Author Topic: Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?  (Read 53497 times)


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2005, 03:24:42 PM »
This is the wrong site for me to be on, ive posted stuff elsewhere with little response, am giving up now


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #46 on: May 14, 2005, 03:31:41 PM »
The purpose of the site is to talk and let your feelings out. It is early afternoon here, so give it sometime for people to respond. Don't give up, give more!


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2005, 03:47:41 PM »
Ive nothing to give anymore, sorry


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2005, 04:05:24 PM »

There is one more thing you could try. Email Richard Grossman. I believe he will answer you. I understand that you are feeling that everything is destroyed and there is nothing left, but that isn't the case. It feels that way. But the reality is not that. Keep posting.



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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #49 on: May 14, 2005, 07:48:51 PM »
I know it is the middle of the night where you are, but I wanted you to know that people here do care and want you to get help.  You need more than us.  That is very apparent.  But we want to provide support and caring.  We can't heal you--only professionals can do that.  But we will pray for you and send you cyber hugs and keep you in our thoughts.

Hang in there and hopefully you contacted Dr. Grossman.




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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #50 on: May 14, 2005, 08:09:41 PM »
Hang in there Denise.. go to the emergency room if you can't get help any other way and can't get through the night without it... things look different when the morning comes... don't give up now, there's all kinds of good that can come if you don't give up.

(((((((safe hugs)))))))


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #51 on: May 15, 2005, 10:52:43 AM »
Its afternoon now, i dont feel any better, i just cry and cry all day long, ive spent nearly all week in my bedroom, alone, no conversation, no nothing, ive run out of valium that keep me calmer and less anxious, my only release is to hurt myself,or take tablets to make me sleep, i cant go to the emergency room because i am agrophobic, i feel sick trapped alone an desperate, the only thing going through my head is if i take just a few more pills, it will be over the pain will go away, then i get put on a guilt trip how bad other people will feel.
I ask one thing, where are these people now? :cry:  :cry:


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #52 on: May 15, 2005, 11:11:33 AM »
Do not think of the people who have hurt you, think about those who love you.  Think about your children and the hurt they would have if you left them.  Can you call one of them for help?  Your life is worth living and you can heal from this, but you must want to do that.  Look into your soul and find the many reasons that a good person like you is needed and wanted.  You have a story to tell and there are many damaged people out there who can learn and be helped by that.  Turn your pain into power.  Don't let the abusers win.

I'm praying for you Denise and I guarantee that many others here are as well.  Please don't give up.



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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #53 on: May 15, 2005, 11:31:00 AM »

I'm glad you were able to post here about how bad you're feeling and what you are afraid you'll do to get relief. Keep posting about your feelings of abandonment here. You're not as alone as you think. Do they have phone crisis lines in the UK where you can talk to someone at any hour?



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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #54 on: May 15, 2005, 11:45:11 AM »
Hi Denise, sorry I haven't contributed to your thread before now. I'm in the UK too. About Bunny's suggestion, how about you call up the Samaritans? They're good, they listen, you can visit them if you wish I think. See:

Please have a look and keep posting Denise, best wishes Portia


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #55 on: May 15, 2005, 02:20:11 PM »
The abusers are winning, every1, am reliving it every day, i must have lived in about 40 different homes when i was young, there was no love no hugs no1 to pick you up when you fall down, no birthday or christmas presents, i didnt exsist then and i dont now, there isnt even medical records before the age of 16, which is very strange.
I had a mother who left us days at a time, one time the nspcc came round we were alone, we got taken into care, but shortly sent back home, i was 2 yrs of age my sister 3, left to fend for ourselves, when betty (MOTHER) was there, was she loving us, nooooooooo, she was smashing dishes an hammers over my head, an then theres wilson, my sex abuser, knowing betty would be away days at a time he would climb through the window an get me, putting his thing in my mouth, peeing in my mouth and all over me, rubbing it in my face, inserting things in my front and back passage, the pain was unbelievable, and he may get away with it, it sickens me to death, i was a little girl.
Then we get the care system, we have the jones among the 40 homes, who physically mentaly and verbaly abused me, why i ask myself, the damage caused can never be put into words, then i grow up, and get the ex boyfriends, beating me to a pulp on a daily basis, breaking my jaw etc kicking a baby out of me, this is just a tiny bit of what i am trying to deal with, so i take tablets to sleep the time away, and when am desperate i slash myself to release the tension, i just want all the memories and feelings to go away, and when i say this is a tiny bit of it, i meant it, there was so much more, and why i ask myself, cos i was born, is my conclusion


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #56 on: May 15, 2005, 02:23:55 PM »
Ive tried phoning helplines, like the samaritans, i cant talk to strangers, i get to overwhelmed with emotion, ive got no1, three times ive slashed myself this week :oops: cos i just cant cope


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #57 on: May 15, 2005, 02:51:40 PM »
Hi Denise,

Your childhood sounds worse than anything I've heard in a long time.   :cry: Somehow you made it through. None of these abusers managed to destroy you. There is life after childhood. I understand that you don't believe it now because of the anxiety. Just keep posting even if it's only to say you have no one. Are weekends generally bad for you?



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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #58 on: May 15, 2005, 03:08:56 PM »
But they are destroying me now, and yes weekends are the worst, thats when am completely alone, i wonder if i was dead how long it would take any1 to realise, i am dead inside now and no1 has noticed, what do i do, where do i go?


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Does someone know of a good sexual abuse support site?
« Reply #59 on: May 15, 2005, 03:41:21 PM »
My question has just been answered for me, if i was dead it would take a while for anyone to notice, so why be here in the first place unnoticed unheard