Thank you, Gail. I am very sorry about what you've been through with this daughter. It must have been agonizing.
I'm praying my D and I are not so profoundly estranged. I would like very much to nip it in the bud, and I do agree that I must respect myself and require respectful behavior from her too.
In the issue of ignored messages with questions (such as, how is your job going? How are things? What do you do to prepare for your GREs, are the books helping any?--spread out over several messages and some period of's not an inquisition). How do you think I can "require respect" from her in terms of the silent, distant treatment? Or when she's bossy and curt, and just responds when she wants something?
What sort of thing can I say that will get that across, or do I say nothing?
I hate the idea of returning her silent treatment with the same. Likewise, I don't think I should be begging her to treat me decently.
There mustbe some way to steer this back from the brink. I can't bring myself to think that she is so far gone. She has never been this way to me before. Irritable and defensive, yes. But also funny and companionable. When I would visit her at school she would always be affectionate to me with her friends, and we'd do movies together, etc. and go to church...such a short while ago.
Several things have happened that upset her: her stepmother decided she didn't like me any more (perhaps my D is blaming me) so we're no longer her "two Moms" although we'd been friends, I embarrassed her by writing about her tattoos to her hosts in France, and the careless remark I made recently was when she asked me, oddly "I ate too much, do you know how a person can make themselves throw up?" And I was distracted by the TV and didn't stop to think and just looked at her and said well I think you already know how to do that. (A few years back I had traveled to her city in a panic because her stepmother had alerted me to what she believed, and I did too, was bulimic behavior. I had been blind. Anyway, she denied it but was very affectionate with me when I came, though shocked. I remember her roommate wandering through saying, well I wish I had a mom who would drive down south to tell me she was afraid I had bulimia!). Anyway, she's normal weight+ now, quit smoking, re-enrolled in school and finished well, and though she talks about a "nervous stomach" from time to time I have stopped worrying about bulimia. But...when I made this careless thoughtless remark when she was visiting, she blew up, shook her finger in my face (she'd never done anything like that before) and demanded that I retract my belief that she had ever had it. I eventually backpedaled, but that's what started this round of ignoring my messages and walling me out.
PPS--good article. Scares me to pieces (I'm afraid I'm everything bad or N she describes) but it's good: