Hi there.....ya'll and good morning! Ain't it a beaut? It's sunny here and life is quite calm, cool and collected.
Hey......1........2..............3...........this is the 4th thread started to do with/sort of......the same kind of thingy. I like the number 4.
I figgered, why not start a thread for anybody who doesn't feel like getting into another discussion about conflict, who might be too tired after a long week at work to bother getting all riled up, who might have nothing useful to say (like me) about the whole scene at this time, who may just feel like staying OUT of triangles and wars and like it might be a waste of their time to get involved, because it might backfire. Also, for those who are wearing their chicken suits (how do you like mine? I love yellow!!

) and are afraid that by getting into another one.....things could escalate, again, and once burnt...twice..something or other?

Oh ya! And for anybody who wants to say that non-conflict is just as good and fun and pleasing and cute as conflict is......and who wants to write that on a bumper sticker and glue it to the back windshield of their hummer! Feel free!! Post here!!
Plus.......I haven't started a thread in awhile because I really seem to have to build up some kind of mental/emotional courage and examine my intentions and make sure it seems like something others will be interested in and maybe might want to talk about or at least.....might lead to something worth talking about....that may help me or someone, at least, and plus be an honest expression of something within me that needs to come out and all of that and ..........
Heck! I just threw caution to the wind and started this one anyhow. No need to reply, if you don't want to or think it's silly (it is!!

Or is it??

I can't tell

). Or........put your own deep stuff here, if you want......do the highjacky thingy and feel absolutely no, not a smidge, nor a drop, or a dram of guilt about it!!
The best rule is:
1. BE NICE!Ofcourse, I don't make the rules and certainly have no way of enforcing them, so forget that rule, unless you feel like following it, then by all means...........
I think I'm rambling now.

Am I? Ok......since I'm making up rules I have no right to make up and can't enforce (nor do I want to have that much power, come to think of it, anyhow...that's for warriors and police and moderators and bosses and stuff

).......but since I'm thinking up rules to make that can't and won't be enforced by me........how about:
2. Ramble if you want to just don't be mean and rumble!!'Course, I can easily go on and on about rules and not getting into conflict, today, 'cause I feel like it and 'cause I'm not the one being called N or told I'm over-reacting or might be over-reacting or feeling the need to defend anyone who's been called and N or told their over-reacting or who might be over-reacting because the last time I stuck my nose in where it wasn't polite to do so......look what happened?
Ok next rule then........
3. No going silent.Talk. Talk respectfully. Talk honestly. Talk with sincerity. Talk with an open mind (or an empty one, like mine eh?)......but do talk. Don't go silent and stop talking and divorce all possibility of resolution. Only by talking will that possibility ever happen. Talking is good stuff. Not talking is.......
No fun at all (

) It's too quiet. Although....silence is golden eh? Ok....but so is harp music.

I love harp music.
And I like having fun (

I do. I like so much here and so many people. I like seeing conflict resolved. I like seeing it not start, to begin with, and I like how others dooooo step in and speak their minds and try to get their points across and how sometimes........people's views change, in a good way, and things work out lovely. I like it when we treat eachother with respect.
Alrighty then......last rule (that I can't make nor enforce, mind you:)
4. Be respectful please.Hahahahaha! I've broken all those rules myself, sometimes! (

that was embarassed laughter, by the way).
I like the number 4 and the fact that I can write 4 rules that I can't enforce and the fact that I bet someone........maybe more than a few people here.......will gettttttt what I'm ramblin' about! That is another wonderful thingy! Lot's of times.....people here get what eachother is saying.
It's not always misunderstanding or conflict. Not even that often (statistically speaking......if I had any idea about the statistics or were a person inclined to research them, which I'm not, not those particular statistics. I have other stuff to do today-----like grocery shop----and laundry---and cleaning---all the fun stuff!).
Ok .....off I go. Hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did. We might need 42 more threads that inter-relate, I'm not sure.

This one would be lovely if the rules were followed.....what do you think??
