Author Topic: Spending too much time alone...  (Read 7806 times)


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Spending too much time alone...
« on: October 30, 2005, 01:38:29 PM »

I was just posting a reply to Longtire on my other thread when I decided it had nothing to do with "Losing my creativity" so I decided to open a new topic.  

Basically I have been spending a LOT of time alone.  I don't know at what point I should be worried about myself.  We were discussing NEED.  I don't think I really need anyone in my life at the moment-  I make plans with friends, but I would rather not.  I go to meet them, but I would rather stay home alone.  I don't feel like going out but I would rather that then have them come visit me, because then I am stuck with them (don't mean it to sound like it does).  My friends have the tendancy to stay over night rather than go home on public transport late at night alone.  I don't want them to stay over night at my flat!  The only people I seem to need are the abusive boyfriends who get under my skin, they bring out a need in me that is dormant in my other relationships.  When there are no such boyfriends on the scene, there is no need in me.

I need this board and the people on it-  this is what stimulates me at present.  I don't feel like I need physical beings though!  There is surely something very wrong with that!  I am going to bring this up at my next session with my counsellor.

What's this all about and can anyone relate?  Is this normal?

Who do you need?   I don't need anyone!  Help!  Oh, I need my counsellor, that's all though...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2005, 01:41:07 PM by Selkie »


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2005, 02:53:36 PM »
Hiya Selkie

It might be a normal part of growing into a new person, which is what happens from time to time with anyone healthy.  Maybe the friends you have are no longer enough for you, and you really need some more reciprocal friendships, rather than all one way.  I know that one well enough!!

Alternatively, it could be a sign of depression, in which case it is something to watch out for and try not to give in to too much.  I am sure you will know which is true of you.

miss piggy

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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2005, 12:57:25 AM »
Hi Selkie,

Hmm.  Yes, it could be depression.  On the other hand, I was just talking to my H recently about how I repeatedly shrink away from socializing with nice people I meet because I feel overwhelmed by others.  Long story short, I was made to feel that I didn't belong in my family.  And if I did connect, then it quickly became demanding and draining.  I learned that I was supposed to serve others and they could take anything of value from me.  Example, if I did someone in my family a favor, then I was expected to repeat that favor ad infinitum with no favors in return.  No wonder I don't need friends!  I like meeting and talking with people.  But I don't invite anyone over.  This is also because I feel evaluated and like I'll come up short somehow when people come over.  You know, the scrutiny.  My home is my sanctuary and I don't want anyone to say anything good or bad about it.  Maybe I'm depressed too (well, I know I am officially depressed but I don't know if what I just described is a symptom of depression or just my temperament.)  I would feel really put out and drained if my friends wanted to stay over anytime they came over...

Yes, I can relate to the "I don't need anyone" tape in my head.  It has come from being repeatedly yelled at when I did feel I needed help.  When you touch a hot stove and get burned, you don't touch the stove anymore.  I was "taught" not to need.



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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2005, 08:03:43 AM »
Oh deary me!  I hadn't thought I was depressed. 

I feel perfectly happy spending time on my own.  My only issue is what people like my flat mates will think.  I am happier without company at the moment as I am not my jolly old self whilst with my friends...  they will accept me any shape or form but I kinda feel awkward in company at the moment.  I am a little preoccupied with the stuff I am going through.  My eating isn't affected.  Neither is my sleep.  I don't feel down constantly.  When I go through painful stuff with my counsellor, I feel really distraught but I know why.  I write about it and that releases it from me.  I do feel close to tears whenever a memory hits me off guard. 

I suppose I better start to maintain a balance just for my own peace of mind. 


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 08:28:19 AM »
Hi Selkie:

You have to do what works for you.  The last reason you should socialize is to conform to your flat mates' ideas of who or what you should be.  Some people are just more happily solitary than others.  It's not a crime, or a sign--unless you find yourself shutting people out because you can't face them or it's just too draining.  The important thing is to find your own balance and live within it.

Maybe you could propose meeting your friends within a contained situation--like at the movies, or in a restaurant--so that they wouldn't have the opportunity to stay overnight?  Just a thought.  I would go bonkers if some of my friends routinely became overnight guests.



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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2005, 08:45:17 AM »
Thank you Daylily!
I think I need a little distraction from all this stuff to be honest.  I feel like I am not taking my place in the world at the moment.  Last night I pondered on needing my friends.  Well, I think I do need them afterall.  They allow me to forget myself and take me away from my struggle and issues.   That's a need.  I do need them!  yippee!  I called all my friends today!  :) 
I think it's time to let people in a little bit, and the key is to strike a balance as you say.  i like the idea of dinner or a movie. 


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2005, 09:31:28 AM »
I think processing all these old memories is pretty exhausting, so that's why you might need more time alone right now.  After pulling the plug with BF, I spent a month hardly doing anything more than taking care of my children and working from home.  I told myself I wouldn't push anything for a few months.  I'm just now feeling like I want to pursue a social life and am connecting with some friends again.  I still feel like my energy is pretty low, but I think this is a season, not a permanent condition.


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2005, 10:02:55 AM »
Thanks Gail, it does take it out of you doesn't it?  I pulled plug on my abusive boyfriend about a month ago also...  It takes a while before you can offer anymore of yourself to anyone again!


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2005, 10:12:37 AM »
Hi Selkie,

I understand wanting to be alone and especially not wanting to hear comments about your home. I think it's o.k. to be alone.
Not for ever, but we all need a break.
I'm glad you called your friends because you wanted to, not because your suppose too.

I'm new and terrible at expressing myself, but I wanted you to know I hear you and am thinking of you. This is  sent with a hug and wishes of your life being filled with joy and peace.
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2005, 11:20:38 AM »
Hi Selkie,

I am wondering...your description of being alone but genuinely needing and enjoying that sounds so much like the classic description of a personality characteristic, Introversion, according to the MBTI (Meyers Briggs Type Inventory). You can Google that test and take it online free, and I have a feeling you might find a welcome surprise (and much good company!) in the Introversion descriptions.

Happy nesting,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2005, 12:59:13 PM »
Well, I think I do need them afterall.  They allow me to forget myself and take me away from my struggle and issues.   That's a need.  I do need them!  yippee! 

Selkie, reading this thread and your other thread, about not needing anyone as you were always an independent kid, I think you may right on to something about having issues around "needing others." Which is not to say that you should force yourself to spend time with others when you don't feel like it. You could spend all the time in the world with them, and still not need them, which is what I think you are saying here. That you need your friends, but as distractions, not for caring and intimacy, not for understanding and growing old together. Forgive me if I am off the base, but this is how I read this.

You seem to have had an active social life, and yet not needed anyone. Your present need for withdrawal could be a symptom of any number of things. I second October. May be your are going through a life definining change, and it is quite common to withdraw from the world at such a time. May be you are really dissatisfied with your current friendships, and want something that is deeper and more real, without quite being able to articulate this to yourself yet. Who knows? But if I were you, I would honor myself and my feelings and not force myself to go out with others, even for social outings, when I simply feel a need to withdraw. To worry about what flatmates think about you is really to let them run and rule your life. Remember, you are starting to your voice, and that means taking control of your life back from others.   

The social pressures you feel are not unsual. However, if you cope with them and stand up for your own needs, you may be all the more stronger for them. If I were you, I would not take the need to withdraw lightly and honor it, nor would I give up this question that has arisen in your mind, about not needing others, without exploring it further. Also what you described, especially in the other thread, sounds different than just introversion to me.

The difference between you and your mother may be that she did not want to be helped, but you do. If you need this board and need your counsellors, then you need more than just superficial small talk. So someday you could also need your friends, for more than just going to movies, and feel the need for your own family. Do you think you feel safe, accepted for who you are, and understood with your friends? Could you talk to them like you post here, and would they understand and give you helpful responses?

I know I am officially depressed

MP, I didn't know that you were depressed. Feel free to talk about it.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 01:26:05 PM by Marta »

miss piggy

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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2005, 06:19:05 PM »
Hi Selkie,

Hope you don't mind if I answer Marta's question here, since it is a bit on topic of aloneness.  I am depressed due to social anxiety.  My family had a huge breach about four years ago which brought a lot of stuff to the surface.  My father would still like to "unring the bell", hit rewind, or something to go back in time, back into denial.  I'm glad this stuff all came out, but still I mourn the childhood I didn't have, the parents who didn't invest in me, who didn't encourage friendships, who didn't throw me birthday parties, who didn't care to buy me appropriate clothes, who yelled at me when I spoke up for myself, who took advantage of my kindnesses by turning them into expectations, who expected me to take care of their feelings, who expected me not to expect any attention in return, to make them proud, to seek their approval, to meet their needs.  These parents would frown when the rare friend visit did occur and then criticize the friend after they left.  These same parents would fawn over my brother's friends.  I'm depressed because I am alone and don't know if I want to be or if I am conditioned to be alone. 

I am depressed because i watch my D go through the same thing, the ostracism at school because she is sensitive and her mother is too anxious to give her the same investment she wished she'd got as a child.  I'm depressed because I wish I knew what I was doing when trying to coach my D through her feelings and give her support.  Other mothers seem to know just what to do to help their kids form friendships and keep them.  I don't.  This depresses me.  So I withdraw even more.  I wonder why still other kids can overcome these obstacles and my d can't.  I see her pain and feel it myself not because we're enmeshed but because I've been there. 

I'm depressed because I can't stand to be alone with my father.  I am literally rendered mute after years of listening to his pontificating.  He no longer pontificates, but still doesn't listen.  So now there is silence.  I am depressed to know that my father did not ever give a rip about anything I had to say just so long as there was someone with a pulse to talk at.  I am a potted plant who was watered and stood in the corner, surviving but not thriving. 

