too interested in meeting up.  And the more I thought about it the more I realised - I don't particularly want to spend time with them.  Which makes me feel guilty.  Which causes tension. Mmm.  So I'm going to try to do more 'nothing' around the tension creating stuff and more 'something' around the stuff that doesn't cause me tension.


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #57 on: November 23, 2019, 05:40:56 AM »
The thoughts are coming thick and fast this morning.  I've noticed that I've already started thinking that this commune is 'the one' and this town is 'the place' and the other, very nice town, that I was looking at only a couple of weeks ago has been largely disregarded, as have my various other ideas from the last few months about what to do next.  It is my panic; I'm miserable and lonely and I don't want to be so my brain is trying to get us out of the situation as quickly as possible.  Which could make the situation worse.

So - I'm wondering if I should make myself commit to a year of thinking, researching, planning - before I make any decisions?  Mmmm.  That's an interesting idea to think about some more.


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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #58 on: November 23, 2019, 04:51:22 PM »

I think you should focus on 90% research, and 10% execution. 

Setting a one-year moratorium on decision making seems too arbitrary.  You might have enough information to make a decision in 6 months, 9 months, 3 months..... 14mo.  You can't know what will happen, but you can know you'll continue teasing out facts, and putting together plans based on that good information.

Trust yourself.  Observe your loneliness with curiosity, and don't judge it good or bad.  It just IS, and it's asking for attention right now.  Tend to it, and be very kind to yourself.



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Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #59 on: November 25, 2019, 05:07:26 AM »

I think you should focus on 90% research, and 10% execution. 

Setting a one-year moratorium on decision making seems too arbitrary.  You might have enough information to make a decision in 6 months, 9 months, 3 months..... 14mo.  You can't know what will happen, but you can know you'll continue teasing out facts, and putting together plans based on that good information.

Trust yourself.  Observe your loneliness with curiosity, and don't judge it good or bad.  It just IS, and it's asking for attention right now.  Tend to it, and be very kind to yourself.


Lighter, that is a good point, and you're right, I should just look into it all and go ahead once I'm sure and I know what's what.  I thought I was doing really well yesterday - I did a lot of yoga, I meditated, I rested a lot and felt really good by the time I went to bed.  But I guess all that relaxing must let things out because this morning I just exploded.  Small things, but I think they represent bigger things and when it happens that fast I think I disassociate a bit - not in a complete disconnected, I don't know I'm there way, but I feel like I'm watching someone else have a meltdown and it's really hard to kind of step in and calm myself down.  A friend had texted yesterday and when I said son and I are both unwell at the moment she asked if we had a virus.  It was one of those stop me in my tracks moments.  She knows we both have multiple health problems, she knows how bad the situation is, she knows how much I've been struggling with our health problems lately.  So it still seems odd to me that people think in terms of bugs or viruses when they know we have multiple health problems between us and they assume it's something we caught rather than something that's an ongoing problem?  I dealt with it fine yesterday - didn't reply straight away, gave myself time to think, look at it from different perspectives, breathe.  And it was fine.  And then this morning it made me feel like I wanted to rip someone's throat out.  Next door's dog was barking incessantly, again, from about 6.30am.  Even with the doors and windows closed and the TV or radio on I can still hear it, endlessly barking.  I needed a piece of paper to log in to one of the social service's systems for son and I could not find it anywhere.  I must have gone through a dozen files and close to a thousand bits of paper and I could not find that piece of paper with those digits on it.  I came so close to launching the entire book shelf across the room and throwing a match at the lot of it.  It was just so explosive.  Then I found the piece of paper in my wallet, where I'd put it so I could find it easily :)

I think what I'm trying to notice, as the mist clears and I start to calm down again, is that I need a move from this life - not necessarily in geographical terms but I need to be away from the things and people that cause me a lot of stress or trigger things for me.  Certain people, all this paperwork - my God, I need this to be over with - and just a general lack of consideration on the part of other people.  I think the thing that annoys me the most about the barking dog is that I don't have the money to just move.  The simplest solution to that would be to just move to a house where we don't have close neighbours, so I can't hear them.  I think it's that that bothers me more than the dog does.  I feel sorry for the dog, it's obviously in some sort of distress to bark like that, but the owner should be responsible and deal with the problem.  Everyone else suffers because they won't go to a vet or dog behaviourist and find out what's wrong.

Anyway - tired now.  My temper tantrum from earlier has worn me out.  Quiet day today.  Cinema later, I think we might go out to lunch and then I can do us a dinner when we get home tonight and prepare it before we leave.  Some more yoga.  Maybe a walk.  I guess as each bit of unresolved anger and resentment seeps out there's a bit less in there to deal with, right?

Thanks for listening :) xx