Dear GS,
I understand at least a bit what you are describing. I know that every time I feel overwhelmed I have to battle the urge to give up. I know that emotional stress can disable a person just as much as an injury or disease. The disorder in my own life is not quite as extreme but when I stop functioning and yield to a similar parlysis, it is shame-based also. But I didn't realize that until I read Lupine, You, Brigid and Moon just now.
I think part of my shame is loneliness. I feel so isolated at times that I act out a desire to disappear. IOW, if I don't pay my bills or hang up my clothes, noone will ever know. My Nmom is downstairs, but on this floor, noone ever visits (it is just too awkward). Anyway, I am feeling a lot of compassion for you as you face your house today. A lot. After church I need to come back here and deal with what feels to me like Mt. Everest.
I was trying to imagine if there were any small things I could toss out, that I would imagine for you, to send you some practical support. These may make no sense but they keep popping up, so here is some "play advice" ("play" because I can only try to imagine the mountain you face). But it does sound as though it's become very physical, so I was trying to think of what might help you do one piece:
Here, just pretending I can visualize you going into the space, two off-the-wall ideas:
--take a Walkman if you have one and put music such as Handel's Joshua or something that is deeply inspiring...something massive and symphonic, something that sounds very big and very very beautiful.
If you have no portable stereo with headphones, find something as close as you can on the radio.
--take ordinary masking tape or painters' tape with you. Go into a room you need most, and tape off a four-foot-square section. You can run the tape right over clothing, pots, piles, boxes, any sort of chaos at all. That's it.
Do only that section today. Discard, put on the curb, put into bags to give away.
Do another section tomorrow morning. But no more. See how it goes...
Forgive me if it's nonsense but it was just how I visualized you might be able to reclaim your home.
Just take it back a four-foot-square at a time. With music.
What do you think?
Good Sunday,