I'm depressed because my mother repeatedly offers me things and then changes her mind because it's such a nice thing that she decides to give it to my N brother instead.  This has happened A LOT.  I am depressed because my mother doesn't realize that she only reserves the crumbs off her table for me while the men get thick slices of steak.  I'm depressed because my oldest brother was invisible and my other N brother criticized me ad infinitum with NO intervention from my parents.  I am weird, ugly, spoiled (!), stupid, weird, ugly, and weird.  I was never praised for my school work since this would upset him.  I was weird for being smarter than him. 

I am depressed because even though I can talk about a family, it's a family that would have gotten along just fine without me.  I have not been taught to invest in relationships because we have moved so much.  My parents did not invest in any relationships either.  And my brother would criticize the holy cr*p out of me because I did not stay in touch with people who did not stay in touch with me. 

Yes, all this is whining about less than ideal stuff, not horrific abuse.  I am depressed because now I know it isn't me after all, just the garbage they chose to dump on my head all my life.  Sometimes I really do feel like Cinderella without a fairy godmother. 

I just wish I was a little more socially savvy than I am.  I have to remember that I'm doing ok given I didn't get any mentoring whatsoever in this department.  Nice and polite only go so far.  Well, that's about all I can stand to vomit up at this time. 

Miss Piggy  ("yay moi")


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2005, 07:43:21 PM »
Many hugs to you. Whew, that is a lot you are going through, and it really does sound like serious depression. Usually these triggers, like depression, are wake up calls for us to sit up and answer some questions let unresolved within us. You are doing more than just OK, but it also seems to me that you are deeply entrenched in a role assigned to you by your family. Surviving but not thriving, as you succintly put it. May be it is time for you to take off the mask they put on your face, and give your self permission to do better.   

There is SO MUCH I would like to say to you, and I am sure that others would too, that your story deserves a space of its own and honor of its own flow and growth. Not to be tagged as a me too byline to someone else's story. I know that you are really very shy about starting your own threads, in fact I don't remember seeing even a single one by you, so it is about time............................................................................................................................... :)

Much love, Marta


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2005, 08:35:05 PM »
Hear, hear Martahttp://http://
And Miss Piggy, please hear...
this may not feel "social" since it's in the ether, but you've just had a really brave, meaningful talk with a whole bunch of people.
I find you MORE interesting because you have described that dark swamp of feeling so well.

I always think being able to draw a vivid picture of something is the first step toward being less controlled by it.

Just wondering, have you done support groups? I haven't read back on the forum far enough to know your history, but I've been in groups with people with social anxiety and they seemed like good safe places to deal with being who you are in a group, gradually with greater comfort.

I hope you'll eventually get out of letting your original family decide what the definition of you  is.
they are so obviously, obviously wrong. And yet you keep believing them...

You are more, better and not doomed to carry this plot line forward forever. They wrote a little play and you learned your parts SO well. But now you are director of your own play. You really are. You can insert some new plot twists, have the main character unfold...even to herself...

You could make it a shy monologue for a while. Then add in a gentle supporting character or two...

I'm really, really glad you're here. And would love to hear of your ventures out Every small step is worth honoring when you're walking through anxiety.

Love to and a big hug.
You AIN'T no potted plant. Or if you are, you're some wonderful bulb...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Spending too much time alone...
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2005, 08:42:19 PM »
Hey Miss Piggy,

Firstly, thank you for sharing that, it apt for this thread so don't worry about hijacking the thread.  Are you receiving any counselling?  I think you may benefit from working through those painful memories and reclaiming your soul.  You badly need to separate their sh*t from you.  You have a lot of baggage that belongs to others.  It has no place near you.  

Marta said: "Selkie, reading this thread and your other thread, about not needing anyone as you were always an independent kid, I think you may right on to something about having issues around "needing others." Which is not to say that you should force yourself to spend time with others when you don't feel like it. You could spend all the time in the world with them, and still not need them, which is what I think you are saying here. That you need your friends, but as distractions, not for caring and intimacy, not for understanding and growing old together. Forgive me if I am off the base, but this is how I read this."

Marta, you are not off base at all.  You have made an accurate observation.  My counsellor said the exact same thing.  I do have an issue with needing people and intimacy etc.  I don't know what it feels like to need a friend.  Maybe I do need them but I don't realise it.  I feel like I don't need them though.  I hang out with friends because I feel obliged.  I don't want to lose them that's for sure, so I just meet them so I can keep them there on the edge.  I am going to have to explore this further.  I sound very cold when I read over what I am saying, and I don't think I am a cold person.  I don't know what need and intimacy with friends is all about.  I tell my friends that I love them and care about them.  I do have very deep conversations with one or two of them and can say the things I say on here.  Is that intimacy?  I still don't need them!  

But boyfriends are a different kettle of fish.  As soon as I meet a guy I am interested in, an overwhelming enormous gigantic volcano of need erupts inside me and bowls me over.  This is when my suppressed need reaches the surface...  This is the me i detest.  I have big problems with being needy, I think it's so ugly.  

I do fantasize when i see "friends" on TV, that would be nice to have a gang of friends whom you are close to and whom are always around.  I couldn't do that though, but I would like to someday, like create my own family made up of friends...