Author Topic: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic  (Read 19002 times)


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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #105 on: October 05, 2006, 12:08:02 AM »
hey Portia,

Feeling confrontational?   8)

Who cares what the facts are, she helped me either way.  Facts are irrelevant, especially when they're so subjective (like I believe medicine is).  :P  IMHO



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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #106 on: October 05, 2006, 06:04:14 AM »
Hi bean

I read you here:

I still consider that Nurse Practitioner who suggested them - as I remember sitting there and crying in her office after going there for something like a bruised thumb - my savior.  She was truly an angel.  She debunked all the myths for me in a single 5 minute appt.  I told her "I just need to exercise more...."  she said:  honey, depression and anxiety are hereditary, you can't fix this with exercise!

And wondered if you’d made a angel out of a human being? (I also think she was talking nonsense and wanted to put an alternative view because nonsense presented as fact can be downright dangerous, as the alt-med people are proving). And I said:

We tend to believe what we want to believe and if that helps us, fine.

No problems with that. But after a while I think (and you don’t have to agree with me!) it’s a good idea to re-examine our previous opinions and update them with new stuff. In other words, if it works fine, but trust your own judgement and critical thinking above everyone else, including me and the angel.

Blimey Bean, if facts are irrelevant in medicine, try cutting your arm off and not bleeding to death? Facts I think can be quite useful!

Confrontational? Or trying to get you to think for yourself? If that’s confrontational, heck, why not eh? Confronting things can be positive I think. Heck, you know I’m rooting for you. I hope you know that. Take care.


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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #107 on: October 05, 2006, 03:27:40 PM »
Well, she's not exactly an angel...cause after that she stopped listening to me.  I think its cause it is not in the Business's objective to actually listen to patients and dispel good medical advice, but to Make $$$$$$$$$$$........grrrr.  dang it.  So now I am searching for a new Family Practice Dr.

no surprise there.

So, I've got my feet firmly planted on the ground.  But at the time, she was an Angel to me. 



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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #108 on: October 06, 2006, 10:48:00 AM »
Thanks for your reply on 'Work' Pb. I kinda liked that too. :)

I just wrote about 'being manipulative' and how we can't control how others perceive what we do which made sense to me here:

Well, she's not exactly an angel...cause after that she stopped listening to me. 
(Sorry she did that Pb)

I think its cause it is not in the Business's objective to actually listen to patients and dispel good medical advice, but to Make $$$$$$$$$$$
exactly what i was thinking earlier with her comment to you (don't exercise! take these pills!)

However, how you perceived her comment:

But at the time, she was an Angel to me. 

was helpful to you. Doesn't matter what her intention was, your perception said "this is going to help me" and so it worked for you, despite her intentions. Great!

Just realised I'm using your reply to back up my previous post on Jac's thread. Hope you don't mind!

I hope your search for a new family practice Dr goes well. The more information you have, I guess the better equipped you are. 8)



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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #109 on: October 12, 2006, 02:58:28 PM »
Hey - I kind of forgot this thread but something prompted me to reread the last couple and it made me think of the Doc I drive 45 minutes to see.  You see, I had tried Prozac because I was just so depressed.  I was in my early 40s and started the perimenopausal stuff...............I had so many highs and lows, I thought I might be bipolar.  Well someone suggested this doc out in the boonies who was making quite a stir with bioidentical hormones.  So I went to see her and she was MY angel....................not only did she test my blood and found that I was anemic, had low vitamin d levels, a thyroid condition, I had gained weight (still too heavy.....) pre=diabetic, etc.  Well, she put me on progesterone, testosterone, and some others.  Vitamins.  Cod liver oil.  But she KNEW what I was going through.  It was almost like she was prophetic.  She would close her eyes and tell me things about me that no one would know.  I asked her if she was talking with my mother...............she said no, she just had these feelings...................

So meds??  Not prozac.  Yes, all the other things trying to get me on some kind of even kiel................

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #110 on: October 12, 2006, 06:59:10 PM »
Hi PP,
I think some people are temporary angels.

Sometimes our need to receive meets another's need to give and the fit is just right.

Then they, or we, default to less angelic and it can be startling. All goes to the "be here now" thing, and the "have no expectations" thing, neither of which I'll ever fully master...

But I think it says something about the angel in YOU that you see her as you do, despite her pullback.

That's very impressive to me. Meaning is where you make it, and you make good meaning, PP!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #111 on: October 13, 2006, 06:07:40 AM »

not only did she test my blood and found that I was anemic, had low vitamin d levels, a thyroid condition, I had gained weight (still too heavy.....) pre=diabetic, etc.  Well, she put me on progesterone, testosterone, and some others.  Vitamins.  Cod liver oil.  But she KNEW what I was going through.

Wow 8) I like hearing success stories. Another example of something ‘working for you’ and if it works, I don’t care how it works! Interesting too Kelly: I’m nearly 45 and I take cod liver oil, extra iron and multi-vits when I feel I need them. Some Q10 co-enzyme sometimes for an energy boost (but it’s expensive). And when I feel like a good dose of acid, I take it (vinegar form). I don’t think I need testosterone though. A Chinese medicine doctor once told me I have too much yang running through my veins :? that probably explains a lot :)


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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #112 on: October 13, 2006, 09:45:57 AM »
hiya kel,

that is a very good point you bring up.  A lot of our "feelings" can be due to hormonal imbalances.  Speaking of...I went to my new doc again yesterday, and she confirmed my thyroid is low (I have mild hypo-thyroidism).  So, I'm back on the thyroid medication the other "angel" also put me on.

Hopefully it will help me feel less tired.  Another advantage is it revs up my metabolism so I'm less likely to gain weight unnecessarily.  She said it may help with the depression/anxiety too.

We'll see.



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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #113 on: October 13, 2006, 05:45:54 PM »
Well, don't get your hopes up.  I thought the minute I got on thyroid meds my weight would start going down - NOT.  In fact, it keeps inching up.  I just can't seem to keep the sugar out of my mouth and it lands right on my midsection.  That insulin resistant thing (pre diabetes.....)  My body cannot metabolize sugar and yet I keep shoving into my mouth!!!!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #114 on: October 13, 2006, 06:59:08 PM »
Boy do I understand that craving, Kelly.
I had hoped to talk about that a lot on the Food Issues thread...
I might go "heave it up"...(not the sugar, the thread!)

If sugar were injectable...  :?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Why Does Boundary Setting Feel so Traumatic
« Reply #115 on: October 13, 2006, 09:02:28 PM »
(((((((((((kelly)))))))))))))   (((((((((((((((hops)))))))))))))))))))

I know how hard it is to have these cravings..want to be that perfect size 6, but your genes keep telling you "Sorry, that's not in your Plan"
