Thank you, Longtire, your post was eloquent and, yes, profound.
I think we do all arrive at things along a different path, that much is clear. I have found what you said to be true for me, that I expected people to behave honestly, and had no clue that they could be otherwise, especially if they were in "love" with me. In my home, growing up, people behaved lovingly....their actions matched their words, for the most part.
What a shock when I found it I kept trying to "fix" those people who didn't get this as a child. From what I had learned growing healed all wounds. Sure it does......
On the other hand, I had also learned things about myself that were not true, yet I cannot pin it on any one or any one circumstance. It was my interpretation of my childhood experience, religious training, based on who I am as a soul what level of awareness I had, that led me to this place on my path.
I do not believe I was a "clean slate" at birth. I should add, that when I say this, I am not talking about the Christian concept of "original sin" unless it would be to say that it simply means we are human and fallible as such.
I believe I have a soul that is on a path. Whether it ends here or moves on is up for grabs (won't find that out until I leave the world, I suppose), but obviously, I believe there is more to it than just birth, death and the stuff in between.
Yet the other part of it, I realize now after lots of work, is that although I cannot find a direct cause to pinpoint my attraction to "solving" this issue in my life (thus seeking out the problematic person to work it out with), the part I played in this is clear. Call it co-dependency (sounds about right), but I sought this. I needed to learn something. I picked a very nasty "opponent" who would indeed provide me with all the external fuel for me to fight this inner battle. If I had not had children with him, I would not be learning this with him....I would be doing it elsewhere. The lessons are there, waiting to be learned. Learn it now, or learn it later. It will still need to be learned, I will still need to resolve this.
That is why I can bless his (stinky, nasty) path as well as my own. I am actually blessed to be learning this. HE most likely won't learn, can't learn, even though he has the same opportunity we all do. Oh well. I still get to in that, I understand the phrase "thank you enemies".
It doesn't really matter what part of our path we are on; awareness helps us see that we do make choices... that we can find out about this life and those choices. Awareness, and mindfulness of what we do and why helps us change and grow.
Knowing this does not mean my abuser is off the hook, or that my inviting this learning with him as a soul somehow diminishes his responsibilty for his bad behavoir.
It does, instead, empower ME. When I realize that while I can't control others or circumstances, I can realize why they are presented to me, and what I can learn from them to become a better person. I always have that choice. It doesn't always mean I can't get mad, or even use my anger to grow and even right a "wrong". But it does mean I have a choice to do this, and a choice to move through it, use it, or stay in it (anger for instance) for a while.
And I think you are right, that is why people on this board even bother being here. There is some level of awareness of it all.
thanks for allowing me to think out loud. I know it's pretty much been said before, and much more beautifully, so this is not news to anyone.....